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1 minute ago, Mr Snaefell said:

Follow up question, are you open and transparent with your children about this part of your life?

And, would you be ok if they followed in your footsteps?

I will be when he's older yeah. I mean, he's going to be a teenage boy, he will inevitably at some point come home smashed with big red eyes reeking of weed. I would prefer it if he waited until after his GCSEs. I'm going to be entirely honest about it. 

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I will be when he's older yeah. I mean, he's going to be a teenage boy, he will inevitably at some point come home smashed with big red eyes reeking of weed. I would prefer it if he waited until after his GCSEs. I'm going to be entirely honest about it. 

I applaud your honesty, but I don't think it's necessarily inevitable.

On the other hand, apparently there's 11 year olds dealing in Pulrose.

I think you might want to have the 'drug' conversation sooner rather than later.

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1 minute ago, Mr Snaefell said:

I applaud your honesty, but I don't think it's necessarily inevitable.

On the other hand, apparently there's 11 year olds dealing in Pulrose.

I think you might want to have the 'drug' conversation sooner rather than later.

I'll know when it's time. That's a subject I understand, unlike modern sex education.

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Just now, TheTeapot said:

I will be when he's older yeah. I mean, he's going to be a teenage boy, he will inevitably at some point come home smashed with big red eyes reeking of weed. I would prefer it if he waited until after his GCSEs. I'm going to be entirely honest about it. 

I’m not sure that’s inevitable. As a father of two onetime teenage boys,they inevitably came home drunk but never reeking of weed. I appreciate that is not evidence that they never partook but I have no evidence that they ever did.

Anyway you say your selling drugs was more a “not for profit” activity and just to fund your own use. 

But the question as to why you stopped doing it remains unanswered.  I’m just curious.





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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I’m not sure that’s inevitable. As a father of two onetime teenage boys,they inevitably came home drunk but never reeking of weed. I appreciate that is not evidence that they never partook but I have no evidence that they ever did.

Anyway you say your selling drugs was more a “not for profit” activity and just to fund your own use. 

But the question as to why you stopped doing it remains unanswered.  I’m just curious.


I no longer had easy access to lots of drugs? I thought that was pretty clear from my post? Sometimes you just know the right people for a while. It's also a hassle.

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Back on track with the topic.

As our friend Brexit Barney would say “ food for thought”


As maddening as transgender ideology can be on this side of the pond, the USA stands as a reminder that things could be so much worse. Minnesota’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor has given full-throated support for an executive order aimed at protecting access to “gender affirming care” such as sex changes and puberty blockers. “When our children tell us who they are”, she said, “it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s what it means to be a good parent”.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. The most important job a parent can have is to protect their child from making adult decisions, particularly when the evidence about the irreversible harms of puberty blockers is abundant. Elon Musk took particular issue, arguing that there was no way we should allow “severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18”. 

Flanagan gave her speech wearing a t-shirt adorned with the slogan “Protect Trans Kids” and a large image of a knife. As bad as things are in Britain, I cannot imagine a politician, even one that fully advocates for total self-identification laws, getting on stage wearing that shirt, and insisting that children can make their own choices about undergoing genital surgery, let alone implying that disagreement makes someone an unsuitable parent.

What terrifies me is that insanity has a way of spreading, and US transgender ideology undoubtedly influences Britain’s dialogue. When reasonable people ask me how left-wing feminists have come to be labelled “fascists”, “bigots” and “hate-preachers”, I tell them to look to Washington, where transgender extremists can’t seem to tell the difference between Donald Trump imposing a ban on trans people serving in the military, and feminists concerned about the loss of single sex spaces such as domestic violence refuges, changing rooms and hospital wards.

The Left-liberal press has led the way on this double-speak and hypocrisy. Legislators in Kentucky have passed a bill that prevents children from being prescribed hormones or being signed off as suitable for surgery. It also gives teachers the option of choosing to not use new pronouns for trans-identified students or to call them by their new name, and bars schools from discussing gender identity with students. Trans rights lobby groups have called it an end to “gender-affirming care” and claim it puts children in harm's way. Really? 

Now events in Minnesota are taking a deeply sinister new turn. The Executive Order contained provisions forbidding state agencies from recognising judgements from other states restricting parental rights for seeking “gender affirming health care services” for children. 

Where exactly will this end up? If the state decrees that that allowing children access to surgery and irreversible hormones is “life-saving healthcare”, what will happen to those parents that oppose their child’s demands to medically transition? The logical next step would be removal of the child from their parents. These zealots must be stopped in their tracks before more children’s lives are ruined.  

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40 minutes ago, Mr Snaefell said:

I applaud your honesty, but I don't think it's necessarily inevitable.

On the other hand, apparently there's 11 year olds dealing in Pulrose.

