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Isle of Man Budget 2022-23


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Did anyone make it all the way through economics professor Ashford's speech?  He mentioned that they are keeping an eye on inflation but Economist are split on whether it's going to carry on but it's most likely transitory.  Sounds like he's rehashing his covid briefing playbook.

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Just now, cissolt said:

Did anyone make it all the way through economics professor Ashford's speech?  He mentioned that they are keeping an eye on inflation but Economist are split on whether it's going to carry on but it's most likely transitory.  Sounds like he's rehashing his covid briefing playbook.

Can I say for balance, I detest Ashford far more than Stu or any of the others ! Not that that's a compliment mind !

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6 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

1. Don't question Stu on this as he will just tar you as being a troll/bottom feeder as he did to me in another thread when I dared ask a sitting MHK a question regarding his views on climate change relating to the below comment made on his facebook page (below)

2. Stu also voted in favour of the budget so he doesn't seem to have been that upset by the Climate Change funding and if he was then he has just fallen into line with everyone else rather than stand up for his beliefs. 



Stu, you are very wrong on this and I say this as someone not a lot younger than you and someone who used to believe the Jeremy Clarkson type denial of engines doing harm.

FFS even the big Yorkshireman has changed his views on man made climate change.

Yes you can argue that the island is so small it does not matter what we do but that argument can be applied the world over, if you take small area's into account.

Say Birmingham is against saving the planet or York?  Either of those two cities, if they ignored the facts, and did not introduce climate saving measures would not make much difference in the whole world.

We all need to do our bit for our children and their children, and their children..........................


P.S. Stu, do you have children?

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50 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Can these two cables be laid together or do they have to be geographically separated to allow for upheaval of one?

We can't install these quick enough.

It would be the very much  cheaper option if we move soon as trying to do our own thing will involve DOI. Sod this self sustaining crap, its not the middle ages.

I am reliably told £300 million  to £350 million to put a pair of cables across the sea.

This needs to be done ASAP. iT WILL ONLY GET MORE EXPENSIVE.


Edited by Boris Johnson
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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Without rehashing the whole climate emergency debate, I'll just add that I voted for the budget because I agreed with 99% of it.

It's funny how people who phone the Mannin Line are idiots "A lot of callers, people in general are idiots" (R2D2GD4ELP) but not people on MF. Irony from the land of clotted cream.

My views and vote are extremely unlikely to have done me any favours, but I promised voters honesty and plan to stick with that rather than pandering to the mainstream (and much easier) options. Politicians don't need to be experts to have views, and mine probably cost me more votes than they gained. But I'm old, have an interest in history (particularly how entire populations were conned into beliefs) so think I understand how things work today, and my opinions come from that and life experiences which Greta Thunberg (also not an expert) can only hope to match. But she's an Oracle and I'm an idiot.

So my desire to be elected Benevolent Dictator For Life remains a dream. It's all just a dream (wavy crossfade...)

That's all fair enough. But suppose the history of entire populations being conned into beliefs was the boy who cried wolf. Climate change may be another con, but there's an awful lot of evidence to suggest it is a wolf.

We all rely to a certain extent on our own meandering experience, but in terms of the history of the planet, our lifetime is infinitesimally small. Extinction events have happened before, you're just not old enough to remember them. 

Perhaps you could explain away the fastest change in global temperature in the history of the planet with your knowledge of human history or various work experience. Somehow I doubt it.

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2 hours ago, finlo said:

Serious question, how/why is it end of life especially as it not exactly old?

From what I understand with age/ use, the copper hardens and the insulation does too which means a  higher resistance on the cable which increases heat in the cable which increases the resistance and insulation damage etc etc etc 

If you do a PA(T) test on an extension lead it is surprising how bad the earth degrades over a short period of time.

I understand its similar on the interconnector but just on a much bigger scale

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I do wonder how SP regards his outrages will go down with his electorate? Does he rely on his previous outraging, Manifesto and doorstepping  to be sure of his mandate? or....

Does he think of himself as a one term MHK and he is going to take the opportunity to rant as he wishes for five years and to hell with his voters?

Two votes per person, one favourite and stick a pin in the list for the other. You don't necessarily have a mandate Stu.

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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

New cables have a lifetime of up to 40 years depending on the seabed. Takes a lot of planning and surveying before a cable is laid.

The current one has only been operating since 2000, so it's not exactly old.  But a second for security might be a good idea.

It's the "world’s longest AC power interconnector" apparently.  More about it here.

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24 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

The current one has only been operating since 2000, so it's not exactly old.  But a second for security might be a good idea.

It's the "world’s longest AC power interconnector" apparently.  More about it here.

As I understand it, the current interconnector is good for 800MW. That's the current island demand. However if there was no oil or gas that would rise to some 1200MW. Not enough. So pully would still be needed. Does that make sense? 

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49 minutes ago, Kopek said:

I do wonder how SP regards his outrages will go down with his electorate? Does he rely on his previous outraging, Manifesto and doorstepping  to be sure of his mandate? or....

Does he think of himself as a one term MHK and he is going to take the opportunity to rant as he wishes for five years and to hell with his voters?

Two votes per person, one favourite and stick a pin in the list for the other. You don't necessarily have a mandate Stu.

I think lot of his electorate will agree with his views, not all of them but waste of climate change funds then yes!

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2 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

but I promised voters honesty and plan to stick with that rather than pandering to the mainstream

But, in my opinion, you are not being honest. It is one thing have a different opinion about whether to do anything about climate change, spend money on other arears etc. Those are matters of opinion. It is another denying the science of climate change and that the overwhelming evidence is that is man made is not a matter of opinion it is basically stating something which is untruthful.

Despite all the scientific evidence some argue that the earth is flat. It is not a matter of opinion whether the earth is flat or not, it is a matter of fact. Just as it is that the earth orbits the sun, we need oxygen to breath, and that aeroplanes can fly. Believing in creationism and then telling kids how that was World was created etc is not being honest with those kids. 

Being honest is not having a closed mind, ignoring the evidence contrary to your opinion and grabbing at anything, like a drowning man to a life jacket, and circulating it without checking if it is even true when you see something that agrees with your view. On your MHK facebook page in October 2021 you posted a quote from David Bellamy in 2008 and said "At least it is not just me who thinks like this.........." Posting a 13 year old quote from a dead guy as if it was something current is not being honest.

I expect that you did not know the quote was 13 years because you did not check and simply posted as it was a name you recognised and backed up your beliefs, although not the facts. You then moaned saying "interesting that FB has censored this post" rather than apparently actually evening clicking on the link which would have started to explain why Facebook considered to be missing context and could mislead. I don't call posting in such a fashion as being honest.

You may not pander to the mainstream, but that is because you are the heavy anchor trying to stop its progress rather than out front trying to lead the way.

Edited by Lost Login
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