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1 hour ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Absolutely not - business if encouraged to thrive should be allowed to fail - not one penny of tax payers money should go to Ramsey Bakery - it’s bread not Gas or Electric or Ferries or other items you can’t buy or make yourself.

Grow a fucking pair - The Government should shrug its shoulders and say fair play - phone Tesco and Shoprite and Claire Christians Co-Op fella and ask “Have you placed orders for more bread allowing you to possibly make more money ?”

We already have the Sefton as a semi Government operation thanks to Mark Lewin we don’t need another vanity hobby.

Spoken like a true civil servant. You do realise people's jobs are on the line here you nugget

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1 hour ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Absolutely not - business if encouraged to thrive should be allowed to fail - not one penny of tax payers money should go to Ramsey Bakery - it’s bread not Gas or Electric or Ferries or other items you can’t buy or make yourself.

Grow a fucking pair - The Government should shrug its shoulders and say fair play - phone Tesco and Shoprite and Claire Christians Co-Op fella and ask “Have you placed orders for more bread allowing you to possibly make more money ?”

We already have the Sefton as a semi Government operation thanks to Mark Lewin we don’t need another vanity hobby.

Agree totally. Businesses rise and fall , for lots of reasons. If there is business there to be had , and there is , someone will step in to fill the gap. Money to be made and maybe the new operations might be more successful given time. 

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4 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

I don’t think they have asked for a penny. All I’ve seen is a notice saying they are shutting.

You  eat all the cheap shite you want. 
I would rather pay the little extra for local bread and keep peoples jobs here.

I buy RB bread all the time and also regularly shop in Mr B's . Its a fact shops come and go and while I really feel sorry for anyone losing there jobs I'm sure they will be able to secure other ones very quickly. There might even be some with skills that enable them to start up cottage businesses pretty quickly. TT is looming and lots of bread and pastry products needed so I'm pretty positive the gap in the market will be filled very quickly . 

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16 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

I don’t think they have asked for a penny. All I’ve seen is a notice saying they are shutting.

You  eat all the cheap shite you want. 
I would rather pay the little extra for local bread and keep peoples jobs here.

Whilst I have some empathy with what you are saying, many low income people either low income earners or on benefits, can afford Manx Bread, either Ramsey Bakery or Artisan Noa or Ross. Granted they may buy cakes and other goods from Mr Bs, it could be argued that these ‘goods’ are some would argue, high in fat, salt and sugars and perhaps contribute to obesity on the island. Some may argue that perhaps there are some health benefits. 


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13 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m not sure on this one. They wrote to all their customers. Nobody really kicked up a fuss and then it’s suddenly gone viral after posts on here and Facebook and now government suddenly wants to engage with them. It really feels that with TT coming up this has been timed to create a bit of a fuss and tap government up for cash. If government offers them any money how many other ‘essential’ companies are going to come out if the woodwork claiming they’re going to end up closing if they don’t get taxpayers money? 

Loads. Other Hospitality businesses and then any manufacturing businesses which use electricity and gas heavily.

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1 hour ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

encouraged to thrive should be allowed to fail -

Does that apply to MGas , just leave many without a supply tomorrow ?

No, of course not, so some deeper thinking is required than throwaway remarks.

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1 minute ago, Manx17 said:

Hopefully it will be filled. The government really needs to protect local businesses big or small from the likes of greedy supermarkets that undercut everywhere.   From my understanding RB have wanted to shut up shop for a while, but the old guy before he died felt guilty as he knew Laxey Mill relied on them. 

There are a myriad of problems which CM Cannan, Allinson, Ashie et al all need to resolve. It isn’t just Oil, Gas and Electricity which are contributing to the problems, logistics and supply chain issues, as well as labour shortages. RB have probably decided enough is enough, but the timing of the announcement does suggest other ideas and theories. Perhaps they could close after TT, it solves an immediate concern.

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3 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

The one thing I always say is you are what you eat and the thing is , some people have to eat cheaply and it’s a disgrace. But that’s because of governments councils. Like the gentleman above with his photos of cheap bread. But would nick your last 20p and think that’s ok , for the use of a toilet what we already pay for. Those are the people that need looking into in my opinion. Eating a healthy diet is basic living and if you can’t afford that something is very wrong somewhere.

I agree, but in part, people have different priorities. Some want the latest clothes, trainers, mobile phones etc, and will sacrifice their health and diet. Some want alcohol and cigarettes etc. 

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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Exactly and this is the point here. It will be interesting if the FOI request is ever published how much taxpayer cash RB has already had over the covid period to be shutting now just before TT. But if they get any government cash due to this furore as sure as eggs or eggs everyone else is going to come out with their begging bowls demanding the taxpayer underwrites their business. Where would it end? 

Like the Farming money tree business.


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10 minutes ago, 2112 said:

but the timing of the announcement does suggest other ideas and theories. Perhaps they could close after TT, it solves an immediate concern.

While I might agree with that , perhaps continuing till after TT week could give them a few more profitable weeks and that it may give a few more weeks extension to the problems that this will cause for Island industries but only a few more weeks.

While you're entranched in your anti politician stance, why not put that aside to address the current problem?

You could start a Tynpotwald bashing thread that would run for years but why not use your Tynwald watching years to offer some reasons why this goes beyond MHKs input?

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3 minutes ago, Kopek said:

While I might agree with that , perhaps continuing till after TT week could give them a few more profitable weeks and that it may give a few more weeks extension to the problems that this will cause for Island industries but only a few more weeks.

While you're entranched in your anti politician stance, why not put that aside to address the current problem?

You could start a Tynpotwald bashing thread that would run for years but why not use your Tynwald watching years to offer some reasons why this goes beyond MHKs input?

You're missing the point massive increases in their costs with immediate effect ie 58% plus the 27% on the gas a few weeks ago plus 30% on the electricity and lord knows what on the flour could push you to bankruptcy in days let alone months.

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