I think you might want to have the 'drug' conversation sooner rather than later.

They could get an ex dealer into the school to talk to the kids about it.  That would go down well with some parents.

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10 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Back on track with the topic.

As our friend Brexit Barney would say “ food for thought”


As maddening as transgender ideology can be on this side of the pond, the USA stands as a reminder that things could be so much worse. Minnesota’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor has given full-throated support for an executive order aimed at protecting access to “gender affirming care” such as sex changes and puberty blockers. “When our children tell us who they are”, she said, “it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s what it means to be a good parent”.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. The most important job a parent can have is to protect their child from making adult decisions, particularly when the evidence about the irreversible harms of puberty blockers is abundant. Elon Musk took particular issue, arguing that there was no way we should allow “severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18”. 

Flanagan gave her speech wearing a t-shirt adorned with the slogan “Protect Trans Kids” and a large image of a knife. As bad as things are in Britain, I cannot imagine a politician, even one that fully advocates for total self-identification laws, getting on stage wearing that shirt, and insisting that children can make their own choices about undergoing genital surgery, let alone implying that disagreement makes someone an unsuitable parent.

What terrifies me is that insanity has a way of spreading, and US transgender ideology undoubtedly influences Britain’s dialogue. When reasonable people ask me how left-wing feminists have come to be labelled “fascists”, “bigots” and “hate-preachers”, I tell them to look to Washington, where transgender extremists can’t seem to tell the difference between Donald Trump imposing a ban on trans people serving in the military, and feminists concerned about the loss of single sex spaces such as domestic violence refuges, changing rooms and hospital wards.

The Left-liberal press has led the way on this double-speak and hypocrisy. Legislators in Kentucky have passed a bill that prevents children from being prescribed hormones or being signed off as suitable for surgery. It also gives teachers the option of choosing to not use new pronouns for trans-identified students or to call them by their new name, and bars schools from discussing gender identity with students. Trans rights lobby groups have called it an end to “gender-affirming care” and claim it puts children in harm's way. Really? 

Now events in Minnesota are taking a deeply sinister new turn. The Executive Order contained provisions forbidding state agencies from recognising judgements from other states restricting parental rights for seeking “gender affirming health care services” for children. 

Where exactly will this end up? If the state decrees that that allowing children access to surgery and irreversible hormones is “life-saving healthcare”, what will happen to those parents that oppose their child’s demands to medically transition? The logical next step would be removal of the child from their parents. These zealots must be stopped in their tracks before more children’s lives are ruined.  

How's an article from British hate preacher Julie Bindel about some events in American politics bringing the thread "back on topic" of sex education in Manx schools?

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1 hour ago, Passing Time said:

which is why kids should not have access to smartphones outside of parental control. By all means let them have a basic phone for communication but let's be honest, smart phones have ruined a lot of young lives. Or is that just me being a concerned grandparent...

Unless we as a society move away from smartphones then I doubt anything will change.

If you are genuinely concerned about grandchildren then look up Click CEOP.

Parental controls can be bypassed by tach savvy kids but, as I have mentioned before, abusers also find other ways to access children through the most unlikely of places.  

The last one I heard of was using playlists on Spotify as a way to communicate with children. 

I have also heard of apps being available that look like calculator apps but really mask chat apps.

Best thing to do is make sure you are educated and that you have a relationship that means your grandchildren can approach you with any concerns they have.

Remember that abusers will use blackmail and shame to encourage children not to report it.

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28 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

This couldn’t be further from the truth. The most important job a parent can have is to protect their child from making adult decisions, particularly when the evidence about the irreversible harms of puberty blockers is abundant. Elon Musk took particular issue, arguing that there was no way we should allow “severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18”. 

The irony being that this couldn't be further from the truth.

The support offered to children under 18 is counselling, and in some cases, puberty blockers. These allow the young person to make the decisions for their treatment when they are adults.

When they turn 16, there is an option for hormone treatment, but ONLY if the patient has already been on puberty blockers for at least 12 months.

No surgery is available to under 18s.

It's ludicrous fear-mongering, that's all.


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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well you call her a hate preacher but she does raise some interesting points 

Her suggestions to lock up heterosexual men are an interesting one..

Maybe she's onto something there.


It won't, not unless men get their act together, have their power taken from them and behave themselves. I mean, I would actually put them all in some kind of camp where they can all drive around in quad bikes, or bicycles, or white vans. I would give them a choice of vehicles to drive around with, give them no porn, they wouldn't be able to fight – we would have wardens, of course! Women who want to see their sons or male loved ones would be able to go and visit, or take them out like a library book, and then bring them back. I hope heterosexuality doesn't survive, actually. I would like to see a truce on heterosexuality. I would like an amnesty on heterosexuality until we have sorted ourselves out. Because under patriarchy it's shit.[


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