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DBC Megathread

Max Power

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

Didn’t your mum always ensure you had three old pennies in your pocket when you went out, 1d for the loo, 2d for the phone box?

Why can’t you do that for yourself now you’re all grown up?

Don't forget the mittens on string threaded through your sleeves.

But that's the trouble. I am too old to remember things like this now. I still have the 1ds and 2ds but they don't seem to work anymore.

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29 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

The truth is that peoples perception of a decision or announcement is clouded by previous performance.

If someone has a track record of making good decisions then people will probably look at anything they put out, consider it, and even if unsure give the people with a previous good history the benefit of the doubt.

which as we know does not include Government or local councils...

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5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

The moment we employ someone to do that we get criticised for employing someone to do that. If we outsource it we get criticised for outsourcing it. People think cleaning the bogs is something Doris can do between making tea and answering emails. Also, the main issue is vandalism, and not the type that occurs after you had a curry and visit one of the splendid council facilities. Truth is whatever we do with it people will complain. 

No one is criticising the Council for cleaning the toilets, but you must admit that there has been some scepticism about the awarding of Council contracts in the past.  It may be unfair to tar the current councillors with that brush, but that's corporate responsibility for you.  And of course a lot of LAs on the Island have general workers who maintain the public conveniences as part of their set of duties.

As for vandalism, it doesn't really explain why an elaborate (and vulnerable) payment mechanism will deter it.  You admitted yourself it "Won’t make money for the council", but with charges it could actually end up costing. 

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17 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

No one is criticising the Council for cleaning the toilets, but you must admit that there has been some scepticism about the awarding of Council contracts in the past.  It may be unfair to tar the current councillors with that brush, but that's corporate responsibility for you.  And of course a lot of LAs on the Island have general workers who maintain the public conveniences as part of their set of duties.

As for vandalism, it doesn't really explain why an elaborate (and vulnerable) payment mechanism will deter it.  You admitted yourself it "Won’t make money for the council", but with charges it could actually end up costing. 

That scepticism is shared here and I'm aware of some of the things that went on which I'm not sure what to think about yet. It's a very different council now and there will be more scrutiny on tings like this I'm sure. It may not further camaraderie, but it will hopefully increase transparency and trust in what we do. Uphill battle, I know. Re the bogs I'd have to check the old documents as to what reasoning was given in detail as this was before my time. Actually interested to find that out now. Toilet historian. Another exciting aspect of the job. 

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C&A. I thought it was a reference to which way round to put them on?

Apparently C&A some time ago produced a range of Kids knickers with a C on the front and an A on the back! They were hurriedly withdrawn when the unsavoury  connotation was pointed out.

Info courtesy of Radio 4s 'Unbelievable Truths'.

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This thread is almost enough to make me feel sorry for Amadeus. Almost. 

However, DBC has needed change for years - now is an opportunity to do that. There will be times when the old ways can't be swept away over night, and times when pragmatism and compromise is forced on them but it's too early to judge the current crop and I'd be inclined to give them a chance to make a difference. 

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31 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

And of course a lot of LAs on the Island have general workers who maintain the public conveniences as part of their set of duties.

This what I'm getting at. Amadeus' earlier response was to suggest that they have to employ a cleaner or contract it out, damned if he doesn't, damned if he does. He's obviously getting into the PS swing of things and empire building.

How about getting the job done out of existing DBC resources? You surely can't suggest that an organisation with the size and expense of DBC can't find some hours a day out of existing resources and labour to perform some regular basic toilet cleaning in this facility?

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I think the old 'inner cabal' thought they were onto a winner when they reduced the size of the Council, less opposition for them?

The new input have caught the old guard by surprise and some don't seem to like it!

Even the younger one from the old Council must be wondering which side to come down on?

Edited by Kopek
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48 minutes ago, Declan said:

This thread is almost enough to make me feel sorry for Amadeus. Almost. 

However, DBC has needed change for years - now is an opportunity to do that. There will be times when the old ways can't be swept away over night, and times when pragmatism and compromise is forced on them but it's too early to judge the current crop and I'd be inclined to give them a chance to make a difference. 

The only way to improve the current situation at DBC and all other local authorities is to have one clean sweep and disband them all. Replace them with an all-island Parks and Recreation body taking over swimming pools, parks, street cleaning - all the other basic functions that should be getting done without all the mini-empires that exist across the current c.21 organisations, followed by one all-island rate based on the cost of actual service provision. 

It needs a bold and clear vision from Tynwald to make it happen. 



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28 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

The only way to improve the current situation at DBC and all other local authorities is to have one clean sweep and disband them all. Replace them with an all-island Parks and Recreation body taking over swimming pools, parks, street cleaning - all the other basic functions that should be getting done without all the mini-empires that exist across the current c.21 organisations, followed by one all-island rate based on the cost of actual service provision. 

It needs a bold and clear vision from Tynwald to make it happen. 



This is where it will spectacularly fail

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All the services provided by the LAs would still need to be paid for. I think the Admin dept for an all Island 'council' would be more than the total of the current LAs admin. Especially as some LAs already combine their services with some of the smaller ones around them.

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