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1 hour ago, GD4ELI said:

This is where Tynwald steps in, remember that useless bunch? Any takeover may require approval, part of a takeover could be to limit price difference to the UK.


On most items there is no price difference anyway. Should be careful about making noises like that. I can well imagine our illustrious wading in and mandating "no more than a 5% price difference to the UK", and we then finish up paying 5% more than the UK for everything that's currently the same price as it is there!

Edited by woolley
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1 hour ago, newaccount said:

Tesco will be linking prices locally with those in the UK post-transition, plus a small additional fee for transportation, in line with its approach at the existing Douglas store.

As I've said many times, the overwhelming majority of items in Tesco are the same price to the penny as in the UK, including staple items and fresh produce. Even down to Aldi price matching despite not having an Aldi. As we frequent UK and IOM Tesco on a regular basis, we'll be watching to see if this changes now that they have more stores here.

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Just now, JessTickle said:

Agreed.  Presumably the 60 people (13 immediately) made redundant are irrelevant.

The press release cleverly talked about “shoprite store staff” being offered new posts, and conveniently not mention the buyers, marketing staff, legal team, it staff etc.

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I will buy from any supermarket that lets me feed my family at a reasonable price, for decently fresh produce. Lately, Shoprite was way down the list of those criteria. Best for good produce, in my opinion, is Mark's & Spencer's, and usually more reasonably priced than most people think. Tesco are very good for more choice, and usually enjoy buying from them.

In any case, this is something out of our control, no use getting all het up over it. Just wait and see how it's gonna go.

Edited by majkul
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21 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

And what price do they buy them at?  Anyone who thinks this is good for the island long term is deluded.

They sold Manx produce because they had to compete with shoprite who emphasised the local aspect in their marketing.  If people don’t think they will gradually increase the amount of stuff they bring from off island and squeeze the local producers on margin then they are thick

You have an outdated view of supermarket procurement policy. They know that people are aware of food miles and they do engage with local producers. You have to be good. You have to be keen and be prepared to grow with demand, but it does work.

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21 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

Absolutely. They can say they'll be matching UK prices in their statement all they want.

They won't in the long run.

They have up to now for 23 years, and there has been no meaningful competition other than Shoprite selling Iceland/Waitrose/Sainsbury with a 20-50% markup.

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