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19 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

The really sad thing is that if NATO hadn't expanded Eastward, Putin would have devoted his life to reforming democracy and human rights in Russia.

Exactly. I'm still hearing mealy mouthed commentators blaming NATO expansion. It's bollocks. No wonder Eastern Europe wanted to come into the NATO fold after what's happened to Ukraine. They could see it coming.

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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

The really sad thing is that if NATO hadn't expanded Eastward, Putin would have devoted his life to reforming democracy and human rights in Russia.

I heard he would have fulfilled his lifelong ambition of learning to play the harp.

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't think Modhi is necessarily a friend of the west.

He's a proto-fascistic autocratic revisionist nationalist who suppresses his own media. Morality not a strong point.

(Mind you, moral consistency isn't a strength of many who voted in favour of whatever feckless resolution they passed. U.N. is a bad joke. Used for cover when convenient; ignored when convenient. Group therapy for the weaker nations. A foggy theatre for the strong.)

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Really quite terrible strategic decisions being contemplated at the moment. 

Putin with a force outside a city, knowing if he goes into the city it will result in massive destruction, calling on the leadership to surrender, or the defenders to stage a coup. 

Assuming the defenders and leadership are united, which I think they are, it is in their interests to hunker down and fight street by street. 

Putin tried last night to send in special forces to capture government buildings and the leadership but that failed. The alternative is the PR disaster of a mechanised invasion. He doesn't want that, hence his denouncement of the leadership hiding behind women and children. 

The result is a horrible game of chicken, with the defenders going we will fight you street by street, and Putin going don't make me come for you. 

Pity the people of Kyiv if both sides continue. 

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