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DBC Megathread

Max Power

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

So what are people who live in flats or houses without drives supposed to do ?   Are they not allowed to own a vehicle ?   What a dreadful attitude to have.

Have a car by all means, but if you don't have anywhere to park it then don't dump it on the thoroughfare while you don't need it.

Owning a car is nice but it is not some sort of God given right. There are other forms of transport such as bus and taxi. A taxi can cost less than owning a car and guess what - you don't need somewhere to park it.


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I call it a toy, you call it a hobby, we all mean the same thing: something you enjoy but that's not essential to your every day life. Nothing smug or negative about it. I hope you can already see on this small discussion that keeping everyone happy is an impossible task but we try to find a balance. Free parking for campervans in Nobles doesn't seem right to me and most others, but if a better business case emerges (meaning reasonable profit that makes it all worth the effort) and the concept seems sound (cars not in the way, unsightly, at risk of damage that gets us sued, etc, etc) then there's a good chance myself and others will be for it. In the meanwhile, the door is open for private entities to get in on the act and offer storage solutions, because that's yet another angle we have to consider: should we compete with the private sector on services like this, and if there's a market, then why hasn't someone done it? 

I understand when people are passionate about something and keen to highlight its positives, such as the benefits to mental health by being able to go out into the countryside and watch the world go by with a cup of tea in your hand while sitting in the back of your campervan. Everyone who wants something will do the same. The Pulrose footy changing rooms for example. The new build is estimated to cost 500k. Sure, it will benefit the physical and mental health of the people using it, but can we justify the amounts involved? Maybe a different way to finance it should be found. Or the golf course. Loads of people here complain that people can play there for cheap, yet golf is a physical sport that also benefits body and mind. Who has more right then to use public spaces or get support from the council: the campervan owner, the footy player, the golfer, the walker, the dog owner, etc, etc? The list goes on and on. 

As for parking, I think few people will disagree that parking huge versions in residential streets is not a nice thing to do. Smaller ones could probably benefit from a change in rules. The new prom rules already allow Light Vans of up to 5m long. You can always speak to the DOI and see what comes from it. If enough people have the same issue, things can be addressed. 

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3 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

What would you be using the time on if it wasn’t for camper vans ? How many are you talking about? 

Time? or space? The number of actual campervans looking for parking is also uncertain. Speak to one person and it's 20, speak to another and apparently hundreds of people might be looking for parking. 

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46 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

The Pulrose footy changing rooms for example. The new build is estimated to cost 500k.

£500k. Phew! How much is the land cost for that project? (Zero?)

Is the company offering to build a changing facility the same as the one who sold the chewing gum machine to Davie and Davie at DBC?

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51 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Time? or space? The number of actual campervans looking for parking is also uncertain. Speak to one person and it's 20, speak to another and apparently hundreds of people might be looking for parking. 

there are around a dozen parked at glenlough campsite , it looks like a trailer park as the yanks would say. , not sure what their storage rates are but some places charge 10 quid a week and that doesn't include electric,  if you have solar panels and decent batteries you won't need an electric hook up to keep charged up if your not staying in it.    i guess a bit of a worry would be that enterprising individuals would air BnB their motorhomes out and turn the back of the grandstand into trailer trash central.

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1 hour ago, Manx17 said:

So it’s not actually to remove the problem of motor homes it’s just away of making money out of them? 
so I guess it will put money in the back pocket of some, so they can have more meetings about how to get money to pay for more meetings. 
It’s not great is it really.

how much is it to park the bee gees toy on Douglas prom? As that’s not doing much benefit to peoples wellbeing is it. 
Im sure there are better important things to have meetings about. 
people need a break instead of trying to break them.

It's both. People complain about motorhomes being parked in residential areas and the council can always do with a bit more income. You can see on your own comment there again that no matter what we do, people will criticise it. 

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2 hours ago, Amadeus said:

It's both. People complain about motorhomes being parked in residential areas and the council can always do with a bit more income. You can see on your own comment there again that no matter what we do, people will criticise it. 

If you own a mobile home and cannot park it on your drive then move it to a designated park. The old summerland site would be perfect if you don't want to use the area behind the grandstand

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6 hours ago, Amadeus said:

As for parking, I think few people will disagree that parking huge versions in residential streets is not a nice thing to do. Smaller ones could probably benefit from a change in rules. The new prom rules already allow Light Vans of up to 5m long. You can always speak to the DOI and see what comes from it. If enough people have the same issue, things can be addressed. 

This is exactly the problem, people shouldn't be discouraged from pursuing a hobby though, just because the Soviet Republic of Douglas doesn't see why anyone should enjoy themselves when not everyone can do the same thing!

The area where the motorhomes were parked is laid out as a, wait for it, motorhome park! How is parking them over the winter a problem?

When I saw them being moved and the huge boulders and barriers being erected, I saw the pettiness and unwillingness of our communist council to provide facilities to assist people they perceive to be rich wankers! They were happy to push the problem onto the streets, and as you hint at, legislate in future against that.   

The whole issue was exaggerated from the start, and smacked of petty minded bureaucracy and over reaction. A few truck trailers could have been legislated against and a permit system for motorhomes was all that was needed!

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10 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

The site has been used by DoI for the duration of the prom wrecking and I don’t see any sign of vehicles being wrecked

Vehicles and salt water don't mix well, simples. The salt water eventually wrecked Summerland, corroding the rebar inside the concrete. Nobody is going to want to park a vehicle long-term in that corrosive, salty space unless they really have to (like the DOI).

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12 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

The site has been used by DoI for the duration of the prom wrecking and I don’t see any sign of vehicles being wrecked

Maybe, but the salt won't do them any god at all. That site needs proper development anyway, it's an eyesore and a disgrace to the town, along with so many other places! 

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