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Firm closing


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1 hour ago, manxfisherman said:

Back in the year 2000 Putin had a famous meeting with the new rich of Russia. In it he told them they could continue to make huge amounts of money only by backing him, and made their staff back him. Its why Khodorkovsky was jailed and Berezovsky fled. Ever since people have been falling out of windows, crashing helicopters, having early strokes and just generally being incredibly unlucky. Russia has been a total criminal state for a long time now and Putin is its Capo di tutti capi.

The key thing is too that you don’t need any of it papered if people know they’ll fall out of windows or have their family axed to death when things go wrong. It’s a whole shadow economy where people only know what their parts of the chain are and if they help themselves or if they jeopardize any other links in the chain then basically they’re dead. Some won’t even know what part of the chain they are.

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22 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Interesting (if long) Twitter thread from yesterday on whether "a culture of institutionalised lying contribute to Russia's recent disaster".  Of course the Russian Army isn't the only bureaucracy in which such things happen, but it provides an extreme example.

Bested only by the IoM CS....? 😂

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It was, presumably produced to a somewhat difference the regular Ram Bak? It was only a slight difference, more seeds and malt??? Still the same basic recipe? Still the same Ram Bak with the \molenberg   requirements

Strange how we complained about the price of Manx Bread and yet we are paying morre for imported bread!!! We weren't using Ukrainian wheat, were we???

....and what have we got? Soft white sqishty from many sources, any outlet, any price. Is that what what we want?

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5 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Coffee watch:

Cycle 360 - latest rip off merchants.

Thimble of Flat White

Last week £2.80

Today £3.20

That's me done with them.

They will be devastated no doubt.

Their costs are going through the roof so obviously they need to increase prices?  What are you basing “rip off” on?  Have you seen their accounts?

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

That's a shame. They do the best flat white on the island for sure. Personally, for a once a week job, id still pay it.

I suppose there are three reasons why one would pay for a service like this: because one is not capable of making it for oneself; because the surroundings make the event pleasurable; because it is so cheap one cannot be arsed to do it for oneself.

It is easy to make this at home; a bag of 5-star rocket fuel coffee beans, a grinder and a Gaggia machine. The Gaggias can be bought cheap from ebay - over the years I have rescued two for free from Ramsey tip. 20p per cup for the beans, the rest lasts forever.

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4 hours ago, Banker said:


FV closing for winter, it is pretty bleak in winter in port Erin promenade!

Just cycled around Port Erin and I’d agree. Castletown seem on its last legs. Public airing of grievances at Tuscany restaurant. 

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4 hours ago, Banker said:


FV closing for winter, it is pretty bleak in winter in port Erin promenade!

September 25th is not winter.  What are they playing at?  

5 days to go till 'winter'.  There's not a cloud in the sky nor a fart of wind and it's 17C... 

Surely they could have dragged it out for another month. 

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