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Sex education and religion


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3 hours ago, potiron said:

Im sorry but teaching kids at adolesent ages about anal,fisting,gender stupidity,gayness is filth in most peoples eyes .  Let kids be kids especialy at 11 ,12 13. They have enough to deal with at that age ,without the rainbow /identity poision. People of "your comunity" are too busy dealing with that massive  chip on your shoulder to even understand why this is wrong .. if yer a bit fruity , pervy ,kinky whatever . Thats your buisiness. That sort of thing should not be taught in schools.  And WILL NOT be tought to my child .. 

with your attitude, I seriously doubt that outside of your hand and a box of tissues, sex is non existent for you

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3 hours ago, potiron said:

Im sorry but teaching kids at adolesent ages about anal,fisting,gender stupidity,gayness is filth in most peoples eyes .  Let kids be kids especialy at 11 ,12 13. They have enough to deal with at that age ,without the rainbow /identity poision. People of "your comunity" are too busy dealing with that massive  chip on your shoulder to even understand why this is wrong .. if yer a bit fruity , pervy ,kinky whatever . Thats your buisiness. That sort of thing should not be taught in schools.  And WILL NOT be tought to my child .. 

But, the sort of things you are insinuating ISNT being taught in schools. Gender and homosexual relations sure as, and don't let your cup of tea spill too much here, gay and trans kids exist! I know, the horrors. I was a trans kid myself, and a queer kid for that matter, earliest memories I have of feeling the way I do is around about four years old. Sadly, back in the late 80s and early 90s there wasn't much in the way of words to describe how I felt, so I ended up having to figure it out for myself. But, you can be rest assured the experience is very real. Just because you choose to demean kids and look on them as being simpletons, unable to figure anything out about themselves, doesn't mean that is the case. In earnest, I feel sorry for your children, as you are clearly the kind of parent whose children are unable to open up and talk to them about anything, even though you will probably claim to the contrary due your delusions of righteousness. But, as for fisting and the other ridiculous allegations, don't be silly. As for the "chip on your shoulder" comment, you are the only one with an axe to grind here and you and people like you are the ones who are hell bent on turning this into a sexualisation of children issue. Bit of a weird obsession isn't it?

Let me ask you a question though, two questions actually.

1. You pull your clothes up to your knees and scream at the sight of a trans or gay person as, for some reason, you think we are out to get you and your children. But, do you allow your children to be around senior church members such as pastors, priests and other similar religious individuals? Do you allow your children around coaches, scout masters, club leaders and the like? I only ask because, THEY are the people ACTUALLY being prosecuted in droves, all around the world, for the most horrific abuses of children. And yet, you are freaking out about gay and trans people who 99.99% off, couldn't give a toss about you or your children?

2. More a curiosity than anything, are you one of the religious fruit loops, part of the fruit loop religious cult that orchestrated this BS? Please do answer me honestly because I have so many questions for you 😅.

Edited by Chie
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5 hours ago, potiron said:

Im sorry but teaching kids at adolesent ages about anal,fisting,gender stupidity,gayness is filth in most peoples eyes .  Let kids be kids especialy at 11 ,12 13. They have enough to deal with at that age ,without the rainbow /identity poision. People of "your comunity" are too busy dealing with that massive  chip on your shoulder to even understand why this is wrong .. if yer a bit fruity , pervy ,kinky whatever . Thats your buisiness. That sort of thing should not be taught in schools.  And WILL NOT be tought to my child .. 

Kids know they're gay from primary school.

They might not have the words for it, but they know they are 'wrong', or 'different'.

Telling a gay kid or teenager to repress that often leads to things like suicide, and kids who cut contact with their parents.

What would you do if your child came out as gay?

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As a general musing, there is definitely a link between right wing figures who are actively homophobic and promoting traditional family in public, who then transpire to be on Grindr, or partaking in various orgies and other 'sinful' things. Or they turn out to be embroiled in sex scandals.

Repression is one hell of a thing. Maybe the anger and vitriol comes from some of their own buried feelings.

Shakespeare said something about those who doth protest too much.

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