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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

The Russians have been taking a beating, no question. Not only in equipment and inevitably in badly trained conscripts but also in their "professional" units. It will take them some time to re-build. Especially in terms of morale...

The Russian military in the control of Putin do not care about losses, particularly human, and their doctrine has not changed since WW2 and beyond. This is what gives their belief strength - that the West will capitulate in the face of such mutual loss.

Russia has the strength in being able to conscript hundreds of thousands under threat of whatever and simply launch them at the enemy who possess greater principles.

It's equipment may not possess the technology of the West but it will sacrifice those numbers in the name of its leadership's belief and might well overwhelm or at least do considerable damage to Western forces. Underestimate it at your peril.

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On 2/23/2024 at 12:23 PM, The Phantom said:

But what happens if they spin up sufficiently to rearm NATO and Ukraine, then the war in Ukraine finishes shortly thereafter?

I doubt it will.  Arms manufacturers are close enough to Government to have a reliable outlook.   Plus they will insist on having a guarantee of minimum orders.

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13 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Russia has the strength in being able to conscript hundreds of thousands under threat of whatever and simply launch them at the enemy who possess greater principles.

It's nothing to do with greater principles and everything to do with greater firepower!

Plus one round that hits is worth any number that miss. NATO technology in smart munitions is streets ahead of the Russians, their tactics are still stuck in WW2 and their Command and Control is still characteristically slow.

As I've posted previously their human stockpile is enormous but as has been shown in Ukraine they are struggling against what's essentially a very small sample of what NATO has on offer. It will be interesting to see how the F16's perform against the more nimble MiG-29's.

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On 2/25/2024 at 1:42 PM, P.K. said:

As I've posted previously their human stockpile is enormous but as has been shown in Ukraine they are struggling against what's essentially a very small sample of what NATO has on offer. It will be interesting to see how the F16's perform against the more nimble MiG-29's.

Initially I had the same sentiment and so did many others.  But if the enemy just throws meat waves at you endlessly, it doesn't seem to matter how tech you are.  Eventually you're going to run out of your very expensive weapons.  I suppose you just need to look at any generic zombie film.  They don't have guns and generally win.  Russia still has much larger numbers of dumb (yet very effective) weapons, like arty.  There are significant shortages of shells on the Ukrainian side. 

I think there are some F-16s there already.  Bear in mind the significant aircraft losses the Orcs have sustained in the last month or so, including another AWAC at the weekend.  The Orcs seem to prefer to claim they were friendly fire, other rumours are that Patriot systems are being tactically placed and then shoot and scoot.  But there have been a lot of spontaneous unscheduled disassembling Orc aircraft recently... 

The F-16 is highly maneuverable, but it's trump card in this scenario is its radar, which far outranges and outclasses the MIG-29.  Up close they they might be on par, but the F-16s are able to pick a (or more than one) MIG off way before it gets anywhere near.  See first, shoot first, win first.   

Edited by The Phantom
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I think I mentioned this earlier, but in the context of Trump possibly becoming the next US President, when did the attitude in the US to the Russian's change sufficiently to elect someone who seemingly openly supports Russia and Putin?

I was under the impression that the US citizens were still rather cautious about Russia both in terms of the perceived threat militarily but also politically.

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18 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I think I mentioned this earlier, but in the context of Trump possibly becoming the next US President, when did the attitude in the US to the Russian's change sufficiently to elect someone who seemingly openly supports Russia and Putin?

I was under the impression that the US citizens were still rather cautious about Russia both in terms of the perceived threat militarily but also politically.

I don't think the Trump voters have any consideration of the relationship with Russia at all.  They're just voting for the guy who can 'MAGA' and they don't really care how he does this. 

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9 hours ago, The Phantom said:

I don't think the Trump voters have any consideration of the relationship with Russia at all.  They're just voting for the guy who can 'MAGA' and they don't really care how he does this. 

What really pisses me off is that the GOP are playing politics with military aid to Ukraine. Add to that Trump's stupid announcements about NATO countries not paying their way and they're just encouraging the Russians. Add the fall-off in military aid (ammo) and the GOP are basically causing unnecessary Ukrainian casualties.

It would also appear that the MAGA nutters are too stupid to realise it...

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, The Phantom said:

Well I don't think anyone was expecting ISIS to help out Ukraine! 

It was not related to Ukraine, they are seeking revenge for Chechnya, Syria and other Russian atrocities against their kind.

Only Russia tried to link the two as it suits their current propaganda.

Trouble is they keep getting innocent people instead of the right ones.




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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

It was not related to Ukraine, they are seeking revenge for Chechnya, Syria and other Russian atrocities against their kind.

Only Russia tried to link the two as it suits their current propaganda.

Trouble is they keep getting innocent people instead of the right ones.




FFS I know that! 

Just funny that completely unrelated ISIS attack could probably help out the Ukrainian effort.

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8 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

It was not related to Ukraine, they are seeking revenge for Chechnya, Syria and other Russian atrocities against their kind.

Only Russia tried to link the two as it suits their current propaganda.

Trouble is they keep getting innocent people instead of the right ones


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

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4 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

I'm not sure that Ukraine would even go that far.  The enemy of my enemy is a helpful distraction?

It was pretty mad seeing the terrorists dragged into court.  One unconscious, one missing an ear (that allegedly he was forced to eat) and one with electrocuted balls.  The Orcs certainly do things a bit differently. 

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