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Sex education and religion


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17 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It looks reasonable.

It is.

When something gets blown up like this and people start spreading made up “facts” that then become facts in people’s minds it takes a bit of time to get to the bottom of exactly what has gone on.

The truth will come out, and until then people need to just sit tight and stop speculating.


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5 hours ago, potiron said:

Im sorry but teaching kids at adolesent ages about anal,fisting,gender stupidity,gayness is filth in most peoples eyes .  Let kids be kids especialy at 11 ,12 13. They have enough to deal with at that age ,without the rainbow /identity poision. People of "your comunity" are too busy dealing with that massive  chip on your shoulder to even understand why this is wrong .. if yer a bit fruity , pervy ,kinky whatever . Thats your buisiness. That sort of thing should not be taught in schools.  And WILL NOT be tought to my child .. 

Two things worry me about this post.

One, that someone genuinely thinks that those things are taught at school in the way it’s been reported.

Two, that someone who it looks like might have a chid in the education system is so narrow minded.

Maybe we do need to be upping what we are teaching kids at school about these topics?  In reality it would be nice to think that kids could have open and frank conversations at home about sex and sexuality and the many way that pleasure can be derived from sexual experiences.  Posts like yours just highlight why we need to be expanding what is covered in a school environment.

Maybe the outcome of all this will be that we realise how little support and information some kids are getting at home, and as a result end up increasing what they learn at school?

Wouldn’t that be ironic if all the uproar from the bible bashes and do gooders led to a review finding that some kids are being fed rubbish at home and so need access to a wider range of information through their schools.

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21 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Kids know they're gay from primary school.

What would you do if your child came out as gay?

But others only realise it much later in life.

If my child came out as gay I wouldn’t “do” anything about it. 
Is there something I would be supposed to “do”?

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But others only realise it much later in life.

If my child came out as gay I wouldn’t “do” anything about it. 
Is there something I would be supposed to “do”?

Yes, be supportive and understanding. Most of all - listen. 

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

But others only realise it much later in life.

If my child came out as gay I wouldn’t “do” anything about it. 
Is there something I would be supposed to “do”?

Judging by their general attitude, it seems that potiron would probably take exception to the fact and try and “cure” it in some manner.

Some parents realise that their bigotry should fall by the wayside and become better people for it.

Others react much more negatively and end up with children that disown them because their parents are so against it. 

Of course, that’s not saying anything about the turmoil and trauma that a child would likely experience if things do go negatively. 

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18 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

As a general musing, there is definitely a link between right wing figures who are actively homophobic and promoting traditional family in public, who then transpire to be on Grindr, or partaking in various orgies and other 'sinful' things. Or they turn out to be embroiled in sex scandals.

Repression is one hell of a thing. Maybe the anger and vitriol comes from some of their own buried feelings.

Shakespeare said something about those who doth protest too much.

You are probably quite right ther ,it takes alsorts i suppose . However this isnt 1 of those cases... it may surprise you that as a brother of a lesbo .. im certainly not homophobic by any means,far from it  . Live and let live , have whatever sexual pleasures you desire its none of mine or anyone elses buisness. I even love lesbo porn....  I just dont believe that this subject should be adressed in schools the way it has been. That is were my big issue is ! And the deafening scilence coming from gov only throws fuel on the fire of a big cover up. 

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2 minutes ago, potiron said:

You are probably quite right ther ,it takes alsorts i suppose . However this isnt 1 of those cases... it may surprise you that as a brother of a lesbo .. im certainly not homophobic by any means,far from it  . Live and let live , have whatever sexual pleasures you desire its none of mine or anyone elses buisness. I even love lesbo porn....  I just dont believe that this subject should be adressed in schools the way it has been. That is were my big issue is ! And the deafening scilence coming from gov only throws fuel on the fire of a big cover up. 

I mean. Lesbo is one of those terms that unless you’re a lesbian, it’s a bit of a muddy area as to how offensive it is.

Some would rightly find it quite offensive, especially if they don’t know you.

If you actually read the curriculum targeted towards kids, all they cover really is that whatever you do, you should only do what you want to do. And you shouldn’t make anyone else do anything they don’t want to. And that if you do, that’s illegal. 

It then covers things like how to put on a condom, which has been in school forever.

For the 16+ year olds, there’s a curriculum that isn’t taught on the Isle of Man, that talks about anal and oral sex still counting as sex for consent and STDs. And that young men shouldn’t pressure women into something they shouldn’t want to. It’s just a document that was dug up from Scotland on the internet.

How is any of the above corrupting children or, in your words, promoting gayness?

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3 minutes ago, potiron said:

You are probably quite right ther ,it takes alsorts i suppose . However this isnt 1 of those cases... it may surprise you that as a brother of a lesbo .. im certainly not homophobic by any means,far from it  . Live and let live , have whatever sexual pleasures you desire its none of mine or anyone elses buisness. I even love lesbo porn....  I just dont believe that this subject should be adressed in schools the way it has been. That is were my big issue is ! And the deafening scilence coming from gov only throws fuel on the fire of a big cover up. 

This is genuinely funny. You object to sex education but are happy to watch lesbian porn? Are you a Tory MP by any chance?

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, be supportive and understanding. Most of all - listen. 

Wouldn’t that just make it  look like  you thought it wasn’t “normal”? 

They may feel that they are fine without any special particular support and understanding without being taken to one side and told we still love you whatever or whoever you are. 
OK some may need this but I think the less you can treat them as being somehow different the better 

As with any aspect of my children’s lives ( although grown up now) I would like to think that I can offer support and understanding and would listen should they need it. As I have on a couple of occasions in the past where their heterosexual relationships have fallen into difficulty

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10 minutes ago, Harry Lamb said:

This is genuinely funny. You object to sex education but are happy to watch lesbian porn? Are you a Tory MP by any chance?

But with any kind of pornography you can decide what content to watch. Not so sex education. 
There has been talk of a parental opt out of these lessons but in this case as with everything else this is far from clear

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10 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Wouldn’t that just make it  look like  you thought it wasn’t “normal”? 

They may feel that they are fine without any special particular support and understanding without being taken to one side and told we still love you whatever or whoever you are. 
OK some may need this but I think the less you can treat them as being somehow different the better 

As with any aspect of my children’s lives ( although grown up now) I would like to think that I can offer support and understanding and would listen should they need it. As I have on a couple of occasions in the past where their heterosexual relationships have fallen into difficulty

I think the simple answer is don’t be a dick about it. 

Some parents will try conversion therapy, encouragement to pray the gay away, shunning, mocking, beating it out of a child etc.

All they need is to be able to feel like they can talk to you. 

If your parent is a dick, then you’ll never open up to them. You’d be fearful to. 

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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But with any kind of pornography you can decide what content to watch. Not so sex education. 
There has been talk of a parental opt out of these lessons but in this case as with everything else this is far from clear

I would suggest that the kids whose parents wanted to opt them out, are the ones most in need of the lessons.

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