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World Holocaust Day 27 January 2022

John Wright

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This year the theme is “One Day”.

A series of podcasts links the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, in the hope that there may be One Day in the future with no genocide.

Remembering the men, women, boys, girls, Roma, Jews, Christian’s, LGBT, the disabled, the mentally ill, the political oppositions and minorities everywhere and whenever.

The podcasts by Carol Jempson are here







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There are so many aspects of inhumanity within genocides.

I have difficulty comprehending, but continually remind myself that clearly there are persuasive narratives, in the minds of those who carry out genocide.

Humans have difficulty with numbers once they get past the low 100s, beyond that our brain just goes "many".  And to kill "many" you have to plan and organise.  Hannah Arendt talked about the banality of evil, about the box tickers and bureaucrats who happily planned the train schedules and designed the gas ovens and found a use for all the left over teeth.

The Nazi butchers realised that shooting people had a traumatic effect on the Einsatzgruppen - talk about a misplaced sympathy - and so after trying to shoot 100s of thousands of people turned to more bureaucratic approaches to kill millions.  I think we can accept any society contains "many" psychopaths willing to wade through blood for their ideology, but once the numbers get into the 10s of thousands, let alone the 100s of thousands or millions, there aren't enough psychopaths and so a different, and maybe worse personality is called for.  A personality with the ability to plan and with such a distorted moral compass that they do not flinch at monstrous inhumanity.

Psychopaths are bad enough, people who actively want to cause pain and hurt and need no rationalisation to justify their needs. But to commit genocide there aren't enough psychopaths and so you need to call upon others, others who in other times would seem to be just normal members of society going about their mundane lives.  It is these people who in many ways disturb me more than the psychopaths - the willing executioners, the planners, the accountants, the clerks - who have so lost their morality that they rationalise that what they do is right.

Mass murder, planned and deliberate, is never right.  It is a truly tragic part of human nature that we need to be educated about this because we cannot comprehend numbers of deaths beyond "many". 

Deaths as a statistic. Deaths as a list. 

It requires education to stop this, which is why Holocaust day is so important.

As John posts, Never Again. 

... but oh the risks are so real.  Learn humanity, learn.


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There is the famous experiment where ordinary  people were told to increase the voltage of electric shocks to an unseen but heard "subject".  Most complied with the order as they had been given instructions and kind of absolved themselves of responsibility.  One even said that they would do it as the person giving the command was responsible for the pain caused. 

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

There is the famous experiment where ordinary  people were told to increase the voltage of electric shocks to an unseen but heard "subject".  Most complied with the order as they had been given instructions and kind of absolved themselves of responsibility.  One even said that they would do it as the person giving the command was responsible for the pain caused. 

The purpose behind that was to see if Germans were especially compliant to authority. They did it first in America to get a baseline to measure the Germans against. What they found was little global difference and that most people complied. 

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Holocaust survivors are virtually unanimous that the most shocking aspect of their experience was the silence and apathy of the population whilst those horrifying events took place. They frequently say that far from it happening ‘never again’ that genocide can all too easily happen again, because we have not learned the lessons of history. As we tragically saw in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The steps to genocide are invariably the same and start with the marginalising of one section of society. Then progress to vilification, and so on until murder is reached. Genocide survivors are all too aware that we are going down this path again with our attitude towards the unvaccinated. Anyone who doubts that could listen to the recent speech by Vera Sharav.
Vera Sharav was a child who survived the holocaust in Germany - her father was killed in Auschwitz. She knows what she is talking about. Last Sunday she spoke at a rally in Brussels about the imposition of vaccine mandates and the way that history is repeating itself. Other genocide survivors have said the same. In Germany a protester against mandatory vaccination law recited the speech Vera gave and was promptly taken into Police custody. These are the times we are living in. That protester was far from alone:
Vera’s speech is below. Because of censorship it is sadly only available on Telegram. It is compelling:
Many are aware of the dangers. Unfortunately many more believe genocide cannot happen again. They are wrong. In Canada, their truckers’ union - who say their members are 85% vaccinated - certainly are aware of the dangers. For that reason thousands of trucks are blocking the roads, many currently blockading the Canadian parliament buildings in Ottawa. They are supported by well over 10% of the population. This huge protest is barely being reported by the mainstream media - one might wonder why?
Gladys refers above to the experiments of Stanley Milgram in 1961. Milgram discovered how absurdly obedient to a supposed authority figure ordinary citizens were willing to be. Even to the extent of being willing to inflict torture on another human being. This is one of the reasons genocide very much can happen again:
One very significant step towards the holocaust in 1930’s Germany was the belief, propagated by the government and media, that Jewish people were ‘unclean’ and ‘diseased’. It was the adoption of this belief that allowed Hitlers’ thugs to segregate the Jews into the ghetto’s. We know what happened next. Our governments are doing the same again.
Some will no doubt find the above far-fetched, others may find it offensive, most will probably find it unbelievable that we are already well down the path to genocide. Vera Sharav does not. Nor do other genocide survivors, who are also warning of the dangers. But without any media publicity. Some are being arrested for doing so. I encourage any that doubt the dangers we are facing to read some history. Soon.
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1 hour ago, New Broom said:

One very significant step towards the holocaust in 1930’s Germany was the belief, propagated by the government and media, that Jewish people were ‘unclean’ and ‘diseased’. It was the adoption of this belief that allowed Hitlers’ thugs to segregate the Jews into the ghetto’s. We know what happened next. Our governments are doing the same again.

