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Depp Heard

Mr. Sausages

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I've watched a bit of the court room stuff on YouTube. It's hilarious.

JD is joking with audience, the judge seems to swoon over him, he's bantering away with his Lawyer like their at the pub.

Turn to AH and she's either scowling or bickering with her clown legal team. 

It really is the best courtroom drama I've ever seen.

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I've been catching up with a lot of this trial while recovering from a hernia operation last week.  It's an unbelievable car crash for the defendant.

Favourite moments so far:

  • the hispanic doorman/concierge from their LA apartment complex who had given his deposition remotely from his parked car, and then just started vaping and drove off!  Afterwards the judge said: "I've never seen anything like that"



And then three gems from Ben King who was JD's house manager cum butler in Australia and London.  Quintessentially British which I'm sure JD loved

  • upon learning that Dr Kipper (spelling?  Manx?) was searching for JD's severed finger tip, Mr King testified:  "I asked Dr Kipper if it would be of any assistance if I helped him look for it.  As one would."  As if it were an everyday occurence.
  • upon describing the trail of blood leading up the stairs:  "There were blood drips on the cream coloured carpet.  Which was not ideal".  Said with a slightly sad face...
  • and then it was decided that he would accompany AH on her immediate return to LA.  After describing all the efforts to get her on the plane:  "Fortunately we were flying first class.  Which was lovely".

He was brilliant!  Just like a sketch from The Fast Show!

Oh.  And of course it was Mr King's testimony that was interrupted by the most bizarre thing any lawyer must ever have witnessed - when one of AH's counsel objected to his own question in cross-examination!

AH's Counsel:  "Objection! Hearsay!"

Judge:  "But... you asked the question...

AH's Counsel:  "Oh"


Edited by Ghost Ship
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10 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

Apologies for the highly abridged and totally out of context quote, but I just wanted to say that this is now my new favourite insult. 

Within the context of this scatological wreck of a trial, the designation "cum butler" has a certain satisfying resonance or je ne sais quoi...    🤣 😂

(And I didn't even notice it when I typed it... )

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I wouldn't like to be on the Jury in this case...

I had to laugh at a body language "expert" doing an analysis on Heard's testimony.  The conclusion?  It's difficult to tell and the expressions can be read in two ways.  I guess that means that body language isn't a science and certainly not reliable when it comes to professional actors.

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I’ve not followed it particularly closely but from what I’ve read/heard so far either JD is a narcissist playing an absolute blinder or AH is a lying twat trying to savage his reputation/career and sacrificing her own at the same time. There is two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

Social media seems to have found AH guilty, from the headlines to the comments it’s all in JDs favour. She is either a victim or has deep mental issues, both of which need support not ridicule.

I also read body language and JD seems a smug twat to me, the laughter seems to be more towards sneering . I wonder if he told her that nobody would believe a word she says and everyone will think she’s crazy.

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11 minutes ago, quilp said:

Any proof of that? 

A lot of the memes attacking Heard are coming from websites where people typically identify as incels.  An example of such can be seen here https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/amber-heard-johnny-depp-trial/ 

I am not defending Heard but people are once again engaged in spreading "fake news" without trying to verify the truth.  This claim is particularly stupid as the trial is being broadcast in full and yet there is no video evidence to support it.

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36 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

A lot of the memes attacking Heard are coming from websites where people typically identify as incels. 

Funnily enough I was chatting to a lesbian friend last week who fervently hates AH!

It's good that the 30 year old overweight virgins living on a computer in their mum's basement have got a label now however. 

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