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26 minutes ago, wrighty said:

So, nobody really knows for sure what happened.  Was it a drag act instructing 11 year olds in the art of fisting, or is this a case of 3rd hand exaggerated 'Chinese Whispers' originating from a kid that got kicked out of class for an obnoxious comment or being disruptive?

I await the investigation report with interest!

What I will say however, is that no matter who said it, or if it was said in the school, the idea that there are 72 genders (total, or in addition to the traditional male and female, not sure) is absolute nonsense.  I've looked at a list turned up by Google, and it's a collection of vague feelings, rather than a defined list of 72 discrete sub-types.  For example 'Anxiegender', supposedly defined by having anxiety as its main characteristic.  Anxiety is a physiological/psychological state, not a 'gender'.  There are plenty of other nonsensical examples of what is meant to constitute a 'gender' in that list.

So I for one don't accept the notion of 72 genders and (if it happened) would also get kicked out of class.  I understand the idea that gender is a societal construct distinct from one's sex, but unless the dictionary definition has changed, it is still associated with sexual identity.  We all understand the notions of 'feminine' and 'masculine', and the stereotypes that go with them which define the classic gender identities.  I think we all follow the idea that a man can have a feminine side, or some feminine characteristics/feelings, (and vice versa) suggesting that gender is not a binary concept, but more of a spectrum.  But all this other stuff about fading in and out, or having frequent bursts of something is just attention-seeking made up crap.  If that makes me a gammon then so be it - perhaps we can add that as number 73 on the list and I'll identify as that 🙄

Would you like some parsley sauce with that? 😉

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Putting a number on it seems bound to cause issues. Most of them seem to be descriptors of ways of being non-binary, perhaps useful to individuals (and maybe those close to them) in understanding themselves but will non-binary suffice in real life? (A bit like music genre if you're a metalhead the distinction between Death Metal and Black Metal is important to everyone else its metal). 

Maybe we can get by with knowing Male, Female, no gender, and an infinite number of ways of combining them. 


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22 minutes ago, wrighty said:

So, nobody really knows for sure what happened.  Was it a drag act instructing 11 year olds in the art of fisting, or is this a case of 3rd hand exaggerated 'Chinese Whispers' originating from a kid that got kicked out of class for an obnoxious comment or being disruptive?

I await the investigation report with interest!

Quite right, the facts are very blurred and it's being used for right-wing media hysteria. Nobody seems to be sure of who was there, what was said, or the context of what was going on, just amplified right-wing commentary on it.

A few months ago we had people swearing blind that there were kids identifying as cats and peeing in litter trays all over the island, even stating that their own kids had seen it going on. Of course, that was a complete fabrication based on a right-wing media panic in the USA and there was no evidence of it ever happening on the IOM, but the local FB groups are still full of gammons grumbling about it. They never let the facts get in the way of a good witch hunt.


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11 minutes ago, Declan said:

Putting a number on it seems bound to cause issues. Most of them seem to be descriptors of ways of being non-binary, perhaps useful to individuals (and maybe those close to them) in understanding themselves but will non-binary suffice in real life? (A bit like music genre if you're a metalhead the distinction between Death Metal and Black Metal is important to everyone else its metal). 

Maybe we can get by with knowing Male, Female, no gender, and an infinite number of ways of combining them. 


Next time Ozzy Osbourne throws someone out of a music class for confusing Black Sabbath with nu-metal there’ll be riots!

 The spectrum, rather than an ever increasing list of categories, is a far better model of gender quantification. Male/Female/Neither. Works for me. 

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2 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I don't jump to conclusions but the fact nobody from the school or department is denying that this happened is pretty telling. If it was me and there was no truth in it I would want that known not wait for some report to come out in x amount of months.


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3 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Next time Ozzy Osbourne throws someone out of a music class for confusing Black Sabbath with nu-metal there’ll be riots!


As far as metal goes I'm very binary there's Black Sabbath and everything else.

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Perhaps the "drag queen" was in fact a youth worker who is trained and accustomed to dispensing sexual advice who just happens to dress in drag as a hobby in their own time and some religious zealots have conflated the two in a display of petulance because their version of god bothering isn't allowed in schools.

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6 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Perhaps the "drag queen" was in fact a youth worker who is trained and accustomed to dispensing sexual advice who just happens to dress in drag as a hobby in their own time and some religious zealots have conflated the two in a display of petulance because their version of god bothering isn't allowed in schools.


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2 hours ago, The Bastard said:

Quite right, the facts are very blurred and it's being used for right-wing media hysteria. Nobody seems to be sure of who was there, what was said, or the context of what was going on, just amplified right-wing commentary on it.

A few months ago we had people swearing blind that there were kids identifying as cats and peeing in litter trays all over the island, even stating that their own kids had seen it going on. Of course, that was a complete fabrication based on a right-wing media panic in the USA and there was no evidence of it ever happening on the IOM, but the local FB groups are still full of gammons grumbling about it. They never let the facts get in the way of a good witch hunt.


I think that's where the whole thing stems from, the 73 genders has been mixed up with 73 breeds of cat.  That's not a coincidence.  

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