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2 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Professor Jordan Peterson isn’t exactly the best role model though, is he?

He’s really just another quite right wing and loud white man; with an academic veneer over his fan base that can be co-opted with some really dark holes into incels and other aspects of the alt-right.

He catapulted to fame by misrepresenting the Canadian bill that was being passed, making it sound like you would be arrested for using the wrong pronouns.

Plus, what about the cisgender women who have beards? They do exist, and some wear them proudly. 

Women + beards = still women

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2 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Jordan Peterson is good comedy though. Here's some rules for life. I'm off to have experimental treatment in Russia for my benzo addiction. Hey I'm back, anyone need some more life rules?


Reductio ad absurdam. His addiction was as a result of being given prescription drugs during a serious illness and being unable to wean himself off them without making things worse. I appreciate you have a disdain of conservatives but don't you think he makes a good point? Or do you think narcissistic agitators should be pandered to?


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5 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I know I said I wouldn’t engage any more .

But you have your general philosophy I have mine. And that too is quite simple.

Bar a few exceptions you are born with either a penis or  a vagina. I think from following the arguments most would say that determines what sex you are.

Re gender, apparently you can choose this, in the same way you can “ choose” what skin colour you are or the sort of family you would have chosen to been born into. Well I’m sorry you can’t.

Why not let your sex by default be the gender you are? Not one of 73 or whatever

If a man feels he was born a woman ( or vice versa) fine. Let him live the life of a woman. If he feels the need to have medical procedures to make him more a “ woman” equally fine. I’ll respect that

I know I’ll be accused of “not getting it” per your comment above. 

And equally as you say respecting who that person is if they are not causing any harm I certainly would “leave them be”

You will always get aggressive anti black/  anti gay / anti trans people who will resist any attempt to make them change their views.  Depressingly I don’t think there is much you can do about it.

I think this pronoun thing is an unwelcome distraction and really not worth making a big issue of .In the same way that some militant feminists may object to being called “love”



Except, that’s your misunderstanding. We don’t choose to be like this. If you think I haven’t tried to live as my birth sex and be that person you are grossly mistaken. I did for many years until I just couldn’t anymore. Everything about that life just wasn’t me. It isn’t a choice, if it was a choice I wouldn’t be trans, it’s that simple, too much hassle. Now I’m at a point where I am going to simply be myself, and honestly, hassle aside, I haven’t been more happier.

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Professor Jordan Peterson first became famous for refusing to bow to new legislation in Canada which made it mandatory to use the pronouns demanded by others. Not just traditional ones, but nonsense like zee and zay (IIRC)

what's wrong with German ?

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6 hours ago, HeliX said:

Jordan Peterson is good comedy though. Here's some rules for life. I'm off to have experimental treatment in Russia for my benzo addiction. Hey I'm back, anyone need some more life rules?


He also claims that academia is all warped and twisted and making all the kids lefties.

He made this claims whilst a professor at the University of Toronto. But it’s okay, as he was magically immune.

He generally just offers some bland platitudes mixed in with being a good public speaker. Then adds a real mixed bag of bonkers to it. 

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Reductio ad absurdam. His addiction was as a result of being given prescription drugs during a serious illness and being unable to wean himself off them without making things worse. I appreciate you have a disdain of conservatives but don't you think he makes a good point? Or do you think narcissistic agitators should be pandered to?


I used to like him - I was still fairly right wing around the time of the C16 stuff and thought he was doing a good thing. I later bothered to read the bill and found he'd made most of it up. Not to mention being a misogynist.

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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Do you think narcissistic agitators should be pandered to?


That's a fairly good description of Jordan Peterson. But if he was banned it'd be condemned as Cancel Culture. I certainly don't support that. But when does "not pandering to" become an attempt to silence?

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long time forum stalker - I tend not to contribute as its usually fun enough to witness everybody else's drama than to actively get involved.

Generally consider myself a fence sitter and try to consider both sides of an argument as best as my own biases will allow. 

This topic has interested me sufficiently that I feel I would actually like to add my 2 cents.

I think a big problem is that a lot of trans-sceptical people such as myself tend to see more of the extreme examples in the media as dictated by our own viewing algorithms and as such it can seem like conceding to the reasonable will inevitably lead towards having to eventually accept the extreme.

When I see videos telling me that this person with colourful hair and face piercings demands to be addressed by Dem/Demon pronouns, or this person also with colourful hair goes by Fae/Fairy pronouns, this person with colourful hair goes by Cake/Cakeself pronouns that perhaps we do get on the defensive a bit when somebody with genuine gender dysphoria asks for us to reconsider our language use to make their lives more comfortable.
These fairy/demon/cake people can believe as they wish, I just would rather not have to engage with anybody that demands I call them cake. (I do genuinely believe that these people in these particular circumstances are just seeking attention though)

I would happily use she/her pronouns for a trans woman, or he/him pronouns for a trans man, I think I could even concede to using they/them provided the person asking I used them treated me with the same level of courtesy that they expect to receive from me.
I doubt you will ever convince me that a trans man/woman is anything other than a biological man/woman that believes they are the other, but I hope that all people for the most part live their best lives and that even if we cant ultimately agree that we can co-exist and both sides can at least consider the other sides opinions even if they don't ultimately sway your own opinions.

If my way of thinking makes me a -phobe then so be it. I will continue to wear that badge until the language likely changes again in another 20 years or so :)

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11 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Reductio ad absurdam. His addiction was as a result of being given prescription drugs during a serious illness and being unable to wean himself off them without making things worse. I appreciate you have a disdain of conservatives but don't you think he makes a good point? Or do you think narcissistic agitators should be pandered to?


It's absurdum - like you :)

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