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Goodness I am so saddened but also angry at the mass destruction Putin has brought to Ukraine. 

Murderous deliberate destruction so he can insist an entire society bends to his will. Forget popular hopes of being a normal European society, Ukraine has to be an agrian vassal state to Putin's empire. 

No doubt Ukraine had societal problems and these problems had led to conflict in a small proportion of its society with 10s of thousands affected. But to think bringing war to millions was a reasonable response to this is contemptible. 

And now this is justified with the standard authoritarian doublethink: if these people just did what I want them to do there would be no need for this. 

How to stop him?

Putin for a long time has been losing options and now basically his toolkit only consists of hammers. And when all you have is hammers it is a terrible truth that all problems look like nails. 

Happy the day when he is gone and has no power over others. Just look at the evil he has done and despair. He will nail himself in to his throne. 

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The attack on Kyiv has begun. 

As I noted on the Refugee page, the convoy has not stalled, it was just a staging post, exactly where it was needed. 

First attack repelled with significant ambushes by the Ukrainians. 

Good video in the Wail. 


image.gif.70a49d77b86fcc05ddb60360216dddde.gifSLAVA UKRAINI! 

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I am intrigued by Facebook's moral compass. Would it have been ok for Iraqi citizens to call for the deaths of GIs. If it is ok to call for the deaths of Russians is it ok for Russians to post support for their boys to give the Ukrainian forces hell and worse?

Ah the justifications that will be thought up to condemn and defend FB's policies. 

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I am intrigued by Facebook's moral compass. Would it have been ok for Iraqi citizens to call for the deaths of GIs. If it is ok to call for the deaths of Russians is it ok for Russians to post support for their boys to give the Ukrainian forces hell and worse?

Ah the justifications that will be thought up to condemn and defend FB's policies. 

I don't want anyone to be killed in this war, although the idea that if someone were to fatally topple Putin it would all end is quite appealing.  Perhaps that's what FB is on about, not automatically deleting 'Death to Putin' posts?

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I went on the protest marches against the war in Iraq. I condemn the Russian military bombing of Ukrainian hospitals now as much as I condemned the Russian military bombing hospitals in Syria. Wars waged against innocent civilians are unforgivable.

What’s happening in Ukraine is not a picnic - the only way Ukrainians can defend their country is to kill Russian soldiers. Unfortunately, as long as the Russians keep attacking, Ukrainians have no other option. They could of course surrender and become a Russian puppet state like Belarus (no doubt some cynics in the West would welcome this solution so that their beloved oligarchs can rise like Lazarus from the ‘financial death’ to quickly be ‘back to business as usual’), but this option, at least for now, seems deeply unpopular among Ukrainians. I predict that even if the Ukrainian army/ government decided to lay down their weapons, there would potentially be ongoing fierce resistance from the Ukrainian people (circa 40 million), who, in the main, understandably feel nothing but hatred for their Russian invaders.

This conflict could go on for many years. Should that happen then there will also be no peace in the rest of Europe either.

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16 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Hopefully within 10 days...someone in his "inner-circle" will have stabbed Putin in the back of the head. Man has changed and is under the influence of some condition, medication or steroids.

Why do you think he is using those super long tables?  I doubt anyone can get close.

Best chance is that China withdraws there support and encourages him to back down.  Unfortunately they don't seem to keen to criticise Russia and even gave them some support on the allegations that Ukraine has been developing biological weapons (somewhat ironically given the theories on the origin of Covid-19)

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