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2 hours ago, ADELE said:

Today the story is about a pupil identifying as a cat and a teacher reprimanding another pupil for commenting on it.    What is going on?   

Large number of elderly people are choosing to self-identify as gullible idiots by believing stuff that is obvious nonsense because it appears in some newspapers.  Even though, if you ask them, they will tell you the same newspapers are full of rubbish.

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2 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

If you don't believe it then put some counter evidence up from a reliable source, but don't just keep sticking your fingers in your ears and giving us your opinion.

Counter evidence for what? There's no context at all in that audio clip (which was recorded by whom?). There's no details of the person affected. Last time this story went round locally, what actually transpired was that the "cat" was a young autistic girl who's coping mechanism was to hiss at people when overwhelmed. So perhaps before casting aspersions at children we know nothing about, we should wait for facts rather than some audio that was probably recorded precisely to cause a fuss.

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@Shake me up Judy I can understand why @HeliX flagged up the source.  

Turning Point UK lists the following aims on its website (my additional thoughts added in italics);

- End the political indoctrination of students by extremists (by indoctrinating them with our own extreme views)

- Champion patriotism and British Culture 

- Protect and promote free speech (unless we disagree with you in which case shut up.)

- Promote the concept of family and community (as long as it is a Christian family and you are part of the church community)

- Oppose socialism and Marxism in all their forms (yay Capitalism!  We got rich this way and don't want to share it!)

Even if the information you posted is true they will have put a spin on it to fit their agenda. 

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It's also worth highlighting that the UK has had a Conservative Government since 2015 (2010 if you include the coalition in which they were the majority party).

12 years of Conservative Government in the UK and yet people are expected to believe that there is a leftist (woke) agenda at work?  The UK Government could easily pass legislation but they have not done so.  That suggests that this is not really happening on the scale that is reported.

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@Shake me up Judy

Neither the recording nor the transcript have any evidence that this was triggered by someone identifying as a cat!

The girl in the recording does say cow though but the rest of the "conversation" is around Gender v Sex not Cat v Human.

Once again I remind you that the UK has a Conservative (right leaning) Government and has done for 12 years.  If this was such an issue surely they would have legislated by now, especially with such a large parliamentary majority.

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Large number of elderly people are choosing to self-identify as gullible idiots by believing stuff that is obvious nonsense because it appears in some newspapers.  Even though, if you ask them, they will tell you the same newspapers are full of rubbish.

It wasn't that long ago that the first piece of advice given to anyone surfing the information superhighway was advised to not believe anything, as anyone could write anything there.

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9 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Those kids ran rings round that teacher. Kids are being indoctrinated with this shite but many of them have the common sense to know it's bullshit. Parents really need to get involved and put a stop to this, because the schools won't.

Is there actually any evidence of this happening on any scale?

And is it really the problem we should be focusing on?

It's not like the cost of living is spiralling out of control, with otherwise stable businesses shutting up shop.

Everyone said in the 80s that the kids were all going to be indoctrinated by the gays. How did that pan out? Are we all gay now?

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There was none of this stuff when I was I was child, let’s just say maybe aged six to sixteen.

I would like to think that I and my peers managed it alright. 

I am heterosexual, like most of us are but recognise that there are others who prefer their own sex.

But the emergence of this aggressive trans lobby is problematic for a lot. Yes act and dress like you think you were born in the wrong body. No problem.
But to think you can enter sports events etc say as a woman when you were born a man simply is not right and gives an unfair advantage. Why would you want to do so in the first place? Messing about putting chemicals in, or taking chemicals out of your body means diddly squat. It’s interfering with nature for no good reason. ( unlike research to try and find a cure for horrible diseases)

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9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I am heterosexual, like most of us are but recognise that there are others who prefer their own sex.

You’d be surprised how fluid that is these days. Many more experiment. Some like both. Some like both but only for a quick rummage. 

9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But the emergence of this aggressive trans lobby is problematic for a lot.

The aggressive trans lobby exists purely because on the whole, the UK, and to a much greater extent, US governments (especially at a state level) are actively making it harder to live as a trans person in peace.

9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Messing about putting chemicals in, or taking chemicals out of your body means diddly squat. It’s interfering with nature for no good reason. ( unlike research to try and find a cure for horrible diseases

“Messing about putting chemicals into your body”..I think you’ve just described medicine there.

Many mental and physical conditions are treated that way. Why would gender incongruence be any different?

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