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24 minutes ago, Banker said:

Don’t Iom referrals get priority over normal Uk ones as we pay 

Not sure it makes any real difference, in England it’s commissioned by fund holding organisations, which pay. Started as GP fund holding, then Primary Health Care Trusts in 2001, they were collapsed into Clinical Commissioning Groups in 2013 and then into integrated care groups in 2022. 

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8 hours ago, mollag said:

An opener this time, a Sarnie shop,--OK, sounds like a plan, Our wonderful news folk forgot to say where, --tis Church Road Marina, opposite the Market St junction. 🙄


Which begs the question why? Hardly going to get inundated with passing footfall

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4 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Which begs the question why? Hardly going to get inundated with passing footfall

My thoughts as well, lots of passing traffic but nowhere handy to stop,cept the pay for carpark, i reckon it will be more a bijou drinkery for the pub crawlers, nice work if you can get it.😋

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21 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Far better idea would be to raise the VAT threshold in line with inflation from it's current £85,000 which hasn't changed since 2017.

CPI Apr 2017 = 124.6

CPI Dec 2023 = 157.2

An increase of 26% so, to match inflation it should be £107,000.

That would certainly help smaller businesses in one simple change that could come into effect in April in time for the start of the season.

Pretty sure VAT could tell you how many companies could de-register from that point on.

It would also be fairer across the board than a complex scheme to target a specific industry sector and no doubt add more heads to HMRC to sort it out.

Oh and while they are at it they could tie income tax thresholds to inflation too instead of the sly 'not increasing taxes' stealth increase in tax.


Only really going to help one man band service providors. Fair enough for those that it would help and their customers, but it's a minute business that only turns over those sort of figures, even if the VAT threshold was uplifted.

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On 1/27/2024 at 7:31 AM, Andy Onchan said:

This is a reliable barometer and very concerning. The last debt you DON'T pay is the one you owe to the government, so if those people aren't paying their tax/NI dues, you can bet they aren't paying anyone else they owe money to either which starts a domino effect. This is universal, not just on the Island. Everyone should watch their credit control diligently.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Only really going to help one man band service providors. Fair enough for those that it would help and their customers, but it's a minute business that only turns over those sort of figures, even if the VAT threshold was uplifted.

Like I said, it's about adjusting for inflation since 2017 and taking smaller businesses out of unpaid tax collecting until they hit £107k turnover.

It could be done at the stroke of a pen and would require no extra civil servants or rules to be changed.

We really ought to be going for the simple solutions that can be done quickly. Sadly our glorious leaders faff about bashing the bishop and finding excuses to have comittees and reports about how they screwed something else up. None of which addresses the problems people are dealing with now.

Same with NI & tax thresholds, stop screwing the lowest paid by dragging them into higher brackets because they are getting increased pay to offset inflation because some smart arse has decided that freezing thresholds looks better than increasing taxes.

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On 12/20/2023 at 12:01 AM, Roger Mexico said:

I'm not sure that those figures really show that (and Gallup don't claim they do).  It's only six data points over 25 years and if you look at the linked tables etc (downloads) the sample size is only around 1000, so the number of vegetarians will only be around 40-50 and vegans around 10.  So random fluctuation in the sample will make it look like there is movement when there isn't.  It also makes analysis of the sub-sample fairly useless.

YouGov have some better data here on UK and US vegans (based on full panel preferences, so many thousands):


and on UK dietary habits in general, though only over four years, fairly steady in that period:


Sample sizes are in the 2000 range, so a bit better and you can use the tabs at the side to look at particular subgroups.  Interestingly while only 2-3% are vegan and another 5-7% vegetarian, 13-16% described themselves as flexitarian (mainly vegetarian but occasionally eat meat or fish). 

They could always branch out



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Even with a VAT limit of 100k, a hands on owner and one? staff. It would be a lucky owner who get a 25% profit as a max, 12-15% being more likely?.  £25k earnings for all the extra work is not a good  return?

Then there would be the added pressure of keeping your takings below the limit, drinks only after 2.30!!! That'd go down well?

I agree the limit should be raised but there would be few who would benefit?

The limit would have to be some 150/170 k to be of benefit to very few owners?

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Every time a new eatery opens whether it be sandwich bar or restaurant another nail goes in the coffin of an existing one.    There are only so many people who choose  to or can afford to eat out these days and with more increases coming our way with rates, electricity and anything else the Government can think of less and less people will be doing so.    So much cheaper to make your own sandwiches to bring to work and probably superior quality.

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