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The Ukrainians love their Leopard 2A6 MBT's.

Compared to the Russian kit it's very fast, manoeuvrable and has a high level of crew survivability if shit happens - as it does...

But the best thing about it is the incredible gyroscopic 120mm gun!


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

The Ukrainians love their Leopard 2A6 MBT's.

Compared to the Russian kit it's very fast, manoeuvrable and has a high level of crew survivability if shit happens - as it does...

But the best thing about it is the incredible gyroscopic 120mm gun!


There is some footage floating about from a week or so ago of a tank on tank battle between a Leopard and a Russian Tank at a distance of about a mile.  Unfortunately it looks like the UA tank had a HE round loaded rather than AP, so it didn't obliterate the Russian tank and it was able to drive off (just).  Looked to be a fair amount of turret damage though and all of it's smoke grenades got detonated. 

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2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

There is some footage floating about from a week or so ago of a tank on tank battle between a Leopard and a Russian Tank at a distance of about a mile.  Unfortunately it looks like the UA tank had a HE round loaded rather than AP, so it didn't obliterate the Russian tank and it was able to drive off (just).  Looked to be a fair amount of turret damage though and all of it's smoke grenades got detonated. 

In the video I watched of that the commentator declared the T80 was eventually abandoned. But you never know. There was another vid of Ukrainian drone operators dropping frag grenades on Russian medics collecting/carrying the dead and wounded. I suspect the Russians are doing the same. The links to brutal, uncensored videos show some unreal carnage. 

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I think it's still possible before year end that they split the Russian forces and suddenly drive them out, starved of ammo and supplies.

Next couple of weeks will see major results IMO.

I'd say a 50:50 chance. There is some real movement going on now. Those bloody minefields!

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

In the video I watched of that the commentator declared the T80 was eventually abandoned. But you never know. There was another vid of Ukrainian drone operators dropping frag grenades on Russian medics collecting/carrying the dead and wounded. I suspect the Russians are doing the same. The links to brutal, uncensored videos show some unreal carnage. 

Oh right. Yeah it was still driving bit looked badly damaged. First footage of a Leopard tank on tank battle ever I believe. 

It is a mind blowing conflict in terms of access to footage for the masses that's for sure.

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On 9/13/2023 at 5:56 PM, The Phantom said:

Oh right. Yeah it was still driving bit looked badly damaged. First footage of a Leopard tank on tank battle ever I believe. 

It is a mind blowing conflict in terms of access to footage for the masses that's for sure.

Necessity being the mother of invention ("our need will be the real creator" Plato's Republic circa 375 BC) the Ukrainians have really embraced drone technology. Modern warfare is all about winning with the least casualties. Previously this meant manoeuvering your enemy in to such a killing zone that they can essentially be massacred from a position of total safety. This is not possible with the static lines currently in Ukraine.

Drones are a perfect substitute for the above. Cheap as chips drones can destroy a $5m Russian tank with zero threat to the folks operating them. Same with the loitering drones sending back precise target locations to HIMARS and conventional artillery with Excalibur guided shells. It is the battlefield drones where all the footage comes from.

Russian losses to battlefield drones must be hurting.

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I daresay, but Ukrainian losses must be hurting too. I still don't see any good outcome from this. The Russian mindset is that Ukraine is Russian, and they're big enough and ugly enough to wait it out until it is. They're always going to be there, and they're always going to be the Goliath. Even if Putin were to fall it wouldn't change the basics. How do you defeat that?

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13 hours ago, woolley said:

I daresay, but Ukrainian losses must be hurting too. I still don't see any good outcome from this. The Russian mindset is that Ukraine is Russian, and they're big enough and ugly enough to wait it out until it is. They're always going to be there, and they're always going to be the Goliath. Even if Putin were to fall it wouldn't change the basics. How do you defeat that?

Every month the war drags on the NATO allies up the ante.

From shells to smart munitions like Javelin to HIMARS to KRABS to Leopard 2 plus Abrahms and Challenger 2 to Patriot systems and soon F16's and all the rest of the tech weaponry they have received.

All have shown that the much vaunted Red Army can be beaten. Not just beaten but humiliated in some places by the sheer quality of the NATO armaments compared to the stuff the Muzhiks have to use. So Russia is no longer  the Goliath to be feared. Face it, things must be getting desperate if Putin has to ask for help from pariah states  like Iran and North Korea!

Soon the fighting season will be over. But the missiles and drones will continue to take the war to the enemy wearing down what little morale and kit the Muzhiks have left. If it lasts until next spring I would be surprised if the Russians in the front lines have any will left to face the next onslaught...

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The Russians will be helping Donald Trump again they can control old Donald. Although I think it won't be too long before a lot of the help which Ukraine has been getting from Europe and the US begins to wane? They will need to make their gains while they can. Perhaps they will be forced by Trump, if elected, to negotiate away part of their land as Russia and Putin can't be seen to lose?

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