No, they're not.

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1 hour ago, New Broom said:
Holocaust survivors are virtually unanimous that the most shocking aspect of their experience was the silence and apathy of the population whilst those horrifying events took place. They frequently say that far from it happening ‘never again’ that genocide can all too easily happen again, because we have not learned the lessons of history. As we tragically saw in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The steps to genocide are invariably the same and start with the marginalising of one section of society. Then progress to vilification, and so on until murder is reached. Genocide survivors are all too aware that we are going down this path again with our attitude towards the unvaccinated. Anyone who doubts that could listen to the recent speech by Vera Sharav.
Vera Sharav was a child who survived the holocaust in Germany - her father was killed in Auschwitz. She knows what she is talking about. Last Sunday she spoke at a rally in Brussels about the imposition of vaccine mandates and the way that history is repeating itself. Other genocide survivors have said the same. In Germany a protester against mandatory vaccination law recited the speech Vera gave and was promptly taken into Police custody. These are the times we are living in. That protester was far from alone:
Vera’s speech is below. Because of censorship it is sadly only available on Telegram. It is compelling:
Many are aware of the dangers. Unfortunately many more believe genocide cannot happen again. They are wrong. In Canada, their truckers’ union - who say their members are 85% vaccinated - certainly are aware of the dangers. For that reason thousands of trucks are blocking the roads, many currently blockading the Canadian parliament buildings in Ottawa. They are supported by well over 10% of the population. This huge protest is barely being reported by the mainstream media - one might wonder why?
Gladys refers above to the experiments of Stanley Milgram in 1961. Milgram discovered how absurdly obedient to a supposed authority figure ordinary citizens were willing to be. Even to the extent of being willing to inflict torture on another human being. This is one of the reasons genocide very much can happen again:
One very significant step towards the holocaust in 1930’s Germany was the belief, propagated by the government and media, that Jewish people were ‘unclean’ and ‘diseased’. It was the adoption of this belief that allowed Hitlers’ thugs to segregate the Jews into the ghetto’s. We know what happened next. Our governments are doing the same again.
Some will no doubt find the above far-fetched, others may find it offensive, most will probably find it unbelievable that we are already well down the path to genocide. Vera Sharav does not. Nor do other genocide survivors, who are also warning of the dangers. But without any media publicity. Some are being arrested for doing so. I encourage any that doubt the dangers we are facing to read some history. Soon.

I think you are an extremist yourself and show the signs of a psychopath

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

No, they're not.

Helix, they 100% are. You may not see it, but it is happening and can be evidenced. I have seen the futility of arguing on here - please do your own research. Things are already ugly, and going to get more so. The only thing that has any possibility of slowing, or hopefully stopping the lunatics who govern us is people such as yourself, who presumably think all is currently well, discovering it very much is not. The millions protesting all over the World are not doing so for no reason. A QC was amongst them in London last weekend. Not a stupid man. 

1 hour ago, trench12 said:

Was in Bosnia for operation grapple ................man’s inhumanity to man........more to tell ....but too difficult 

I feel for you. Was in Banja Luka at the tail end. Horrifying. The most disturbing thing for me was the obvious apathy of neighbours to what happened to people they'd clearly lived alongside peacefully for years..

48 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

I think you are an extremist yourself and show the signs of a psychopath

You could be right. Fortunately I'm not in government. Unlike some of the psychopaths who are..

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8 hours ago, New Broom said:

Helix, they 100% are. You may not see it, but it is happening and can be evidenced. I have seen the futility of arguing on here - please do your own research. Things are already ugly, and going to get more so. The only thing that has any possibility of slowing, or hopefully stopping the lunatics who govern us is people such as yourself, who presumably think all is currently well, discovering it very much is not. The millions protesting all over the World are not doing so for no reason. A QC was amongst them in London last weekend. Not a stupid man. 


There are two main differences-

The first is that governments now are relaxing restrictions, whereas in the various genocides restrictions were steadily increased until the target race was sufficiently dehumanised that genocide was legitimised.  The second is that the continued restrictions are comparatively 'light-touch' and applied to people who have made a choice.  They can change that choice, members of a target race, religion or tribe could not.

