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World Holocaust Day 27 January 2022

John Wright

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2 hours ago, New Broom said:

Vera Sharav is a holocaust survivor. What I have said here is what Vera, and several other holocaust survivors, are not only saying, but attempting to warn us about. We ignore, or discard as ’tosh’ at our peril. Apathy, coupled with the belief that such things ‘cannot happen here’, is the very thing that allows them to happen. No more to be said..

Vera Sharav: https://t.me/worlddoctorsalliance/17261

Is being a holocaust survivor a guarantee that she can spot any and all genocide with 100% accuracy?

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3 hours ago, New Broom said:

‘omicron’ (or ‘moronic’ if one moves the letters around slightly).

I've taken the liberty of rearranging the letters in your post:


I'm a big smeg.



(I removed the spaces, but otherwise this is faithful).

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5 hours ago, New Broom said:
Anyone who believes these things cannot happen in the British isles could take a look at the new ‘super-prison currently being built in Wellesbourne - speciality 'medical treatment’. Or ‘re-education’ as totalitarian states normally call such programs:

Just one example of a flaw in your polemic, but how are your assertions about the (alleged) "new super-prison" supported by the link you follow them with?  (Or am I making the mistake of thinking you are following the normally accepted convention of providing links to support an argument?).

All I can see in the link is that the NHS has commissioned a particular health organisation to provide health services to a prison.  I worked for a NHS mental health trust that provided mental health services to local prisons for all the nearly 30 years I worked there.  I don't think the provision of physical and mental health care - funded by the NHS - to prison inmates is a particularly controversial topic or recent development.

Or are you one of those people who think that prisoners shouldn't be in receipt of public funded health-care?

On 1/28/2022 at 10:58 PM, New Broom said:

... A QC was amongst them in London last weekend. Not a stupid man. 


He might not be a stupid man but so what if a QC was protesting?  His views only have any weight in the particular area of law that he practises and specialises in.  What makes you think his support gives any extra validity to an argument he is almost certainly not expert in?

And why do you think that calling in support from a profession whose members are basically paid to argue different sides of the same coin on behalf of other people helps to make your point?  It doesn't because it's irrelevant.

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2 hours ago, HeliX said:

Is being a holocaust survivor a guarantee that she can spot any and all genocide with 100% accuracy?

Exactly.  The New Broom is pushing some kind of reverse genetic fallacy or reverse ad hominem argument.

It's like saying that somebody who is recovering from suffering with cancer can somehow determine whether another person is suffering from cancer, and that if the doctors disagree then the doctors are wrong.  Same as snake oil and other types of quackery...

Problem is that far too many simple or weak-minded people are taken in by this sort of "argument".  bollocks.

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New Broom does indeed make some sweeping statements - not all I have quoted necessarily supports the argument. Or bollocks, depending on your perspective. The following stats invariably hold true though:
30% of people will be ‘awake’ and understand what is happening
30% are either ‘hypnotised’ by the state, or hopelessly wedded to it (‘mass fomation’)
40% will always 'sit on the fence'
If you are one of those looking at what is happening in our society and are currently ’sitting on the fence’ you will know that something is deeply wrong. The path we are on will continue towards totalitarianism unless we do something to stop it. Historically this only happens when those who know something is wrong actually do something about it. As Edmund Burke said - "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


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Why is it that a certain subset of our society has become obsessed with a conspiracy which is certain the world is ending and we are living in end times with totalitarianism. 

Goodness they have a distorted view on life. 

Our society has lost 150,000 odd people, many of them old but 10s of thousands with many years of life ahead of them. 

Responding to that emergency did require quarantines and restrictions, but they have been temporary and limited and it looks like even vaccine mandates in the NHS etc are unlikely to last. 

Totalitarianism? Goodness, have these idiots any comprehension or willingness to look beyond their world is ending rants. 

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14 hours ago, HeliX said:

Is being a holocaust survivor a guarantee that she can spot any and all genocide with 100% accuracy?

A quick google of this lady shows she is a long-time opponent of medical research (sometimes making valid points) and has no medical or scientific background.  What gets me about most of those who criticise the pharmaceutical industries - often validly - is that they always see the problems with the science rather than the economics.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Why is it that a certain subset of our society has become obsessed with a conspiracy which is certain the world is ending and we are living in end times with totalitarianism. 


What I find particularly ironic (and somewhat offensive) is that the sort of totalitarian governments from the last century that such people complain we are inexorably drifting towards (eg Nazi Germany) came to power by peddling very similar conspiracy theories about "them" - the people they literally wanted to eradicate from society altogether.  Usually, but not always exclusively, Jewish people.

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Why is it that a certain subset of our society has become obsessed with a conspiracy which is certain the world is ending and we are living in end times with totalitarianism.

It is done for validation, substantiation and acceptance, to portray that they are in possession of esoteric information unknown to everyone else. Adds a trifle of importance to their otherwise mundane lives...

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Why is it that a certain subset of our society has become obsessed with a conspiracy which is certain the world is ending and we are living in end times with totalitarianism. 

It's because an awful lot of what they parrot comes from the crazy bit of the christian US, they're all desperate for the Rapture.

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Even the BBC now acknowledges that 'only' 17,000 have lost their lives to covid - not the hugely inflated figures they were bombarding us with hourly at the start of the 'pandemic'. Or 'casedemic' to describe it more accurately. The average age of death was 77.8 year - almost identical to current life expectancy ie; covid made no difference. This was known from the outset. The motivation was never safeguarding the population but increasing control. As must now surely be obvious. To some at least.

Over the coming 24 months the death toll will escalate massively. Covid will be given as the cause, although in reality it will be awful side-effects from the vaccines. The unvaxxed will be blamed and what I have said above will unfold. I am fairly sure most on this forum will be quick to vilify them. Or worse.

If the way we could ensure genocide, or war, did not happen again was to solemnly bow our heads and acknowledge past ones, neither would be repeated. As a former soldier - who also witnessed some of the horrors of former Yugoslavia - I know I am far from alone in finding the annual remembrance day as something of an ironic pantomime. We glibly trot out the words 'never forget' yet again and again do exactly that and repeat those same awful mistakes. Thereby feeding our disgusting defence industries. Which surely is the purpose.

Not only is nothing I have said here far-fetched, all can be evidenced - other than the future scenario, which will be clear soon enough. There is ample information available to anyone who has real questions, or a desire to uncover truth, however unpalatable that may be, rather than a wish to simply confirm existing beliefs.

Only the naive believe significant global events simply happen. Virtually all are considered carefully, by very clever and powerful people, some of whom are the psychopaths referred to by other posters. The actions that follow are therefore 'conspiracies', albeit usually difficult to prove, which is why most remain theories. Anyone who believes Facebook was invented in a dorm by a young man in flip-flops for example, is unaware of DARPA's 'Lifelog' project. The list goes on, and is available and obvious to anyone sufficiently interested. For those who are not, or prefer to remain in comfortable denial or ignorance, there is always the promenade or fat Howards holiday cottages.

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The first 7 minutes of this episode of More or Less explains the details of COVID deaths. To be blind to the deaths of 10s of thousands of diabetics and people with similar underlying conditions who would be expected to live worthwhile lives for many decades if it had not been for COVID is typical of the willful blindness, and inhumanity, of these deniers. They also don't understand that pneumonia and other consequences of an original COVID infection are also listed on the cause of death. 


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