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Covid Deception?

New Broom

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The 'covid story’ has had a bigger impact on our lives than anything humanity has collectively known, arguably since the second World war. We all have our own views about what is actually happening, some of these apparently logical, some speculative, and some seemingly outlandish. The various governmental positions - uncannily uniform - are universally supported by what is now widely termed, ’the legacy media’ with their 'mainstream narrative'. Amongst these various positions lies the truth, but whatever the truth actually is, has become increasingly difficult to discern amongst all the noise.

One might argue that what has been missing has been cogent and well-informed public debate between those recognisably qualified to speak about the various subjects. This is astonishing given the importance of the subject. Where are the televised national debates about this hugely important topic? Where is the balanced discussion on the serious news programmes? Why has this not happened?
Instead of well-informed and balanced discussion we have various different factions clamouring to be heard, and often vitriolic attacks on those who dare to offer perspectives that differ from the mainstream narrative. Many of the credible voices are silenced, sometimes even being banned, by the media platforms. Some of the provenly expert medical professionals being simplistically denounced as ‘anti-vaxxers’. Laughably so in the case of Dr Robert Malone, who is not only fully vaccinated himself, but is also - as the inventor - acknowledged as ‘the father’ of the messenger RNA vaccine.
The public appear to be getting increasingly tired of the restrictions on free speech and are abandoning the legacy media in droves, seeking our information elsewhere. Throughout history, in restrictive regimes the only relatively safe place to explore the truths governments and dictators do not want discussed has been comedy and satire, and so it is again. Dr Malone was not able to have a cogent, or indeed any, discussion about his concerns over the rush to mass vaccination on the mainstream media channels so turned to American comedian Joe Rogan. Mr Rogan’s podcast show is now the most widely listened to/watched in the World - his discussion with Dr Malone attracted 11 MILLION listeners/viewers. This is more than double that of some of the main television channels, which is remarkable and shows the appetite the public have for a wider exploration of these hugely important topics. The same is true in the UK, where comedian Russell Brand now regularly attracts up to 5 million viewers/listeners to his extremely well informed, and usually balanced, podcast discussions.
Our household recently had a copy of ‘The Light’ newspaper pushed through our door - this edition: https://thelightpaper.co.uk. This free paper challenges the mainstream perspective and on the front cover highlighted three high-profile people who have recently received enormous publicity encouraging us all to ‘get vaxxed’. Lewis Hamilton is a racing car driver, Piers Morgan a TV presenter, and Dolly Parton a country and western signer, ie; none are qualified to speak on the subject. The paper contrasted how well-publicised these, and other, celebrities have been, with the banning from mainstream media platforms of three highly qualified medical professionals - Dr Malone being one. The other two were Dr Luc Montagnier, a Nobel prize winner (for his services to medicine) and Dr Michael Yeadon, a former CHIEF SCIENTIST of Pfizer pharmaceutical, ie; one of the main vaccine producers. All have been outspoken of their criticism and seemingly valid concerns about our rush to mass vaccination. One does not need to agree with their views, but it is becoming increasingly alarming that such people cannot even be heard. So much so that last weekend, literally millions of people all over the World marched through their capitol cities to protest about the on-going restrictions upon our liberties. Few or any reports about these rallies reach our media, despite tens of thousands appearing in front of London’s BBC building.
Concern about where we as a society are heading is not just among outliers or ‘anti-vaxxers’. Two days ago US author Dr Paul Craig Roberts published the below article, entitled “The Covid Deception is a Power Grab” - headlines seldom come with starker messages. Dr Roberts is far from an outlier, or anti-vaxxer. He is a former Stanford University lecturer, associate editor of The Wall Street Journal and served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under US president Ronald Reagan. Dr Roberts knows what he is talking about - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Craig_Roberts. Alarmingly the sub-heading to his article was “It may well be the end of the World” - it can be read below:
On our quiet and sometimes sleepy little island we are - rightfully - grumbling about the appalling inefficiencies of the promenade and Liverpool ferry terminal debacle, amongst other things. It is increasingly obvious that our appx. 8,000 government workers to expensively service a population of eighty or so thousand is not only ridiculous but an overhead we can no longer afford. However, as serious as these matters are, and will increasingly become, they may well soon be akin to 're-arranging the chairs on the Titanic’. A metaphorical locomotive is hurtling down the tracks towards us - unless we wake up to this, the above issues are likely to soon become a side-show.
There is an appetite from the Manx public to address these serious issues. A recent talk about threats to our freedoms at the Villa Marina by Manx advocate Ian Kermode was attended by several hundred people. This forum is sometimes described as ‘half-a-dozen bald men arguing over a comb’, with good reason. But beyond ‘the usual suspects’ are many, many other interested people who view, but perhaps wisely, choose not to contribute. If ever there was a time to start addressing the wider issues the Isle of Man faces, now would be it. Dr Roberts is far from alone in believing there is more to ‘the covid story’ than we are being told.
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I believe that nobody, anywhere, had a proper plan in place to deal with the threat of a pandemic, despite it being raised as a possibility. Once it took hold I think there was a lot of political opportunism taken after we realised how we could control it? I really don't think governments are as clever and fleet of foot as we think they are, they panic just like everyone else, ignorance takes care of the rest and we end up with massive over reactions. One thing is for sure, they won't give up their hard won control easily. I'm sure they are trying to keep us in a loop of fear?  

