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Eb Christian Site?


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O god help us all, do people still have dobermans, how very 80's, I thought all the dobermans had been painted white with black spots a couple of years ago.


I'm lucky the average age of my estate is 60, which suits me quite fine, and makes me feel like a youngster, and people have little yorkies or yappy bloody terriers.

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What wrong with Onchan, I havn't seen any Chavs about.


Every so often I feel I have led a remarkably sheltered life ... what exactly is a Chav ?

Chav is a slang term in popular usage throughout the United Kingdom, and is usually used in a derogatory fashion. It is of recent origin and came into widespread use in 2004. It refers to a subculture stereotype of a person who is uneducated, uncultured and prone to antisocial or immoral behaviour. The label is typically, though not exclusively, applied to teenagers and young adults of working class or lower-middle class origin.


Or so Wikipedia tells us

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"I personally believe that this will provide a massive benefit to the area and enhance the appearance of that end of the Quay."


That's very VERY dependant on the design, who builds it and most importantly what materials are used. It'll be another white washed heap of crap that wont blend in with the Quay and will be covered in green algae in a couple of years time.


On a similar note, isn't it high time the Court House was painted? It must be 10 years almost? Think of all the paint money they could have saved if they'd built it in stone!!!


<and breathe>

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The quayside has been desperately in need of regeneration for a very long time - it just remains to be seen whether they have the nerve to tackle it properly. The pedestrianisation of the North Quay is a good start and, if they come to fruition, the plans for hotels, cafes, cinema, bars etc are excellent - but IMO they also have to tackle the problem of the flats in Lord Street which are a real eyesore and need to be demolished and replaced (they don't exactly have a great architectural value!) while the South Quay needs a huge facelift and the removal of the industrial estates on Head Road which cause tremendous traffic problems and ought to be relocated to out-of-town sites.

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It annoys me how long these things take. Government need to take a bigger role (and bigger gambles), for example in trying to expand the shopping centre - all that land sat empty parralel to Duke Street is ripe for development and a Virgin Megastore! But it'll be bouhgt up soon enough no doubt and the shopping centre forced to remain ultra small for god knows how many years!


Whenever something gets going it seems to fall flat on its face (town square anyone?)


It's the cinema situation that bothers me most, years we've needed some improvement, I just hope now the Sefton have bought the Palace something happens.


This £3m the Council are going to use to blitz Douglas wont even scratch the surface, but at least it's a start!

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  • 2 weeks later...

More news from the Quay..


South Quay in this case - got another letter yesterday, this time from Auldyn Construction Ltd, informing me that work on 15 apartments on the old "Jack Frost" site will commence shortly.


I quote:


The construction period commences in August 2005 with a projected completion in autumn 2006. Whilst we will endeavour to minimise any inconvenience, there will be some interface with both, traffic and pedestrians..bla..bla..


They need one year to build an apartment block? :blink: What are they using? Roman Slaves with ancient tools? 3 months at the max back home - and the building will be straight...


So if you're stuck in traffic soon on the way to work, just remember these lines:


We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience we cause and thank you for your anticipated co-operation.


It really seems as if this area is becoming the next residential "hot spot" now...

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Heritage Homes has come up with a new proposal for the EB Christian site and wants the opinion of residents of the area before submitting it to the planning committee.[/i]


Took me a while to realise what an EB Christian is. I though it was a post about the launch of a new catholic website.

Don't worry - I was wondering where the heck there's a church in my Neighbourhood..


Where does the name come from btw? Was there a company called "EB Christian" before, or something?

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