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Taxpayer/Ratepayer Funded Public Property

Andy Onchan

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I'm sitting in the Sea Terminal waiting for check-in to open. Looking around it's clear there's been no meaningful maintenance, if at all, for some considerable time.

I invite all of you to provide photos of public buildings where maintenance is either lacking or even non-existent.


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20 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I'm sitting in the Sea Terminal waiting for check-in to open. Looking around it's clear there's been no meaningful maintenance, if at all, for some considerable time.

I invite all of you to provide photos of public buildings where maintenance is either lacking or even non-existent.


Lack of maintenance & lack of ability in running lots of public owned buildings & companies is the reason they should not be owned by government!!

Buses, airport, sea terminal, NSC, Villa etc should all be sold off to private owners with subsidies for certain loss making services if necessary 

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then state of some government owned properties is a disgrace  ,crying out for some  care , you only have to look at the railings rusting away at the rear of the Tynwald buildings ,and the state of the frontage of government buildings ,  the windows are filthy paint work all flaked off , broken paving stones o the footpath .and this is our  shop window , 

but isn't all  this   government property , the schools , local authority housing , all supposed to be maintained by the properties division of the DOI ,  who don't exactly  have a great track record in doing anything properly , 

Problem as I see it the whole department has become a huge out of control monster ,far too large and remote from their responsibilities for the upkeep and maintaining of the properties in their charge , 

Add this to the fact that most tradesmen don't need the hassle from DOI management ,who quite clearly don't know what they are doing   and many have left the workforce , leaving the DOI at the mercy of the private sector ,who now see the disgraceful situation  government has allowed to develop , and are  literally paying through the nose  for outside contractors ,particularly at a time when the construction costs have gone through the roof , , 

I am afraid its time government took the bull by the horns and broke up this monster into easily managed and understood  sections , give Education  back its responsibility for schools ,  and let the housing division have its own dedicated workforce ,, then we might see some improvement in the system 

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28 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I'm sitting in the Sea Terminal waiting for check-in to open. Looking around it's clear there's been no meaningful maintenance, if at all, for some considerable time.

I invite all of you to provide photos of public buildings where maintenance is either lacking or even non-existent.


Good old leaky  roofs. This doesn’t create a good impression for visitors who trot through the colonnades, from the ferry, from the cruise ships and even local residents visiting WH Smith or Costa can see it. The whole building is tired dated and a mess, needing more than a lick of paint.

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6 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Good old leaky  roofs. This doesn’t create a good impression for visitors who trot through the colonnades, from the ferry, from the cruise ships and even local residents visiting WH Smith or Costa can see it. The whole building is tired dated and a mess, needing more than a lick of paint.

Disagree. It doesn't need anything more than regular maintenance. Don't give DOI any cause to spend vast amounts of money on more projects that they will be allowed to screw up.

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There's no glory in basic maintenance. Far better to divert and spend resources in a bottomless fashion on vanity projects. Then when you've fucked the whole shebang up and run out of money and the public's patience, piss off and/or retire on a huge pension that the public are paying for too.

See if you can count how many have done it....

Edited by Non-Believer
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MF comes in for a lot of stick from various quarters some, perhaps most, is deserved.

However, we have an opportunity for this Forum to be a force for good and hold IOMG to account for what they do and what they don't do. In this case what they don't do.

Start posting up your photos.

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53 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Disagree. It doesn't need anything more than regular maintenance. Don't give DOI any cause to spend vast amounts of money on more projects that they will be allowed to screw up.

IOMG don’t believe in maintenance. It believes in giving contracts to their pet contractors and friends but generally it’s small beer and I’m sure that contractors only want big money projects where they can name their price. 

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It's why the roads are a state. Why the plantations are a mess. Why public and LA buildings look run down when they should be setting the standard. Money that has been made available for the purpose has been misspent, redirected or maybe even just skimmed off. The allocated time just wasted and spent without result.

Those with pride in their jobs and just as importantly, experience and skills, have left disillusioned or been pushed out because their faces didn't fit in the tapestry of incompetence.

This Island's outlook needs a massive reset but Lord knows where it's going to come from.

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19 minutes ago, 2112 said:

IOMG don’t believe in maintenance. It believes in giving contracts to their pet contractors and friends but generally it’s small beer and I’m sure that contractors only want big money projects where they can name their price. 

It's fiscal madness and criminal to allow taxpayer owned assets to rot for the want of regular maintenance and at the expense of the ever expanding CS non-jobs being created. DOI in particular have a duty of care towards those who funded the construction in the first place. 

Photos, photos, photos.

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Three years ago we sent photos to the gov showing disrepair and general untidiness at the front of the airport during the summer stating it showed poor form for visitors. Replies came there none. The entire property is a disgrace; the gardens used to be lovely.

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