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Bus Vannin in Crisis


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17 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Bus Vannin shouldn't be tendering for cruise work in the first place. End of. 

Do we even know if Government (presumably DfE) had a tender process or was it just given to Bus Vannin under the table?

The cruise companies would have been looking for suppliers themselves, but of course we don't know what the DfE told or promised the cruise companies.  And of course Bus Vannin weren't obliged to tender for the work.

That said BV will have to honour existing contracts, made under the Longworth regime.  Also a cruise liner that was supposed to arrive today didn't.  So this particular private hire may have been for something else.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

The cruise companies would have been looking for suppliers themselves, but of course we don't know what the DfE told or promised the cruise companies.  And of course Bus Vannin weren't obliged to tender for the work.

That said BV will have to honour existing contracts, made under the Longworth regime.  Also a cruise liner that was supposed to arrive today didn't.  So this particular private hire may have been for something else.

Newmarket Holidays according to the sign on the bus. 

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1 minute ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Are there usually?

When I worked for the department bank holidays were double time and a day off in lieu so no problem getting staff to work. I imagine it is not that now.

Yeah there are normally. I had the rare treat of being upstairs at the front of a double decker coming home down the Ballamodha last time I went.

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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Yeah there are normally. I had the rare treat of being upstairs at the front of a double decker coming home down the Ballamodha last time I went.

You won't be missing much unless you have a fetish for I'll fitting suits!

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2 hours ago, Amadeus said:

The reduction in their losses comes at a cost to private businesses who BV should not be competing with in the first place.

I did say as much in my post, you seem to be accusing me of being a BV apologist!!!

The second part of my post was aimed at the MF hypocrites who both complain about BVs losses and their attempt to make extra!!!

You need tyo ask DfE how it happens, when there is an organised tour of English travel agents,  BV provide the transport around the Island and of  course, the train trip. At the meeting, only BV seem to be present, I've not seen any indy coach firms there!

Why? Do DfE not invite them? Does Longworth insist it is only BV present? When a transport question comes in from a group tour or Cruise to DfE, do they only direct them to BV?      

Ask Tim Crookall.

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They hadn't met Longworth though, had they!

The cruise agents on the Island seem to be the DfE, so we're back to scenario I outline above!

Do you KNOW the quotes you say are true????

BV could have two modes of attack here, take the business and brag or make some money on the contract. Which is true? Do you really know? Are you just conjecturing because no one is going to challenge you?

If you have some insight in to this, please let us know!

Edited by Kopek
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