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10 hours ago, hissingsid said:

There will be a lot more after the Summer Season which is about two weeks in June.  The government should have subsidised the electricity for longer instead of giving 42 Ml. although I doubt it is that much now! for pie in the sky projects that they haven’t even decided on yet apart from a few windmills that may or may not materialise.    It is still very cold and food is at a premium, heat and food are basic human rights.    This is the worst government ever, we say this every time a new lot are elected but this present government are uncaring and not looking at the bigger picture.

How do you want more subsidies funding when we are already using £350m of reserve to fund deficit over next few years, the only way is more taxes or services cuts.

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47 minutes ago, Banker said:

How do you want more subsidies funding when we are already using £350m of reserve to fund deficit over next few years, the only way is more taxes or services cuts.

Personally I think we need to do both, cut non essential services, freeze recruitment for nonsense jobs like the blue carbon team and raise taxes.

Also, hire project managers who can manage budgets and sack off the vanity projects like the new bridges on the old railway tracks.

How much of this mess is caused by decades of government failure?

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15 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Pretty dire if even charity shops can't make ends meet. Would have thought they'd be booming with everyone trying to save a penny or three. Maybe donations were down so there was fewer things to sell.

Who will fill the empty shops if more start to go? Bookies?

Even charities have to compete. I'm guessing their biggest competitor is/was Hospice.

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

How do you want more subsidies funding when we are already using £350m of reserve to fund deficit over next few years, the only way is more taxes or services cuts.

Or cut needless ongoing Govt growth. I can think of three PS acquaintances right now who will happily tell you that their sections are hugely over-staffed, that in a couple of cases they don't actually know what their exact job is, they just turn up and find things to do if they're so inclined. Oddly enough, this is all in the white collar side of things too. Lord only knows how many more there are across Govt but it all adds to the £500M pa payroll.

CS ethos is one of continual expansion and "moving forward" and in that it's currently allowed to run wild as there is provenly no control by our politicians' own admission.

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10 hours ago, Kopek said:

Let's hope that is so! There is still a dearth of political big hitters in Labour, even Stamer hisself is no great tub thumping Marxist to provide a rallying call to the proletariat???

Starmer is the number one problem, the Labour number two is the number two problem. I don't think Harold Wilson would have ever taken the knee for example.

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Or cut needless ongoing Govt growth. I can think of three PS acquaintances right now who will happily tell you that their sections are hugely over-staffed, that in a couple of cases they don't actually know what their exact job is, they just turn up and find things to do if they're so inclined. Oddly enough, this is all in the white collar side of things too. Lord only knows how many more there are across Govt but it all adds to the £500M pa payroll.

CS ethos is one of continual expansion and "moving forward" and in that it's currently allowed to run wild as there is provenly no control by our politicians' own admission.

There’s probably many jobs that need culling but unlikely you will find £40m pa savings to say fund health care shortfall next year

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Oddly enough, this is all in the white collar side of things too.

Nothing odd about it - this is why the front line/sharp end staff feel underfunded: too much is spent on duplicating managers, so not enough is left for people who actually do the work.   Where do you think so-called “efficiency “ savings are targeted?   Not managers, that’s for sure…

Edited by Jarndyce
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3 hours ago, Barlow said:

Starmer is the number one problem, the Labour number two is the number two problem. I don't think Harold Wilson would have ever taken the knee for example.

Sir Starmer. I do find it ironic that the most left wing party has the fewest examples of diversity in its leaders over the years. Meanwhile tories have had three female prime ministers and now a BAME prime minister. Bring back Boris and Jeremy for the next election.... oh wait brother Corbyn is banned from standing for the Labour Party. And BoJo is still a clown.

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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Even charities have to compete. I'm guessing their biggest competitor is/was Hospice.


Places that are badly run will fail.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Hospice and Crossroads are always promoting themselves and are visible.  I didn’t even know Save the Children were  still here.

I am getting a bit fed up of seeing sob stories from places that just haven’t adapted or made the necessary adjustments to survive or grow.  “Cost of living” is becoming a default excuse for places that were always going to struggle and fail.

As long as other places are succeeding, growing and new places opening then it’s really not as grim as some are making out.

Hospitality is a fairly easy one to get a feel for.  Some places might be badly run and not turning a profit despite being busy but in general if a place is busy they should be doing OK.

A quick wander round Douglas this afternoon and some places are packed and others are empty.  That’s not down to cost of living, it’s down to some having service, products and an environment that people are willing to pay for and some not.  Guess which ones will fail.

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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Sir Starmer. I do find it ironic that the most left wing party has the fewest examples of diversity in its leaders over the years. Meanwhile tories have had three female prime ministers and now a BAME prime minister. Bring back Boris and Jeremy for the next election.... oh wait brother Corbyn is banned from standing for the Labour Party. And BoJo is still a clown.

It won’t make any difference with this current bunch of TINO’s (Tory’s In Name Only) as taxes are at pretty much an all time high and the country is in a complete mess due to their failed Brexit. At least Labour would be a proper Labour government who would try to mend bridges (and can’t probably push taxes even higher than the outrageously high levels they are at anyway) not a load of high tax free marketers who haven’t got the balls to admit that the Tory Brexit has been a complete disaster. 

Edited by offshoremanxman
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20 hours ago, Kopek said:

Let's hope that is so! There is still a dearth of political big hitters in Labour, even Stamer hisself is no great tub thumping Marxist to provide a rallying call to the proletariat???

We tried that in 2019. Look where it got us...

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