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Residents 'shocked' to be fined for parking on pavements outside homes

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18 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

There are too many cars to one  household now, and some streets are too narrow. So where are they to park? But Is this just another outcome of the housing crisis. Where adult children are having to stay with parents later in their lives and not pay stupid amounts of money to private landlords, and trying to save to get a property of their own. It’s like no one is getting a break. Arrows pointed from every direction to get you. So people will find themselves fined for no forward thinking from those elected. They need to find solutions fast.

Why does government have any responsibility to provide parking for your car? It's a strange mentality we have? Do you not have use of your legs? If you haven't apply for a resident reserved parking space, if you have, walk.

You can't just keep blaming government for everything. The streets are streets, not parking areas. 

It would help if the DOI started actually checking parking permits again and maybe we should do what they do in York. You get one permit that you pay for, end of. 

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For ages it seems that traffic infringements have been ignored -

Stop or park on double yellows? No problem, stick your hazard warning lights on.

Same with pedestrian crossing zig zags, double parking on the prom 

You could it is part of living in a tolerant society, or  you could say it has bred a lack of responsibility on the part of drivers.

If you have no where to legitimately park a vehicle, park it where you can and walk or don't buy the vehicle.   

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7 hours ago, Banker said:

There’s lots on Facebook complaining about fines in cedar walk & other areas saying they have too many cars for drive!!

Simple solution, expand your drive or park on your lawn!! We chose the former.

can't be true mate, 2112 has already told us it's those in social housing who are to blame..................again.

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6 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

A single driveway even if it can hold upto 4 cars is an utter PITA to use, you have to constantly shuffle cars on/off in order to get out, it’s handy if you’ve got a camper van/motorhome and thats about it. If you’ve got 3/4 adults on different shifts/leaving at different times, forget it.

Yes but look at the income coming into the household  from all those occupants with vehicles ,    time to do what they do in Bermuda , reasonable tax for 1 vehicle  then a sliding upward scale for additional vehicles , I see loads  of old campers and motorhomes that are only paying £25 in road tax  as historic vehicles  , and some people are buying old chassis and fitting a modern  sleeper unit   or explorer box ,and getting away with the reduction ,, time for  all  vehicle ownership  including numbers registered  per household was reviewed ,

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14 minutes ago, Hoops said:

can't be true mate, 2112 has already told us it's those in social housing who are to blame..................again.

Well I drove through Willaston estate today & only saw one vehicle in a pavement &!that was a commercial van with occupants getting pasties etc in shop opposite.

In my private estate Theres a few on pavements even though most drives take 3/4 cars caused mainly by a huge camper vehicle which only moves 2/3 times per year

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6 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Yes but look at the income coming into the household  from all those occupants with vehicles ,    time to do what they do in Bermuda , reasonable tax for 1 vehicle  then a sliding upward scale for additional vehicles , I see loads  of old campers and motorhomes that are only paying £25 in road tax  as historic vehicles  , and some people are buying old chassis and fitting a modern  sleeper unit   or explorer box ,and getting away with the reduction ,, time for  all  vehicle ownership  including numbers registered  per household was reviewed ,

I think if they brought in an MOT it would get rid of a lot of vehicles in one swoop, especially second cars and rotten work vans that get dumped on the road, but there is cars driving round and parked up that haven’t had tax for months and they only seem to have a purge once in a blue moon, once they reach double figures that seems to be enough. You could walk round any large public car park and find a few untaxed vehicles or bald tyres. Someone else previously pointed out to me that an MOT would effectively be a tax on the poor but I don’t see it like that, if you can’t afford to maintain a vehicle then you should you really be driving it in the first place? 

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1 hour ago, Manx17 said:

Government are the leaders and get paid to be leaders. They are responsible as they are the ones that says what happens on the island. It does not stop at heritage sites pot holes and parking. Every year they are giving out work permits or visas and people are moving here and it has now because of their miss management over the years formed a housing crisis, and it has also affected other areas. Dentists doctors hospitals etc. There are also over the counter offices shut early providing half a service. A car is a basic thing in life to get you to A to B. In lots of jobs you need to drive not every one sits behind a desk. They need housing stock not look at easy options and give out parking fines and job done. 

