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31 minutes ago, finlo said:

The Mrs saw it on Facebook I think? A platform I refuse to sign up to.

I think you/your misses may well be wrong, I’ve just had a look on Facebook myself to confirm and it appears they’re actually moving into the old pet shop unit in Parliament St.

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5 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

I think you/your misses may well be wrong, I’ve just had a look on Facebook myself to confirm and it appears they’re actually moving into the old pet shop unit in Parliament St.

That's good news then at the rate we were going we'd end up looking like Strand street!

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6 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Luke Parker from Ramsey Commissioners on the radio in the past couple of days saying that the Commissioners can't do anything to support businesses in the Town as they don't have the wherewithal.

Could they not look at Business Rates and see if there's any wriggle room, Parliament St is going to be empty at this rate?

He was wanting central government todo more bailouts, of course Ramsey could help they would just have to put rates up to pay for it!

Not sure where people think these bailouts come from but it’s from taxes which will eventually have to go up to cover costs 

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11 hours ago, Gizo said:

The Fishery in PSM closed last week. Think they were Harbour lights. 

Did it really? Wonder if there was much notice of that as we bought family vouchers for there as Christmas presents. Hopefully they can use them at other harbour lights venues. 


Really hope they're not closing down, don't get much chance to go now but always good (well, the peel one is, try to avoid the Sefton at all costs!)



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9 hours ago, Banker said:

He was wanting central government todo more bailouts, of course Ramsey could help they would just have to put rates up to pay for it!

Not sure where people think these bailouts come from but it’s from taxes which will eventually have to go up to cover costs 

Well, the whataboutery would be, if you (We) can spend upwards of £70m to encourage people to shop in Liverpool, how about a bit to keep shops open in the IOM?

Having said that, while losing Shaktiman will be a huge loss to Ramsey, it brings in a lot of 'footfall', I'm not sure the decision has been made entirely on commercial reasons.

Maybe some support could come from the money burning a hole in Daphne's pocket? Sustainability and shopping locally is also a 'green' issue, will be of use to the local tax payer and probably will cost less then a bunch more well-paid, well-pensioned cs jobs, the holders of which will probably, hopefully, just be looking round to other states and cutting and pasting successful solutions. Or we may get Manx solutions to Manx problems, which usually means it's gonna cost...................


edited for spelling, not defamation!

Edited by Hoops
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Is a business like Shaktiman able to move onto an online platform?   It already has the market presence, you would think, to be assured of customers moving to online with them.  They would still need premises and perhaps more than just the owners to staff it.  But you would expect those costs would be less than those of maintaining and staffing retails premises in a (no longer) prime spot?

We often hear about online being the death of the high Street, but people are still buying and it may be a case of moving to where the demand is.

Not so easy for catering businesses though where part of the product is "the experience". 

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1 hour ago, Hoops said:

Well, the whataboutery would be, if you (We) can spend upwards of £70m to encourage people to shop in Liverpool, how about a bit to keep shops open in the IOM?

Having said that, while losing Shaktiman will be a huge loss to Ramsey, it brings in a lot of 'footfall', I'm not sure the decision has been made entirely on commercial reasons.

Maybe some support could come from the money burning a hole in Daphne's pocket? Sustainability and shopping locally is also a 'green' issue, will be of use to the local tax payer and probably will cost less then a bunch more well-paid, well-pensioned cs jobs, the holders of which will probably, hopefully, just be looking round to other states and cutting and pasting successful solutions. Or we may get Manx solutions to Manx problems, which usually means it's gonna cost...................


edited for spelling, not defamation!

As I have said before, Daffy is for Daffy. Whilst you are right and funds out of the £42million CC fund could be used, it won’t. I think it’s being used for large scale power station infrastructure project. Sadly as with Manx run and managed projects there will be lots of fingers in the pie. Lots of competing interests and personalities involved, and issues to resolve. It will end up like Liverpool Landing Stage Mk2, another never ending story of ineptitude and project management failure. 

Incidentally Hooperman Ramseys MHK and Allinson MHK have said nothing, which is all the more surprising as both are COMIN members, both constituency MHKs and both are helping to devise IOMG economic policy. Ramsey Comiseioners have also kept quiet too. Perhaps they accept that with the forthcoming closure of Ramsey Bakery, there is an air of inevitability that other shops are going to follow suit, especially when the effects of rates and other charges are felt.

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Retail is always evolving and online is another evolution.  The high street was the death of the corner shops.  As a child growing up in Brunswick Road, there was a chemist, grocery shop, post office and newsagent, greengrocery and a buchers at the top of the road, with another butchers around the corner on Alexander Drive and a small grocery shop in Albany Street Lane.  There was also a market garden selling veg in the allotments running parallel along the bottom half of Brunswick Road.  They are all gone now.  You could say the high street supermarket and wider car ownership was the death of them.  

Along came the out of town retail parks, something which largely passed the IOM by, but that stimulated the bijou retailers in town centres.  They are both now suffering from online. 

It is evolution, but people still have money to spend, and probably more disposable income than the 1960s.  It is a case of evolving with the market changes,but not all will survive. 

It is not that I have no sympathy, just that the changes in the market are too big to fight against and survival means adapting. 


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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I’m not entirely sure any more. There’s one in Peel, there was one in Ramsey that I believe has already closed, one down south that apparently closed recently and they have Henderson and Glass in Douglas (with ABAB above) together with the Sefton. That’s the ones I know about but I understand that there are more too. It will be interesting to see what happens. We’re already over run with eating establishments and coffee places and it won’t do that much harm to the public to lose some - the economy however is a whole different story. 

The one in Ramsey has already changed hands twice.  I think it became a French restaurant which didn't work out and is now a curry house..

Shows how tough the market is:-(

Edited by mad_manx
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4 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

The one in Ramsey has already changed hands twice.  It think it became a French restaurant which didn't work out and is now a curry house..

Shows how tough the market is:-(

It was a soulless location and environment (inside) though, just like dining in a concrete warehouse cellar, I went there a few times but there was no atmosphere somehow. The Peel one is cosy and intimate in comparison.

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11 hours ago, Hooly said:

Did it really? Wonder if there was much notice of that as we bought family vouchers for there as Christmas presents. Hopefully they can use them at other harbour lights venues. 


Really hope they're not closing down, don't get much chance to go now but always good (well, the peel one is, try to avoid the Sefton at all costs!)



Quote from FB

We’re saying goodbye!

The Fishery will be closing for business after our last day of service, Saturday 9th April, as we have made the unfortunate decision to list our restaurant for sale.

We would like to thank everyone who has dined with us over the last four years, whether you joined us once or are one of our regular friendly faces. We would also like to thank our wonderful team, past and present, for making The Fishery a fantastic part of the Harbour Lights Group.

Any gift vouchers for The Fishery are still valid until their expiry and can be used at Harbour Lights Sefton and Harbour Lights Peel, if you have any questions about your gift cards please contact giftcards@thefishery.im

Love, The Fishery team


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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Is a business like Shaktiman able to move onto an online platform?   It already has the market presence, you would think, to be assured of customers moving to online with them.  They would still need premises and perhaps more than just the owners to staff it.  But you would expect those costs would be less than those of maintaining and staffing retails premises in a (no longer) prime spot?

We often hear about online being the death of the high Street, but people are still buying and it may be a case of moving to where the demand is.

Not so easy for catering businesses though where part of the product is "the experience". 

Depending on the location some non-high street retail premises are not that much cheaper.

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