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DBC Megathread

Max Power

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That is a rhetorical question Gozo ?   or are you having a laugh 🤣   no one is ever held responsible and lessons are never learned if the Government or local government are involved this is the Isle of Man. Wriggling out by blaming archaic legislation is a new one but unimpressive.    The public are weary of non answers or in the majority of cases no answers.

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  • Amadeus changed the title to DBC Megathread

Renamed the thread as there's loads of topics in here and I'm sure there will be more. 

On the subject of motorhomes again: not a single email or message received yet from anyone. It's on the just published council agenda again for next week. Better let us know if you really want this:

A5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
In response to comments made in Council, Members agreed that plans for Motorhome Storage be
incorporated into the “Masterplan for Noble’s Park” item, so that Motorhome Storage can be
reconsidered by Committee when that item is due in July

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29 minutes ago, ManxTaxPayer said:

Wow, Manx Forums being edited by a councillor in a way that reflects Douglas Borough Council in a less harsh light. Amazing. Might as well just rename this board DBC Forums. 

Wow, anonymous internet user finds yet another thing to complain about. Jesus H Christ on a bike. 

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Council today. The van issue is on the private agenda. I expect could get interesting. I know the exact figures now but cannot share. They are marked confidential and as a poster further up rightly said, can't be put in the open just like this. Let's see what happens today. 

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So here’s what just happened: My fellow German, Councillor Horning, moved that the matter be brought from Private to Public council. This was done under the condition that certain confidential information was removed. This was agreed and the below document is now public. 



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It does rather give rise to the question as to what happened between the purchase of the vehicles in (presumably) late 2020 and being told that they couldn't be approved, and then only approaching the Minister to get things changed in January 2022.  That looks like a year when nothing was done.

Also, if you've managed without the use of the vehicles for a good year, why do you need them or their diesel replacements anyway?  Or does the Corpy have to have enough vehicles so as to justify the existence of a 'fleet manager'.

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34 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It does rather give rise to the question as to what happened between the purchase of the vehicles in (presumably) late 2020 and being told that they couldn't be approved

The above document states that there was a 3 month trial of a CNG vehicle. What was the situation with regards to tax and insurance if the vehicle was not road legal? Maybe there was no on-road testing.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

The above document states that there was a 3 month trial of a CNG vehicle. What was the situation with regards to tax and insurance if the vehicle was not road legal? Maybe there was no on-road testing.

Not really. The law allows for temporary importation of vehicles legal in their country of registration. A vehicle on loan for trial from the supplier for a temporary period could operate here. It was only when they bought and came to register that the problem arose. So tax and insurance was GB, and legal.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

The above document states that there was a 3 month trial of a CNG vehicle. What was the situation with regards to tax and insurance if the vehicle was not road legal? Maybe there was no on-road testing.

The problem seems to have been more to do with the testing regime - which would be required if they imported a CNG permanently but not if it was here on a temporary basis.  It still doesn't answer why the Council didn't do something about it earlier - and why they're not waiting to see if the testing regime can be altered, now that it has been brought to the DoI's attention.  And more important everyone else's.

There's also the question of the compression equipment to refuel these vehicles and what happens to that.

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2 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

And some people just leave them lining the streets untaxed as a public nuisance.

You hush your mouth, next time I see you outside Jaks, I'll run my taxi over your toes!!!!!!

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