Easy fix. Don't break the law and you will not be fined! 

Problem is lazy people. The only reason they park outside Tesco and Shoprite, etc is because they cannot drive in. 

P.S. There is not a housing crisis here. There are thousands of empty properties. 

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38 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Yes but look at the income coming into the household  from all those occupants with vehicles ,    time to do what they do in Bermuda , reasonable tax for 1 vehicle  then a sliding upward scale for additional vehicles , I see loads  of old campers and motorhomes that are only paying £25 in road tax  as historic vehicles  , and some people are buying old chassis and fitting a modern  sleeper unit   or explorer box ,and getting away with the reduction ,, time for  all  vehicle ownership  including numbers registered  per household was reviewed ,

Actually, that is not the way it works in Bermuda. Over there it works From several angles. You are allowed one private car per land tax number. So, people with large properties split it into several flats with separate land tax numbers. Problem solved. There is also enormous importation tax on cars, but no VAT, so cars cost about the same as here. However, if you want a new car, you have a choice. Either sell your car and then wait a compulsory year to buy a new one, or scrap the old one and just buy the new one. Of course, you could sell the old one and buy the new one immediately on one of your other land tax numbers. There are always ways around systems.

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2 hours ago, Manx17 said:

There are too many cars to one  household now, and some streets are too narrow. So where are they to park? But Is this just another outcome of the housing crisis. Where adult children are having to stay with parents later in their lives and not pay stupid amounts of money to private landlords, and trying to save to get a property of their own. It’s like no one is getting a break. Arrows pointed from every direction to get you. So people will find themselves fined for no forward thinking from those elected. They need to find solutions fast.

I remember about 10 years back a local commissioner was breaking dishes over camper vans parking in a certain area as it was spoiling the view for the residents. All the camper vans got tickets for being to big/wide the same question was asked where are they supposed to park and people on social media were giving the answer not the government's responsibility. 


I have a car if I can't get it outside my house I'll park it somewhere else. It's about time people start taking responsibility 

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1 hour ago, Manx17 said:

Government are the leaders and get paid to be leaders. They are responsible as they are the ones that says what happens on the island. It does not stop at heritage sites pot holes and parking. Every year they are giving out work permits or visas and people are moving here and it has now because of their miss management over the years formed a housing crisis, and it has also affected other areas. Dentists doctors hospitals etc. There are also over the counter offices shut early providing half a service. A car is a basic thing in life to get you to A to B. In lots of jobs you need to drive not every one sits behind a desk. They need housing stock not look at easy options and give out parking fines and job done. 

I'm not sure how you think a government of 2022 can alter decisions made by planner some 80 years ago. 

If people don't t want to live on victorian and edwardian streets, why do they buy houses on them.

I think your aspirations are a little unrealistic. Sorry.

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3 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

It was just a flippant remark, because the DOI (or their employees) don’t stick to their own rules, but if you listen to the minister you’d think they all do a wonderful job and lead by the sample, which they certainly don’t. Another example is I’ve been overtaken twice in the temporary 40mph limits by DOI vans but I haven’t got the time nor inclination to report everyone and turn into some sort of self certified, neighbourhood watch do gooder, that’s the job for the Police, who I’ve still yet to see speed check in any of these areas.

That said the DOI or other companies who let employees take their vans home are also partly responsible, what checks have been done to ensure it is being parked correctly? If it cannot be parked safely/securely then really it should stay within a work car park (which they probably don’t have space for……..)


Are the temporary 40 mph limits legal? Shouldn't there be repeater signs every few hundred metres?

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17 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Easy fix. Don't break the law and you will not be fined! 

Problem is lazy people. The only reason they park outside Tesco and Shoprite, etc is because they cannot drive in. 

P.S. There is not a housing crisis here. There are thousands of empty properties. 

The way moorhouse is going on its like he expects the police to go chap on people's doors to remind them not to break the law

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