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Sex education and religion


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47 minutes ago, quilp said:

What's needed is for parents to talk openly about such matters with their kids. 

Whilst I generally agree I do know that had I had a conversation with my parents I would have been absolutely mortified!  I still remember the discomfort of watching a movie or TV program which contained any steamy scenes in it with my parents.

I would look away or pretend to be interested in anything else!  

I remember sex ed. being taught at various stages when I was at school.  There used to be the life education bus which covered a whole range of topics including sex ed.  Then at high school there were the usual biology lessons but also classes dedicated to puberty and sex although they were largely one off rather than a regular lesson.

Internet porn was around but as it was still in the dial up era was not so easily available and not such an issue. 

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31 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Whilst I generally agree I do know that had I had a conversation with my parents I would have been absolutely mortified!  I still remember the discomfort of watching a movie or TV program which contained any steamy scenes in it with my parents.

I would look away or pretend to be interested in anything else! 

Exactly my experience. Had to lol when I read it. Fortunately, and possibly known to my parents, I had three older brothers to provide an education. 

19 minutes ago, Kopek said:

If parents feel unable to provide this, then another source needs to be used.

Obviously, but those parents who feel unable need to have a word with themselves and get over any personal embarrassment for the kids' sake. 

19 minutes ago, Kopek said:

It is not beyond the Dept of Ed to draw up such lessons and there will be many secular examples around the World.

Keep religious education out of schools - simple. Leave it to the parents and their various cult leaders. (Do 'Sunday schools still exist?) Schools defining themselves as christian, Jewish, islamic or whichever, shouldn't exist. Look at Ireland north and south, a culture steeped in religious identity, encouraging segregation and division at best.

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There seems to be increased secularism on the Island which is not really aligned to the rest of the world*, and particular anti- religious fervour on this forum, but it seems bizarre for church groups to be giving sex education, and doing so incites further hostility. Many teachers do not feel comfortable delivering sex-ed material, and may lack the skills to deal with relationships and other adolescent angst, and they can't be forced to, so an independent group from outside with the necessary expertise would be a good idea - Relate or something similar?  DESC would have to pay, of course, and they use the church groups because they're free. 


* Rest of the world


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4 hours ago, quilp said:

What's needed is for parents to talk openly about such matters with their kids. 

Absolutely agree, and attempted "the" chat with my two.  The problem wasn't my willingness to talk openly, but theirs.  When kids become sexually aware they find it impossible to think that their parents may be sexual beings and the very thought is bewildering (you mean you did it more than once with Dad?). 

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Did you insist they turn yellow before attempting sex?

I think the old adage of Kids not recognising that their parents have an active sex life is long gone, even if only from their internet viewings?

That still puts some parents in a tricky place, for one, do they know more about sex that their Kids? Is there anything that they can add to the mellee of info already available to Kids from sources closer to the mindset?

Kids today


The Dept of Ed should only produce the basics, with a mind to the internet influence, to get Kids started on the rest of their lives!

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Very early 80s parents bought a Betamax Video machine- I saw through the Religious smokescreen early and was allowed to stay home and watch Match of the Day on tape whilst siblings and mother went to Church and Sunday School.

On one hand I avoided the brainwashing but also have a nagging frustration that I could have been in line for a payout as Graham Gregory was the Vicar……..

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Further to what I said above, rather than parents giving their Kids moral guidance, I think it is more likely that Kids could give their Parents some guidance on consent and respect for all genders?

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Obviously, but those parents who feel unable need to have a word with themselves and get over any personal embarrassment for the kids' sake. 

Sure, but the difficulty is you can't ensure that, and it's the children who are at risk. It's sensible for DESC to provide essential education like this.

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There are lots of things Parents should 'have a word with  theirselves' about, 1886 fights? drink driving? Meals on the knee in front of the TV, ready meals, being more interested in ones social media that paying attention to ones Kids?

Where does it end, how do we turn back time, how do we turn back time to devote more time to our Kids that our own needs? that is what we sign up to when we have Kids.

Unless, you just want to tell them to 'shut up, eat your ready meal', I'm busy!!!

Therefore!!! Parental responsibility does not just end with School sex education?

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25 minutes ago, HeliX said:

it's the children who are at risk

Alot of our Children can teach 'Us' far more than we teach them!!! We have such a disconnect to our past behaviour and what is now required that it is hard for us oldies to decide

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9 hours ago, Kopek said:

Alot of our Children can teach 'Us' far more than we teach them!!! We have such a disconnect to our past behaviour and what is now required that it is hard for us oldies to decide

I must admit this made me smile... 

I was brought up being told that you should not have sex before marriage and many of the other traditional values towards sex.  Later I started researching the family tree only to find out that many of my ancestors not only had sex before marriage but had children outside of marriage, or got married when they found out they were pregnant.  

It makes you realise that your parents try and teach an ideal when the reality is often much different. 

Even since I was at school and learning about sex things have changed so much.  We were told about gay/lesbians but nothing much beyond the fact that they existed.  Years later I know at least three people who I went to school with who have come out as gay/lesbian and I have nothing but respect for them (at least two were bullied at school often based around their presumed sexuality).  I do, however, struggle with the "newer" concepts of transgenderism, asexualism etc and I would struggle to have a reasonable conversation with a child about these topics.

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