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Bus Vannin in Crisis


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Across the water, Boris Johnson is hammered every time he answer a question, on the grounds that he has either lied, or the answer is misleading. He is due to face a HOK committee over whether he knowingly mislead the HOK over his answer to questions regarding parties at 10 Downing Street. 

If our MHKs/Ministers give misleading answers to questions asked, whilst it is said the information provided is by civil servants, was that information manipulated to spare COMIN blushes? 

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54 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Across the water, Boris Johnson is hammered every time he answer a question, on the grounds that he has either lied, or the answer is misleading. He is due to face a HOK committee over whether he knowingly mislead the HOK over his answer to questions regarding parties at 10 Downing Street. 

If our MHKs/Ministers give misleading answers to questions asked, whilst it is said the information provided is by civil servants, was that information manipulated to spare COMIN blushes? 

Johnson got away with lying to all and sundry for decades and was rewarded for it mostly.  His political colleagues and more importantly his media colleagues all knew this and said very little because it was in their interests to do so.  It was only about last November that most of the media decided they wanted to get rid of Johnson (maybe the handouts weren't as generous, maybe they found he was getting too embarrassing) and suddenly 'discovered' all sorts of stuff like the Downing Street parties that they'd known about all along - and in some cases attended.

Similarly the allegations (that finally brought him down) that he knew about the appropriately-named Mr Pincher's habit of groping men when drunk and still promoted him were perfectly correct.  Not only did he know, so did all the journalists now pretending to be shocked.  Incidents were reported in 2017 and he was on a notorious list of Tory MPs that became public knowledge then.  Naturally all the journalist knew the contents but didn't make them public (you can find a list with victims' names redacted here).  So again morality and scandal aren't based on anything except what suits the media at a particular time and who their mates are at the moment.

Both our press and politicians are actually a bit better than that, not least because it would be impossible to be as bad, but there's still a lot of similar attitudes within the civil service that allow people such as Longworth to get away with all sorts of shenanigans for years.  Ministers will be supported or undermined as suits the senior civil servants.  If the politicians mislead Tynwald or Keys with duff information it is more likely to spare the blushes of the civil servants.  But because the person with control over those is the Chief Secretary not the Ministers, they can get away with it.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Johnson got away with lying to all and sundry for decades and was rewarded for it mostly.  His political colleagues and more importantly his media colleagues all knew this and said very little because it was in their interests to do so. 






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On 7/22/2022 at 10:19 AM, Gladys said:

14 June is the same day it was announced that IL was retiring.  Coincidence?  The three things happened on 14 June - FOI request, TC reply and IL going. 

Make that 4, I had missed that was also the day it was announced that TC would be moved to DOE. 

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17 hours ago, Wavey Davey said:

FFS whose granny is she to be wheeled out like this to heap praise on BV who clearly (as proven by Tynwald lies told this week) cannot deliver acceptable services to anyone. 


I bet Blanche doesn't rely on Bus Vannin to get to work/school/college 5 days a week for 10 months of the year. 


ETA the arse has fallen out of the service again this weekend. 

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There was a real problem with so much of what he said. Either he was just plain stupid or someone was feeding him rubbish that made him look stupid. 

1. We cannot  get machines that take English and manx pounds. This is totally untrue. 

2. it would cost 250 k to replace barriers at airport car park. Totally untrue

3. there were no cancellations of bus journeys during the TT. Totally untrue. 

The sources of these untruths need to be traced and if the CS were feeding false information then severe action should be taken against the individuals concerned. 

If that is not the case then the population can vote accordingly at the next election. 


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Again, a screenshot from the comments attached to an article in Corruption and Poor Governance IoM (FB), pertaining to IL's retirement.

An interesting allegation...



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Another day of mass cancellations due to alleged 'staff shortage'.

Meanwhile there is a cruise ship on Victoria Pier and at least 5 double deck buses were there picking up cruise passengers this morning. I notice they've switched their destinations from 'Private Hire' to 'Reserved'. Sneaky. 

This is a gross misuse of taxpayers money - following last week's confirmation that DOI/Tim Crookall actively mislead HoK, Alfie Cannan should be swinging his axe at the Public Transport Division. 



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16 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Again, a screenshot from the comments attached to an article in Corruption and Poor Governance IoM (FB), pertaining to IL's retirement.

An interesting allegation...



As much as I am suspicious of a lot that goes on at Banks Circus, I don't believe this claim to be true. 

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