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DBC Megathread

Max Power

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52 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

When I was a lad the street lamposts were concrete and about the same width as a cricket wicket. I don't know how the children of today are going to manage with these narrow metal lamposts.

Of course in those days there were no cars parked in the street - were all too poor.

Possibly the retort will be - Concrete lamposts? You were lucky.


Concrete lamp posts? You were lucky. 

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@Youaintseenme I'm very sad to see your comments here about play streets. They are a great idea and this constant thinking that the car must be king in all towns, and that nothing, NOTHING I tell thee, must be done to stop people from driving absolutely anywhere at any time (because reasons) is just not right in my opinion. When did we decide to put the private car at the top of the transport food chain, above a healthy and safe environment for everyone? I cant remember being at that meeting. 

The play street project not only creates a space for kids to enjoy themselves, it also brings the community closer together. It's not just the kids coming out to play. Neighbours get to talk to each other, new friendships are formed and existing ones strengthened, leading to a healthier community over-all. 

Spielstrassen are a permanent feature in many German cities. Some are temporary and in the style planned for Douglas, many are permanent and allow for traffic but by law, kids have right of way and cars must drive slowly. Works really well. 

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18 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

You wouldn’t park your car outside your own house so some kids can play in the street instead of going to the park around the corner?

I’m out.  It’s a terrible idea.  I can’t think of a single positive 

If a particular street decides to be a play street, and it can be facilitated, I don't have a problem with it. It's not like a gang of guerilla yummy-mummies are going to wake up one morning and declare the street car free.

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9 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

new friendships are formed

I wouldn\t want a friendship with that Woman on the left in the Photo! Half mast pants, beach flip flops!!! What sort of example is that for Kids?


Too Bitchy?

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So if I need to take my parents to a hospital appointment and it's okay street day, I need to carry them down the road to my van?  

Need to deliver furniture or a tradesman need to carry in equipment?  Sorry you can't it's play street day.


Honestly, these green policies to reduce cars sneaking in under the auspices of child safety are ridiculous.  I am glad no green party lunatics made it into government.  Its enough to make an old woman a Stu Peters supporter.

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Just now, cissolt said:

So if I need to take my parents to a hospital appointment and it's okay street day, I need to carry them down the road to my van?  

Need to deliver furniture or a tradesman need to carry in equipment?  Sorry you can't it's play street day.


Honestly, these green policies to reduce cars sneaking in under the auspices of child safety are ridiculous.  I am glad no green party lunatics made it into government.  Its enough to make an old woman a Stu Peters supporter.

This "can't do" attitude really annoys me. In a strong community, people would of course let you pass through to pick up your parents and then maybe help you carry your new sofa to your house. Don't make up stupid reasons to torpedo an idea that has already worked very well elsewhere. Try thinking how can I do good things, not how can I be a miserable person on the internet. Life is more fun that way, trust me. 

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18 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

This "can't do" attitude really annoys me. In a strong community, people would of course let you pass through to pick up your parents and then maybe help you carry your new sofa to your house. Don't make up stupid reasons to torpedo an idea that has already worked very well elsewhere. Try thinking how can I do good things, not how can I be a miserable person on the internet. Life is more fun that way, trust me. 

As someone who has grown up here and a mother of two children I feel I am well placed to have an opinion on this subject. This feels like DBC pushing the anti car agenda again and eschewing their responsibility to provide green spaces.  

Perhaps get feedback from residents before proposing such schemes.  

People aren't averse to change when the goals are clear, but this is a greenist idea masquerading as a child safety campaign.

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This idea is nothing new. End of the 60's early 70's, it was proposed for, amongst others, Osborne, Richmond and Auckland Grove's. Most of the residents objected, for the same reasons stated here. As I recall, an inducement of a rate reduction was mooted. They still wouldn't have any of it. It died a death. 

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14 minutes ago, quilp said:

This idea is nothing new. End of the 60's early 70's, it was proposed for, amongst others, Osborne, Richmond and Auckland Grove's. Most of the residents objected, for the same reasons stated here. As I recall, an inducement of a rate reduction was mooted. They still wouldn't have any of it. It died a death. 

Interesting , as I live in one of those esteemed streets. I can tell you now its a total nightmare with insufficient places to park and big issues when tradesmen need access or delivery drivers need to call. Did have a couple of youngsters playing football a few years ago in the street which despite words from several occupants of houses still persisted and only stopped when police were called due to wing mirror broke and a few dents on cars. As for kids out playing currently. In my street there honestly is none as most are in flats with 20 plus ages , bed sitters or older generation who've been there historically.    

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4 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

If you're so in favour of children playing out, how about fixing the playground down on Loch Prom? It's still out of action and so depriving children of play opportunities. 

We are aware of this and it's already being looked into. 

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1 minute ago, Youaintseenme said:

And was an absolute state long before it was taken out of action by the storm.  

Uneven and dangerous matting, rusty and sharp edged play equipment.

Why can’t DBC just look after what they have rather than coming up with all these stupid schemes that are clearly never going to work?

You have to wonder !! No kudos maybe in that or name on a plaque 

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