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:(One in 25 fathers 'not the daddy' see BBC news


"Up to one in 25 dads could unknowingly be raising another man's child, UK health researchers estimate. "


As things are these days, I didn't actually think this seemed an awfully high figure. A very sad one, but not a huge one. I'd probably have guessed similar.


But the effect of "so-called paternal discrepancy" discovery on the father and his child must be absolutely soul destroying.


I'm not a man so wondered what the men on here thought.


Are you shocked at the level these figures? Would this mean the end of the family?

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Not too shocked and suspect that the figure has been at least this for centuries, its only now we have a foolproof way of proving it! It must be devastating on the family when this is shown beyond doubt! Sad thing is that in the family situation it only confirms the status of the presumed father, not the biological who may be nowhere to be found!!

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I saw that news item and thought the figure seemed extremely high? I couldn't imagine one in twenty five children having a different father - that works out as roughly one in every school class.

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:(One in 25 fathers 'not the daddy'  see BBC news


"Up to one in 25 dads could unknowingly be raising another man's child, UK health researchers estimate. "


As things are these days, I didn't actually think this seemed an awfully high figure. A very sad one, but not a huge one. I'd probably have guessed similar.


But the effect of "so-called paternal discrepancy" discovery on the father and his child must be absolutely soul destroying.


I'm not a man so wondered what the men on here thought.


Are you shocked at the level these figures? Would this mean the end of the family?


Off topic I know .. but this is the historical basis of the double standard applied to male promiscuity on the one hand and female promiscuity on the other.

Given the inescapable fact that women get pregnant, there has been an almost paranoic concern, over many centuries, to ensure women's behaviour is controlled at least to the extent that their promiscuity doesnt compromise the line of inheritance. In other words its all to do with property. Men were terrified their property would be passed to another man's offspring. So concerns about inheritance led, overtime, to a rigidly held social norm constraining female behaviour. ... Seemingly without too much success if Addie's post is correct !!

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...the double standard applied to male promiscuity on the one hand and female promiscuity on the other.


So, just to clarify, what does that actually mean then?



It means there are social pressures bearing down on women not to be promiscuous. The same pressures have not been applied to men.

Over time it became a social norm ... by which I mean promiscuous women were acting outside the mores of respectable society. At its simplest level the double standard operates in so much as a promiscuous male is a bit of a lad but a promiscuous female is a slapper or a slut. The historical origins are property related .. to do with inheritance etc.

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What it means is quite simply that different people would react in different ways.


If I found that my son and hair (deliberate) was not mine then obviously there would be the mother and father of all rows but from my part I would not see that as justification to part from Clair nor to see my son in any other light than I do now with the one exception of him no longer being a possible kidney donor should the need arise, but that’s just me.


Mind, I would never need to ever do the washing up EVER again!


If I found out who he was I'd also beat him up with his white stick and kick his guide dog up the arse for good measure.


What no one seems to consider is the effect of the information coming out on the woman. Maybe SHE would feel free to walk. Why not? She might have been sticking with someone that she really didn’t like let alone love just for the child’s sake or even out of guilt.


Equally if the other half of the act were to be identified and he were to be kicked out by his partner then maybe she would go to him.


People are different. Years ago on the Island I had amongst my circle of friends (some of whom are still alive AND not in jail!) one guy was in a car crash with his then fiancé. As a result of the crash she suffered terrible internal injuries that resulted in her having to have a hysterectomy along with other major surgery. He suffered nothing more than a badly broken leg and a ruptured spleen.


He left her.


He explained to her whilst she was still in hospital that he couldn’t see any future with her as she would be unable to give him children (his words).


She left the Island, he is as far as I know still living on the Island, is married, and has 'his' kids.


If people are capable of such selfishness as that is it any surprise that some men would walk out if they found that one of their kids was not their biological offspring?

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