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Villa Marina walkway

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2 hours ago, Itsmeee said:

 Never mind sitting with people walking by - it’s the dog shit smeared all through that walkway that is the big problem. I walk through there several times a week on my way to work and it’s a rare day when there’s not any dog shit. 

Having the area as an eating one would stop the dog shit being a problem so there you have another reason for this to go ahead.

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7 hours ago, jackwhite said:

It is though as part of the new application. The only difference is the public will be able to walk through the middle, similar to the cafe.

The last place you want to walk through is Jaks pub clientele when you are promenading. I'm not picking on Jaks specifically, but they are a good case in point. Drunks, casually swearing, smoking and being arseholes are not nice.

Jaks has a pack of bouncers for a reason.

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10 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

When is the last time you were in there?  You know there is an incredibly noisy ice cream machine where the many young children who happily eat in there help themselves to after dinner treats?

I don’t think you really know what you are talking about.  This isn’t going to be a pub that you have to wander through the middle of to get to M&S on a Saturday morning

Do I have toi be a regular customer or something to make an opinion?

I know enough about Jaks to form an opinion thank you very much. I walk past the place 2 or 3 times a week.

Oh, and  I read the newspapers - I take it you do too - any drunkenness, fighting etc, it's an odds on bet that Jaks is mentioned, although to be fair 1886 is making the occasional appearance these days.  

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2 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

You are basing your views on the pub downstairs, not the restaurant which is upstairs or Barbary coast which is basically the same.

The opinion you have formed based on what you know about the bar, is completely irrelevant  

Not irrelevant at all.

We have been to Barbary Coast and that was good, upstairs at Jaks too (apart from being given a seat in some far flung corner when all the window seats were available and unreserved).

I've been downstairs at Jaks on numerous occasions. Its ok but its reputation speaks for itself and is one that cannot be denied

Perhaps the proposed closing off of the Colonnade was an arrogant step too far.

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10 hours ago, AOR said:

Not irrelevant at all.

We have been to Barbary Coast and that was good, upstairs at Jaks too (apart from being given a seat in some far flung corner when all the window seats were available and unreserved).

I've been downstairs at Jaks on numerous occasions. Its ok but its reputation speaks for itself and is one that cannot be denied

Perhaps the proposed closing off of the Colonnade was an arrogant step too far.

In a nutshell. Once that is allowed to happen, they'll have their no-neck bouncers stopping people walking through

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9 hours ago, WTF said:

no, but to make an informed opinion it would help.

My personal direct experience dates back to when Jaks was The Granville Hotel. As a customer I have followed the development of the premises over the past 25 years.

I have read through the current Planning Application and Appeal documents. Have you?

I have lived in Douglas for over a quarter of a century and Isle of Man for over half a century.

What more informed can my opinion be?

But regardless of the above and who is making the application, I oppose the application for a restaurant encroaching into the Villa Marina Colonnade. 

Edited by AOR
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I think that some of us are basing our opinion on the fact that this area is and has been for a long long time, a public thoroughfare, almost a Right of Way and closing it off for the use of a minority of users is to the disadvantage of the majority?

Add to that the commercial reasons for doing so.......................

Doubling the capacity of the cafe should mean a doubling of the rent, 100k?

I would agree that the 'Family Restaurant' idea is what is needed but the place for that would be Peel Rd. They had their chance.

Either way, closing off a public footpath is not the way.

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2 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

You aren’t seriously posting your comments on this matter on experiences from years before

Do you mean as in high rise Council flats were seen as the 'answer' to housing shortages? No one foresaw the problems that would arise from those, did they?

It's democracy and AJs don't have the majority?

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3 hours ago, Kopek said:

I think that some of us are basing our opinion on the fact that this area is and has been for a long long time, a public thoroughfare, almost a Right of Way and closing it off for the use of a minority of users is to the disadvantage of the majority?

Add to that the commercial reasons for doing so.......................

Doubling the capacity of the cafe should mean a doubling of the rent, 100k?

I would agree that the 'Family Restaurant' idea is what is needed but the place for that would be Peel Rd. They had their chance.

Either way, closing off a public footpath is not the way.

They have family restaurants already within a mile of each other. No need to ruin the walkway just because they want another restaurant

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7 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

Is this post a joke?  I honestly can’t tell.

You aren’t seriously posting your comments on this matter on experiences from years before the restaurant upstairs or Barbary were even a twinkle in a barman’s eye?

No it is not a joke, but trying to block off the colonnade walkway has to be.

My comments were in response to @WTF who was suggesting my opinion was not informed. And yes, twinkle in the eye and all that, my family before me have walked along the Villa Marina Colonnade from when it was built. I can only claim 50 or so years.

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