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2 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

I don’t know of any restaurants that take bookings in the TT or MGP periods if you don’t understand why you don’t appreciate how businesses in hospitality operate turnover of tables and customers is paramount .

I know of quite a few restaurants that do take bookings in that period and they have been the beneficiaries of my custom.  From memory,  La Piazza, which we have been talking about is one.

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

In which case the restaurant could say “ we have a table free for a couple of hours after which we would need you to leave for a reservation “ Certainly no problem if you believe a table could be turned over 10 times in a 12 hour service!

Its not rocket science.

I have been turned away from restaurants as a walk in because all the tables have been fully booked for the night ( not in TT week) I fully understood that  those taking the trouble to reserve should have priority. 

You seem like a nice enough bloke, but you are clearly clueless on certain subjects.

Enjoy your evening 

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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I know of quite a few restaurants that do take bookings in that period and they have been the beneficiaries of my custom.  From memory,  La Piazza, which we have been talking about is one.

Most restaurants don’t during TT

They are run by people who are experienced and know how to run a business.

I will take their opinion over yours on the matter if that’s ok?

Edited by CrazyDave
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10 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I know of quite a few restaurants that do take bookings in that period and they have been the beneficiaries of my custom.  From memory,  La Piazza, which we have been talking about is one.

Some restaurants do and some don't. Many only take walk-ins but some will allow bookings just the same. Maybe 50/50 ish if I had to make a guess. 

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as a local i just don't attempt to eat out during the TT , the restaurants are busy/full without my custom,   crazy dave summed it up correctly with this .

Because a table which they could make money from could be sat empty for 45 minutes because they can’t sit anyone at it due to someone else having it booked at 7:30.



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11 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

No you don’t understand. If I make a booking they are guaranteed the revenue from my spend  ( increased prices or not) rather than taking the risk my table may or may not be taken by someone else.

Plus it’s not good business sense to piss your regular customers off

Just one addition to this.

Do you have any idea how many no shows places that take booking get during TT?  Its a huge problem, especially if the race schedule is delayed or altered.

Why would a restaurant take bookings and risk half or more of them not turning up while they are turning away customer who are there and willing to spend money?

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40 minutes ago, WTF said:

as a local i just don't attempt to eat out during the TT , the restaurants are busy/full without my custom,   crazy dave summed it up correctly with this .

Because a table which they could make money from could be sat empty for 45 minutes because they can’t sit anyone at it due to someone else having it booked at 7:30.

Conversely said table could remain empty all evening because of the shortage of walk ins, thus not generating  any revenue.Not every restaurant is filled to capacity  for the whole of TT

When it could have been used by a couple of parties ( regulars) who wished to reserve a table. Such parties being thrust into the arms of another restaurateur who did offer reservations.  
They may well not return to the first restaurant from then on in, either because they are pissed off or have been seduced by the offerings of the other venue which becomes their new “go to” place

There is a saying that it’s a lot easier to keep existing customers than attract new ones.

Thats all I’ve got to say on the subject.

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:


There is a saying that it’s a lot easier to keep existing customers than attract new ones.

Thats all I’ve got to say on the subject.

but existing  customers will be aware that there are no reservations made TT week and probably won't even try and ask

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We had a family Birthday meal during the MGP period and the amount of venues in Douglas we tried to get a booking in was vast, admittedly it was  for 14 people but in the end we found one and had a lovely meal we did have to eat earlier than usual but we were on  the verge of giving up.    Perhaps it is different out of town.   You cannot blame the eateries for trying to utilise their premises in the most profitable way it is a short season and they have suffered with lock downs.    

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2 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

We had a family Birthday meal during the MGP period and the amount of venues in Douglas we tried to get a booking in was vast, admittedly it was  for 14 people but in the end we found one and had a lovely meal we did have to eat earlier than usual but we were on  the verge of giving up.    Perhaps it is different out of town.   You cannot blame the eateries for trying to utilise their premises in the most profitable way it is a short season and they have suffered with lock downs.    

For that many you may have been better getting a caterer in do do something at your house, if you have the room.

Sounds fancy but surprisingly good value if there are enough of you.

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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:

For that many you may have been better getting a caterer in do do something at your house, if you have the room.

Sounds fancy but surprisingly good value if there are enough of you.

Not the same as going out though is it?

Staying at home sounds as dull as….

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