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Sex education and religion


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43 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But they could also take the view, as say teenagers do, that it is none of your business ( and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong)

That may be the case, in which case they wouldn't tell you as a specific thing.  In that case, again no big deal, but if I suspected that they were gay, I would probably just leave clues that it wasn't an issue and to indicate that I would be open to discuss if that was what they wanted.  Probably by referring to some third party situation so my views and receptiveness were known.  

They would probably already know, I would hope. 

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12 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Do people who wish to transition get their chromosomes tested? Is that a thing?

No, you can pay for it to be privately done though. They generally only test chromosomes in cases of say, you get cancer or another fatal disease or there's a reason to due to potential genetic issues from your family line. The world would be a touch more interesting though if they, in general, did test peoples chromosomes. The lines are far more blurred than most people would care to admit.

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12 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

What were you taught about sex, relationships etc  by your parents and how old were you?

Ohh, not aimed at me but im answering it anyway.

8/9 years old when I first found out the standard method of making babies and all that jazz, my mum told me after I asked her.

I was, maybe, 6-7 when I found out homosexual relationships existed though as my aunt came out as gay. My response was something along the lines of "neat" and my thoughts "extra present at Christmas!".

For all of the people commenting the usual "BUT THE CHILDREN" bs. It didn't affect me in any bad way, I grew up knowing that these relationships existed and I was happy for those that found love in whatever form it took. My experiences over my life of both being trans and queer, racial abuse in schools for having slightly tanned skin, a dipshit family member who's opinions and attitudes I passionately opposed, gay relatives etc caused me to grow up a fairly accepting individual who doesn't really give a damn who you are or who you love as long as you are A: Happy and B: Not causing any harm to another.

Edited by Chie
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13 hours ago, potiron said:

Sorry love wat was the question

1. You pull your clothes up to your knees and scream at the sight of a trans or gay person as, for some reason, you think we are out to get you and your children. But, do you allow your children to be around senior church members such as pastors, priests and other similar religious individuals? Do you allow your children around coaches, scout masters, club leaders and the like? I only ask because, THEY are the people ACTUALLY being prosecuted in droves, all around the world, for the most horrific abuses of children. And yet, you are freaking out about gay and trans people who 99.99% off, couldn't give a toss about you or your children?

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3 hours ago, Chie said:

1. You pull your clothes up to your knees and scream at the sight of a trans or gay person as, for some reason, you think we are out to get you and your children. But, do you allow your children to be around senior church members such as pastors, priests and other similar religious individuals? Do you allow your children around coaches, scout masters, club leaders and the like? I only ask because, THEY are the people ACTUALLY being prosecuted in droves, all around the world, for the most horrific abuses of children. And yet, you are freaking out about gay and trans people who 99.99% off, couldn't give a toss about you or your children?

Dont realy understand the pulling your clothes up to your knees part. Think thats just jibberish.. i dont think steriotyping priests,scout masters etc all as nonces is a very wise thing to do either .. yes ther maybe a few wrong uns amongst them , but they arent all bad . So thats a bit of a silly comparison realy . Its like saying lets not trust police just because of 1 bad apple recently... so most of your question is just rubbish fella . None of the above is realy relevant to this situation...... However if all said people were also trying to teach kids about these things .. i.e child comes home and told me the priest/ scout master was teaching him about masturbation , anal etc.. then that would be a diffrent story .. 1 would asume a bit of grooming going on .. hopefuly that answers your question'ish

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4 hours ago, Chie said:

No, you can pay for it to be privately done though. They generally only test chromosomes in cases of say, you get cancer or another fatal disease or there's a reason to due to potential genetic issues from your family line. The world would be a touch more interesting though if they, in general, did test peoples chromosomes. The lines are far more blurred than most people would care to admit.

So a woman who thinks she wants to be a man seeks treatment they don't need to medically check? Can choose to transition based on feelings alone?

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17 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

What were you taught about sex, relationships etc  by your parents and how old were you?

My parents sat me down while I was eating a jam sandwich. They explained they were demonstrating the "sitting duck" position.  I've never been to the park with breadcrumbs since.

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43 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

So a woman who thinks she wants to be a man seeks treatment they don't need to medically check? Can choose to transition based on feelings alone?

What would you check for? XY? XX? What happens if they’re XO, XXY or XYY? What would be the point?

They don’t check chromosomes when they allocate gender at birth for entering on a birth certificate. It’s done ( mainly ) on appearance. A chromosomally XX may have have external male genitalia due to developmental/hormonal/environmental issues in the womb. A chromosomally XY may have apparently female genitalia for the same reasons. Individuals may appear ambiguous, or be intersex hermaphrodite.

If you’ve been allocated, and registered at birth in one gender, and brought up in that gender,  but have gender dysphoria and want, indeed need, to change your socially constructed gender then knowing what sex chromosome combination you have isn’t going to be important.

In most cases transition is based solely on feelings.

Its only really required if there are other issues, often when the genotype isn’t XX or XY, or where there is ambiguity or where someone ( wrongly )  registered as male at birth doesn’t develop testes, or secondary sexual characteristics, or someone registered female doesn’t develop breasts or start menstruating.

There are a number of very unfortunate individuals who were ambiguous at birth and had intervention surgically based on what the paediatrician thought best, and brought up in the gender opposite to their chromosomal sex. The worst offender was a Professor Money at John Hopkins and he had 100’s of adherents world wide.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

So a woman who thinks she wants to be a man seeks treatment they don't need to medically check? Can choose to transition based on feelings alone?

The process is unintentionally so arduous and convoluted, that you have to be really dedicated to make any progress.

The waiting lists for an initial gender identity clinic appointment can be 3+ years.

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1 hour ago, potiron said:

If you have a cock yer a fella, if you have tits and a gash yer a woman . You can have either removed and it makes you a tranny.. ther ya go simplified it for ya. 

What about all the people born with both?

Or the blokes who lose their penises in industrial accidents, or the one that was on the TV having had his fall off due to an abscess? They were growing a replacement on his arm. Apparently, the worst part was when it'd hit his nan when he hugged her.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:


In most cases transition is based solely on feelings.


I had, perhaps unwisely, thought that someone would need some genetic proof, rather than desire. I forget sometimes that we live in a world where evidence is not required to demand change.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

I had, perhaps unwisely, thought that someone would need some genetic proof, rather than desire. I forget sometimes that we live in a world where evidence is not required to demand change.

Perhaps we should withhold counselling for depressed people until we can find a chromosomal explanation for that. Wouldnt want to treat someone without genetic proof...

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

I had, perhaps unwisely, thought that someone would need some genetic proof, rather than desire. I forget sometimes that we live in a world where evidence is not required to demand change.

Problem is that societal gender identity is about feelings, you don't feel the gender that your body exhibits. 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Problem is that societal gender identity is about feelings, you don't feel the gender that your body exhibits. 

So it's in your head then? 

Suggest it might be a form of mental illness and all hell breaks loose.

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