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A massive, multiplayer game of schoolboy football.

billions wasted, and in some cases billions made. All interlinked. The savvy ones on the sidelines took every advantage as they  appeared and exploited the opportunity.

even IOMG taking as long as they did and take the bleeding obvious step of border control on wave 1 was a good example. Lives were lost as a result. 

Today, they maintain arbitrary and ineffective border controls, because the strategists are unable to think laterally, nor accept very low risk is now in play.

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Such a load of baloney hardly deserves a response and when you start pushing "The Light" and referring to it as a newspaper then any credibility is shot. Dr Malone was not the inventor of RNA. At best he was one of many research scientists who over years slowly contributed to its development. He is or certainty was heavily in favour of "quack" remedies re Covid and has in the past been described as the worst spreader of vaccine miss information on social media. The mainstream media tend not to give lots of coverage to individuals who spout bollocks. I could go on but what is the point?  When somebody has posted such rubbish in the first place they are not interested in facts.

Edited by Lost Login
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8 hours ago, New Broom said:

Our household recently had a copy of ‘The Light’ newspaper pushed through our door - this edition: https://thelightpaper.co.uk. This free paper challenges the mainstream perspective and on the front cover highlighted three high-profile people who have recently received enormous publicity encouraging us all to ‘get vaxxed’. Lewis Hamilton is a racing car driver, Piers Morgan a TV presenter, and Dolly Parton a country and western signer, ie; none are qualified to speak on the subject

Piers Corbyn is (Piers Richard Corbyn is an English anti-vaccination activist, conspiracy theorist, weather forecaster and businessman. Wikipedia),

Novak Djokovic runs round a court smacking balls with a racket.

Jessica Biel (actress)

Lawyer and prominent anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

Need i go on.

Not really seeing how these are any more qualified than yours quoted in the 'Light', funny how it doesn't work both ways when it doesn't fit your narrative isn't it.

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There are millions of people on this planet dying every day as a result of starvation & poverty.

The pandemic only exists when the West is compromised.

Humans are contradictory hypocritical vile creatures in the main (those with ultra wealth & power anyway).

The money that’s been thrown at Covid would have saved far more lives than those who have succumbed to it.

Think about that & think really hard.

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

There are millions of people on this planet dying every day as a result of starvation & poverty.

The pandemic only exists when the West is compromised.

Humans are contradictory hypocritical vile creatures in the main (those with ultra wealth & power anyway).

The money that’s been thrown at Covid would have saved far more lives than those who have succumbed to it.

Think about that & think really hard.

There was an interesting programme on BBC2 last night at 9pm, "The Decade the Rich Stole" (IIRC), Part 2 is next week at the same time I think. Dealing with the global transfer of wealth that occurred since the near-collapse of the banking system in 2008. Maybe Part 2 will deal with what has gone on during the Covid pandemic.

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1 hour ago, The Chief said:

Not really seeing how these are any more qualified than yours quoted in the 'Light', funny how it doesn't work both ways when it doesn't fit your narrative isn't it.

Yep. The law of the internet states that no matter what your view is on anything and no matter how obscure or extreme or whatever you will find it supported and by a doctor too if you want.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

There was an interesting programme on BBC2 last night at 9pm, "The Decade the Rich Stole" (IIRC), Part 2 is next week at the same time I think. Dealing with the global transfer of wealth that occurred since the near-collapse of the banking system in 2008. Maybe Part 2 will deal with what has gone on during the Covid pandemic.

Yes, I watched that, very interesting, particularly on QE.

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