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6 hours ago, Jarndyce said:


Right on!   Now write us a poem about pollution!

What really gets me, is that nine times out of ten it's young people who I see tossing their empty drink bottles, bits of plastic snack wrappings and disposal vapes on the ground.

The disposable vapes are particularly egregious for the environment as not only do they contain plastic, they also contain batteries. Why can't they put it in their pocket until it can be disposed of properly? 

But yet it's we boomers who get the whole blame for the state of the environment. 

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8 hours ago, HiVibes said:

It is not deferred payment, for your lot it's never paying!

Just 20 years sticking it on the young.

This heat or eat bollocks needs knocking on the head, if you can't afford to do both then thats what the the benefits system is for means tested, not having loaded boomers ripping yet more money and opportunity out of the hard working young.

Get a grip clown pants...it's the older generation that's done (and still doing) the hard work

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Ah, the young that are buying 94% of cryptocurrencies, each of which are churning out the Carbon Dioxide equivalent of several small countries thanks to processing requirement of farming. The young that are perpetually connected to internet services whose datacentres churn out Carbon Dioxide at a frightening rate, as they waste their oh-so-important lives fiddling with their phones whilst lecturing everyone else on how they are really the victim despite living trivial self-centred lives of unprecedented ease and comfort, and how everything bad is everyone else's fault despite not recognising their own contribution to climate change and environmental decline, or actually doing anything of any benefit to society other than consuming content that others have made.

Or something like that. Is that ranty enough ?

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12 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

I think the watermelons were from Vietnam!

They are lovely watermelons. Haven't seen ones that big since I was last in the US over 30 years ago. Would've bought one last week when I passed by, but didn't fancy lugging it home on the bus (that may or may not arrive).

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7 minutes ago, Zarley said:

They are lovely watermelons. Haven't seen ones that big since I was last in the US over 30 years ago. Would've bought one last week when I passed by, but didn't fancy lugging it home on the bus (that may or may not arrive).

I think my last one was 18KG. Bugger to carry. Froze half of it. Was fun to cut through and very tasty.

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14 hours ago, NoTailT said:

I assume the influx of Chinese people and alike is the reason Mrs Yiangs has expanded in to the old Hooded Ram pub and Gali Kitchen by the looks of it driving past earlier? They're advertising for cocktail staff too.

I think there was possibly some investment there too recently. 

Saw some Asian businessmen outside the place about a month ago having a look around, taking photos of the premises etc.

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