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42 minutes ago, WTF said:

racist ??  what different race is involved here

Isn't that the standard response nowadays? If someone doesn't agree with your point of view or god forbid criticizes anyone for anything if it doesn't fall in line with the current 'thing'? Along with bigot, extreme right, priveliged, transphobe.. et al. Always descends to name calling and very little in the way of debate of the topic.

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23 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Always descends to name calling and very little in the way of debate of the topic.

I can agree with this - name calling adds plenty of heat but very little light to a debate.

While we’re here: can I ask your view on the language used by Potiron in the post from three hours ago.   You’ve criticised the use of the term “racist”  - would you like to take this opportunity to criticise the use of these terms?   Just to be consistent, you understand…

Edited by Jarndyce
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4 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

I can agree with this - name calling adds plenty of heat but very little light to a debate.

While we’re here: can I ask your view on the language used by Potiron in the post from three hours ago.   You’ve criticised the use of the term “racist”  - would you like to take this opportunity to criticise the use of these terms?   Just to be consistent, you understand…

When one takes a physical attribute such as skin colour and uses it to group all people with that attribute to have certain beleifs, behaviours and attitudes solely on that and therefore treat all members of the group as if they were the same when you see behaviour of an individual as being typical of that group.

The odd part is when it seems to only apply in one direction on the implication it is acceptable for one group but not another. I find it quite useful to take the 'arguments' made and reverse the attributes to see if my own bias comes into it.

One only needs to look at history including China, Pol Pot, North Korea and Russia as well as Nazi Germany or read 1984 to see where that road can end. Ideology above humanity. 


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14 hours ago, Declan said:

Have you still got access to the mod log then?

As an ordinary/subscriber member I used the member search function, entered “Ronnie”. I can see dates of first and last posting for all three. 

I remember them.

Added to which there were messages between the mods at the time of the first two. I still have those.

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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:

Isn't that the standard response nowadays? If someone doesn't agree with your point of view or god forbid criticizes anyone for anything if it doesn't fall in line with the current 'thing'? Along with bigot, extreme right, priveliged, transphobe.. et al. Always descends to name calling and very little in the way of debate of the topic.



The user in question was decrying Black Lives Matter. Hence the comment. 

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15 hours ago, John Wright said:

Except Ronnie was banned in late 2016.

He came back, with a near identical name, immediately, which was banned, not because it was a copy cat account, but because he was banned. Think that account only made three posts.

He made a third appearance in autumn 2020. Was banned because of the language he used.

Just so we can be clear, what language did Ronnie use?

There don't seem to be many words left that shock or are naughty anymore.



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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

Jousting. I think he was talking about the Crusades but I'm not sure they got as far as Turkey. 

Lol. Lots of them went through/besieged/sacked Constantinople. And Smyrna. And Antioch. Set up Latin ( Roman Catholic ) kingdoms in place of the Orthodox ones

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3 hours ago, Lurking said:

It was “one of them darkies” if I recall correctly. 

Many people use the word 'darkies' without realising it is these days pejorative term. Yet 'blacks' is apparently ok.

For many people it can be a fucking minefield. Ronnie stepped on a moderators primed mine, who was probably looking for a chance to bring down the ban hammer because Ronnie was able for so long to step over the woke boundaries.

So, back on topic. And yet there are apparently no boundaries in this sex education palaver. Pushing the envelope with the ultimate intent of upsetting middle England, the  'pearl wringers' and the 'gammons' seems to be the agenda here. 

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9 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The user in question was decrying Black Lives Matter. Hence the comment. 

You can decry Black Lives Matter corp, while still believing believing black lives matter.

And no, I didn't agree with potiron's post

Edit - I don't believe you can use the term 'darkies' and not know it's insulting. 

Edited by Hoops
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