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DBC Megathread

Max Power

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I think also the horse has bolted as such because you'll be lucky to drag kids away from their playstations or on line chat. Gone are the days when most kids would rock up , plant their coats or jumpers and away they'd go. Sad really as they were brilliant times. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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Were being the operative?

Brought up in Derby Sq we paddled our wooden scooters up and down Main rd, Back lanes and not a thought to stopping or looking, just go for it.

No accidents that I remember but would we allow our kids to do that today???

Things have changed, including what kids want to do with their spare time, traffic levels and online activities.

Would a closed street be more than a novelty? What will pertain when one of the Mums wants to get her SUV out? Where will people park if clearing the street?

The organisers will have to have thick skins when the FB crowd start on them?

Edited by Kopek
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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

There are a few issues really. Not least if you actually have a job where do you park on the days these roads have closed? Or to you drive through a load of kids to leave your home. DTC would be better spending money on the numerous play parks and squares they have around town. The play park on the prom as people have said is a disgrace. The one on Westmoreland Road is grim too. But it seems we have a load of virtue-signallers in DTC now who just want to promote themselves as eco do-gooders. 

If I am not mistaken  there was once a Bye Law in Douglas that prevented the playing of ball games in the street , and for the right reasons too , many residents were once plagued by youths kicking footballs up against the gable or walls of their neighbours  property , damaging gardens, cars ,  and putting themselves in danger from  traffic , 

we have many parks and open spaces  in Douglas  and most of the school playgrounds and sports fields are left open for use , outside normal school hours or during holidays ,we also have a National sports centre , 

so why would anyone on the council wish to see  an opportunity for anti  social behaviour  to rear its ugly head again ,break down good  neighbour relationships , in order to set Douglas back to the  1960's again , 

times have moved on , and children's expectations and ideas or recreation  have moved on    and I think the Council  need a rethink on this matter ,

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3 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

God forbid we let kids be kids. Seriously, sometimes... 

you want to ask some of your electors in Pulrose and Anagh Coar  about the problems in the past caused by anti social behaviour  before Gobbing off on here  plenty of space for Pully kids to kick a football on the playing fields, or at the NSC 

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14 minutes ago, Omobono said:

you want to ask some of your electors in Pulrose and Anagh Coar  about the problems in the past caused by anti social behaviour  before Gobbing off on here  plenty of space for Pully kids to kick a football on the playing fields, or at the NSC 

It's a good point. I think it's about the age. Sure,  kids that are too small to go to the park by themselves should be able to play in the street. Teenagers and youths though that (IMO) is a different matter. They can be a real PIA. 

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