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1 hour ago, CrazyDave said:

The Central are pitching themselves as a free house, so this confuses me slightly.

Can anyone shed any light?



Many free houses sell Okells eg thirsty pigeon, Albert etc, so assume Okells maybe supporting with something or just advertising fact Okells is for sale there, not very confusing at all

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On 9/8/2023 at 7:15 PM, Ringy Rose said:

I don’t ever give to beggars. It’s not because of a pearl-clutching belief that they’ll waste it on drugs or booze- they will, but then I spend my spare money on Bushy’s so I can’t comment. It’s simply that giving to beggars just encourages more beggars. If people didn’t give then it wouldn’t be lucrative, and that would help everyone.

How does  not giving help the beggars and would be beggars?

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18 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

The Central are pitching themselves as a free house, so this confuses me slightly.

Can anyone shed any light?



Apparently brewery have lease it out, on the condition tenants buy X% of product from them. Think they have finally realised they are not very good at pubs 🙄🤦‍♂️

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3 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well I think begging will always be profitable. Overheads are pretty low.

But like most capitalist businesses the bosses take the profits, drive around in the BMW’s, stay warm, and those in the factory/at the coal face/on the streets, doing the actual job, get pennies. Exploitation everywhere.

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On 9/12/2023 at 1:17 PM, Ringy Rose said:

Making begging profitable just incentivises people to continue begging, rather than sort themselves out. 

If the whole sorting themselves out thing worked they wouldn't be begging, would they? As a general rule if you're being asked for money it's likely to be a scam from a 'professional' beggar of which there are some and which feature heavily in every Daily Mail account of street begging. The problem is too complex to sum up with a 'get a job' response. To begin most people on the street do some work as casual day labourers or have other means to earn some money, sometimes illegal like selling dope, sometimes legal but very erratic, like car washing. According to Shelter if you sit in a doorway with an empty coffee cup in front of you you're going to have between £3 and £5 an hour dropped into it. You my also, very occasionally, get given food, drink, clothes, bus tickets and, very regularly, plenty of abuse.

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14 hours ago, Expat. said:

If the whole sorting themselves out thing worked they wouldn't be begging, would they?

I didn’t say they should “get a job”. I said that if begging is profitable they will not engage with support services which aim to move them into mainstream society.

The reasons why people are begging are complicated, but giving them money doesn’t help and just encourages more begging.

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