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On 1/29/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gladys said:

There are two main differences-

The first is that governments now are relaxing restrictions, whereas in the various genocides restrictions were steadily increased until the target race was sufficiently dehumanised that genocide was legitimised.  The second is that the continued restrictions are comparatively 'light-touch' and applied to people who have made a choice.  They can change that choice, members of a target race, religion or tribe could not.

What Gladys is saying here is truly alarming. And illustrates why genocide happens.
There are ten acknowledged steps that invariably happen before genocide occurs - they are listed below:
We are now slowly moving from stage 3, ie; discrimination, to stage 4, which is dehumanisation. This may seem a stretch to some - below are headlines from Canada, Ireland and the US - clearly showing how serious is the discrimination that is now happening all over the World. A significant proportion of the World’s population is being marginalised. ‘Dehumaisation' will be the next stage:
Many Canadians are aware of how dangerous these times are, which is why 000’s of truckers, supported by millions of citizens, are currently blockading their parliament buildings in Ottawa. Their PM Justin Trudeau has 'gone into hiding’, or ‘isolating because a family member has tested positive for covid’ as he puts it. This is finally being reported by the media.
Although it is true that restrictions are being lifted in some places, the opposite is happening in others. New Zealand, a country of 5 million people, is now in strict ‘lockdown’, not because of any out of control disease, but because of 9 ‘positive cases’ of covid 19 ‘omicron’ (or ‘moronic’ if one moves the letters around slightly). Many have speculated that these ludicrous measures are not because of any virus, but because New Zealanders showed stubborn resistance to being subjected to a vaccination that remains in it’s experimental stage - the dangerous side-effects of which are now becoming apparent. Theirs was one of the World’s lowest rates thus far:
As Chinahand says above, one of the most disturbing aspects of genocide - as though one can pick out any part that is more disturbing than any other - is the complicity of so-called ordinary people. Most culpable, as he says, are the planners, the accountants, the clerks. Not forgetting the lawyers, and doctors - who were the most willing accomplices to Germany’s holocaust.
The next stage is organisation. This already happening - Australia has built large ‘quarantine centres’, ie; prisons, which are currently being used to house incoming travellers. Australia is slowly emerging from one of the World’s most brutal ‘lockdowns’, which included police pepper-spraying pensioners and mothers.
Anyone who believes these things cannot happen in the British isles could take a look at the new ‘super-prison currently being built in Wellesbourne - speciality 'medical treatment’. Or ‘re-education’ as totalitarian states normally call such programs:
The next stage after organisation is ‘polarisation’. Then the trouble really starts.
The implication behind the suggestion made by Gladys above appears to be that those being discriminated against only have themselves to blame. Perhaps like homosexuals and those of religious faith? Presumably if these who choose bodily autonomy weren’t so ‘selfish’ and made different choices, perhaps ones approved by people like Gladys, governments or despots, they wouldn’t be discriminated against. Or marched to gas chambers. 'For the greater good’ is usually the clarion-call before the steps to genocide starts. As is clearly shown in the above chart.
No doubt most will see this post as ludicrous. It is not, as will become increasingly apparent to all, over the coming months and years. We are presently at the same point Germany was in 1933, with most believing “It cannot happen here”. That naive belief, and cowardly apathy, is exactly what allowed events to unfold as they did.
You have been warned..
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Complete tosh.  How are we at stage 3?

At what point will you decide the vaccine is safe enough?  Will you ever?  You make a number of leaps of logic to reach your position.  Who is being interned? Are they being interned indefinitely?  People travelling to, say, Australia, have several choices - don't travel or be vaccinated.

I could argue that the unvaccinated represent a risk to me and my family and that without the vax, we would not be getting on top of this.  But it is pointless arguing with people like you as it is never rational or logical, far less is it about your responsibility to society, but how society is out to get you.

Don't expect any more from me.  I find your argument  using the holocaust to further your own paranoia insulting to the millions who really were persecuted and beczme victims of genocide. 


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9 minutes ago, New Broom said:

Time will no doubt show us if what I have said is 'complete tosh'. What Vera Sharav says certainly is not, and Vera is in a position to know..


My money is on it being complete tosh and I don't think time is required to come to that conclusion. At least by trying to equate Covid vaccination to genocide from the outset you have saved most of us the time of reading your posts and treating the contents with credibility. 

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Vera Sharav is a holocaust survivor. What I have said here is what Vera, and several other holocaust survivors, are not only saying, but attempting to warn us about. We ignore, or discard as ’tosh’ at our peril. Apathy, coupled with the belief that such things ‘cannot happen here’, is the very thing that allows them to happen. No more to be said..

Vera Sharav: https://t.me/worlddoctorsalliance/17261

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