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12 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

This being the Isle of Man surely we would know the identity of this "drag queen" by now?

How many drag queens do we have?  (Insert reference to MHK's wearing wigs and gowns here).

I think it's surprising that the drag queen hasn't come forward to defend or explain their part in the process interesting. I had assumed that if non-teachers were going into school there would be an organisation behind it (like Junior Achievement does for money management classes). They won't have been selected at random from the entrants to the Drag category of the Guild. So why isn't that organisation defending itself? It's not like drag queens are shrinking violets. 


Edited by Declan
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1 hour ago, joebean said:

It’s a term often used by average people who don’t appreciate gesture signalling and can’t understand why, for example, a drag artist who thinks there are 74 genders is an appropriate person to give sex and relationship education to 11 year old children

Oh, people who make up stuff that didn't happen to get upset about?

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1 minute ago, thommo2010 said:

There was someone on the comments on facebook saying it was their kid that was kicked out of class so looks like it was true. 

I'm not doubting that something happened. But the story in media is coming to us from news providers with a particular perspective, based on one interview with someone who's been told what happened by the parents who were told by kids. 

And of course the story itself is hard to believe.  Why would a drag queen be delivering sex education? Why would a visitor rather than a teacher be responsible for maintaining classroom order?

Obviously, the silence from the dept is leaving the initial sensationalised facebook-style version out there, when the reality will be more nuanced.

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2 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Why was a drag queen even in the school? In entertainment venues - okay, in schools - probably not the wisest of decisions…

Having them participate in drama workshops or  on the storytelling circuit would be fine, provided the subject matter is appropriate. 

Was this person actually a drag queen or was it a trans woman?

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6 minutes ago, Declan said:

Having them participate in drama workshops or  on the storytelling circuit would be fine, provided the subject matter is appropriate. 

Was this person actually a drag queen or was it a trans woman?

Age appropriate and appropriate for the setting. 

Did the person delivering the ‘talk’ dress in their alternate persona?

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17 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Why was a drag queen even in the school? In entertainment venues - okay, in schools - probably not the wisest of decisions…

Maybe this was an intention, it creates headlines, a reaction and then certain sections in society have something to campaign about, and MHKs have a subject to get behind. Who knows what is going on? 

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So, nobody really knows for sure what happened.  Was it a drag act instructing 11 year olds in the art of fisting, or is this a case of 3rd hand exaggerated 'Chinese Whispers' originating from a kid that got kicked out of class for an obnoxious comment or being disruptive?

I await the investigation report with interest!

What I will say however, is that no matter who said it, or if it was said in the school, the idea that there are 72 genders (total, or in addition to the traditional male and female, not sure) is absolute nonsense.  I've looked at a list turned up by Google, and it's a collection of vague feelings, rather than a defined list of 72 discrete sub-types.  For example 'Anxiegender', supposedly defined by having anxiety as its main characteristic.  Anxiety is a physiological/psychological state, not a 'gender'.  There are plenty of other nonsensical examples of what is meant to constitute a 'gender' in that list.

So I for one don't accept the notion of 72 genders and (if it happened) would also get kicked out of class.  I understand the idea that gender is a societal construct distinct from one's sex, but unless the dictionary definition has changed, it is still associated with sexual identity.  We all understand the notions of 'feminine' and 'masculine', and the stereotypes that go with them which define the classic gender identities.  I think we all follow the idea that a man can have a feminine side, or some feminine characteristics/feelings, (and vice versa) suggesting that gender is not a binary concept, but more of a spectrum.  But all this other stuff about fading in and out, or having frequent bursts of something is just attention-seeking made up crap.  If that makes me a gammon then so be it - perhaps we can add that as number 73 on the list and I'll identify as that 🙄

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20 minutes ago, wrighty said:

there are 72 genders (total, or in addition to the traditional male and female, not sure) is absolute nonsense.  I've looked at a list turned up by Google, and it's a collection of vague feelings, rather than a defined list of 72 discrete sub-types.

People want to put things in boxes, and I’d posit that the 73 genders figure is essentially bandied around to make the whole concept seem ridiculous.

Gender is a spectrum, and people should be aware that, like in many other areas of life, people move up and down that spectrum.

I know men who identify as men who look dashing in a dress, they’d never try and use the facilities not for men, as they’re men and comfortable with that. But, they like a glow up on a Friday night.

I also know very masculine women who could snap me like a twig, they confidently identify with womanhood, if not femininity.

But, there are also a lot of people somewhere in the middle, and all the “non-binary” etc. movement is doing, is acknowledging they exist and giving them some of the language to cope with that.

There’s also some illusion that it’s a catching thing, seeing a non-binary or trans person won’t make your kid non-binary or trans, as seeing a gay person wouldn’t turn a kid.

But for a kid who is suffering the same ordeal? It might give them the language and agency to deal with that. Is that so harmful?

Talk to any LGBT person, and many will tell you they knew they were different from a very young age. Whether or not they could verbalise or express those inner feelings. 

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