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On 2/24/2022 at 12:45 PM, Mr. Sausages said:

Johnson and the current tory admin are utterly compromised by Russian money. That’s why the report into Russian election interfering was never released, the sanctions are so weak, Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev was appointed to the house of lords… etc

Laundering Russian money through London, shoving money at UK politicians, and getting behind Brexit looks to have paid off for Putin.


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Ukraine sanctions: UK dockers refuse tanker of Russian gas https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60619112

Dockers in Kent have refused to unload two tankers of Russian gas, forcing them to go elsewhere, a union has said.

UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced on Tuesday that the UK had become the first country to pass a law banning ships with "any Russian connection" from entering its ports.

Mr Lay said: "Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case."
"The Department for Transport rules only appear to cover the ownership and operators of vessels, not the cargo." 

The dockers’ sanctions are stronger than the govt’s

Edited by Mr. Sausages
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21 hours ago, quilp said:

This video (15mins) is a couple of years old but there's a commonality with the conflict in Ukraine. Although it concerns Crimea it does provide insight in Putin's aims with Ukraine and how divisions were formed after WW2, Glasnost, etc...

Worth a watch.


It's very difficult to get a proper perspective on what is going on, Putin has some legitimate concerns about Ukraine. His claims of Nazification are not without some basis, but probably exaggerated, that leads into his concerns about Ukraine joining Nato and the EU. He has no reason to trust the West, which was happy to see Russia floundering after the collapse of the Soviet Union, whilst rushing in to pick the bones. The assurances given to Gorbachev by Regan were swept aside by Bush Sr. We are not to be trusted, but he is unfortunately a despot!

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23 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Ukraine sanctions: UK dockers refuse tanker of Russian gas https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60619112

Dockers in Kent have refused to unload two tankers of Russian gas, forcing them to go elsewhere, a union has said. 

The UK Tansport Secretary Grant Shapps announced on Tuesday that the UK had become the first country to pass a law banning ships with "any Russian connection" from entering its ports.Mr Lay said: "Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case."
"The Department for Transport rules only appear to cover the ownership and operators of vessels, not the cargo." 

The dockers’ sanctions are stronger than the govt’s

This issue resides within the purview of the UK Transport Secretary. Which happens to be Grant Shapps - not the sharpest cerebrum in BoJo’s cabinet, but who is? He has earned one significant accolade – he is not Chris Grayling (I therefore suspect a knighthood will be offered soon). For that reason, I am hopeful that he will understand what is at stake and close the obvious loopholes. This must happen if the Tories are serious about hitting Putin and his cronies where it actually hurts – I’d love to say ‘derriere’ but my assumption is that ‘pockets’ is where the pain can be felt the most.     

Edited by code99
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On 2/24/2022 at 12:45 PM, Mr. Sausages said:

Johnson and the current tory admin are utterly compromised by Russian money. That’s why the report into Russian election interfering was never released, the sanctions are so weak, Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev was appointed to the house of lords… etc


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10 hours ago, ManxTaxPayer said:

It seems to be becoming apparent that Brexiters were Putin's useful idiots. 

Lately, across the whole of the UK media-political spectrum (from The Guardian on the left, to The Times in the center and to the DM on the right) there have been emphatic opinions expressed regarding UK politicians trousering donations from Russian oligarchs. Obviously, the IOM, the CIs, the BVIs (etc.) are minnows in comparison to London, but it may not be completely out of the question to ask if some of these oligarchs’ ‘good will’ has also been quietly settling here.

We had no say in Brexit, but the resistance to things like establishing (and publishing) a UBO registry has been pretty strong. Admittedly, any self-respecting oligarch would probably never have seen the substandard quality of our political class as a ‘good investment’, but perhaps some have i.e., perhaps ‘substandard’ was exactly what ‘they’ wanted all along – perhaps we too have some ‘useful idiots’.

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