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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

I am surprised to hear nothing from MHKs especially those with a MrBs in their constituency.

Douglas South - Pully and Anagh Coar

Douglas North - Willaston


Douglas Central - Circular Road 

Normally there would be screams and shouts and campaigning, loss of amenities etc. They won’t have anywhere to buy pasties and sausage rolls. 

Generally overall the MHKs have been quiet. Only CM Cannan statement was dispatched. 

FFS they are only sandwich shops, hardly essential infrastructure!

Theres loads of vacancies in similar roles in hospitality & retail probably at higher rates of pay so they shouldn’t be unemployed for long if at all

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8 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

We've been through all of this before Sultan. No two people have the same tastes or even expectations. Trying to hammer home your point of view with every post is getting tiresome, again.

I'm not saying they do.

What I don't understand is why people are willing to drink crap like they do when there is much better quality available out there.

People are holding Manx beer as of great quality when the truth is it's far from it. It comes across as they either don't know what they're talking about or haven't tried anything of real quality.

If people say well yeah there may well be other better stuff out there, but this is what I like. Fair enough. To argue that Manx beer is amongst the best in the UK, well that's just foolish.

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48 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

I really feel sorry for you if you think this is up there with some of the best available in the UK.

That's also not what I said. An island of 60m people is always going to have more variety, though I'd say the stuff here is comparable to much of the UK. Especially given the scale of an island that's got the population of a small town. There's better stuff than Bushy's about, course there is, there's also a lot of stuff about that's worse than Bushy's. Anything by the sex pests at BrewDog for starters.

Bushy's is as good as Timothy Taylor, for instance, and I say that as a Yorkshireman. Depends what you like; I can't stand the new gassy IPAs you get in cans that are 7% and taste of disinfectant, and Okell's IPA isn't that sort of IPA. It's nicer than the likes of Greene King IPA.

Everything is shit in Mann yessir. 

Edited by Ringy Rose
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Just now, jackwhite said:

I'm not saying they do.

What I don't understand is why people are willing to drink crap like they do when there is much better quality available out there.

People are holding Manx beer as of great quality when the truth is it's far from it. It comes across as they either don't know what they're talking about or haven't tried anything of real quality.

If people say well yeah there may well be other better stuff out there, but this is what I like. Fair enough. To argue that Manx beer is amongst the best in the UK, well that's just foolish.

This is about fucking bread, not your CAMRA fetish.

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2 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

That's also not what I said. An island of 60m people is always going to have more variety, though I'd say the stuff here is comparable to much of the UK. Especially given the scale of an island that's got the population of a small town.

Bushy's is as good as Timothy Taylor, for instance, and I say that as a Yorkshireman. Depends what you like; I can't stand the new gassy IPAs you get in cans that are 7% and taste of disinfectant, and Okell's IPA isn't that sort of IPA. It's nicer than the likes of Greene King IPA mind.

Everything is shit in Mann yessir. 

Again we're talking about mass produced beers.

If you're drinking anything that tastes of disinfectant I'd contact the brewery and possibly some health agency.

As I've said above every Okells beer is awful. Not one exception.

We like different things but it's clear you haven't tried anything to compare these against  other than mass produced stuff. So is Manx beer comparable to mass produced crap? Very possibly. Is is comparable to the quality that's available by individual breweries in the UK. Not even remotely.

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Just now, jackwhite said:

We like different things but it's clear you haven't tried anything to compare these against  other than mass produced stuff.

Obviously I've never tried any beer outside Mann. It couldn't possibly be you're a miserable fecker talking out your hoop.

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1 minute ago, jackwhite said:

Nah it will be because I know more about what's produced outside the Isle of Man than you do.

Course you do, yessir.

Anyway, getting back to bread. Ramsey's mass-produced bread is as nice as the mass-produced bread made by Warburton and Hovis, and it isn't pumped full of shite like Warburton's stuff. It's also 50p more than what Tesco sell Warburton for, which is the killer.

The truth is its tough to get the economies of scale needed to keep the price down when you're a small bakery on a small island. And if you're making mass-produced bread it's always a race to the bottom on price.

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1 minute ago, Ringy Rose said:

Course you do, yessir.

Anyway, getting back to bread. Ramsey's mass-produced bread is as nice as the mass-produced bread made by Warburton and Hovis, and it isn't pumped full of shite like Warburton's stuff. It's also 50p more than what Tesco sell Warburton for, which is the killer.

The truth is its tough to get the economies of scale needed to keep the price down when you're a small bakery on a small island. And if you're making mass-produced bread it's always a race to the bottom on price.

At the price they charge they are competing with the small produced stuff on the island (Noa/Ross) which is of considerably better quality.

It seemed to be indicated previously that the higher cost is due to the base ingredients, which I would assume (not knowing and happy to be told otherwise) is the flour from the mill.

Personally rather be buying one of these higher standard loafs for roughly the same price.

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1 minute ago, jackwhite said:

At the price they charge they are competing with the small produced stuff on the island (Noa/Ross) which is of considerably better quality.

Noa and Ross stuff is definitely better, but then again Noa charge £2.20 for a 500g half-loaf of white. Cheap they ain't. 

I suppose this is RB's issue. They can't go cheap enough to compete with other mass-produced bread, but putting prices up puts them into artisan bread territory and they're not that either.

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15 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

At the price they charge they are competing with the small produced stuff on the island (Noa/Ross) which is of considerably better quality.

It's different types of bread. Which other UK produced bread sold on the Island is made from sourdough?

And I don't think it is better quality... they're all different recipes and aren't comparable. They're just different.

You see, it's all down to personal preference!

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