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Bus Vannin in Crisis


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11 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

And now Minister Monotone wants to get to the truth about TT bus cancellations..

Finding the truth in DOI? Good luck with that! It would be on par with finding the Lost Ark, and Indiana Jones he is not.


Like Tim Crookall, Chris Thomas should just be able to ask his civil servants what the numbers are. But as they seem to be such a bunch of duplicitous scheming lying incompetents that seems impossible. It does make you wonder who runs the IOM when civil servants are prepared to bare face lie to a Minister and allow him to read out outright lies in Tynwald in response to a question of public interest.

No wonder there are now so many people tracking bus movements and private hire work they’re doing on social media to expose what a bunch of scheming lying twats they really are. 

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44 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

And now Minister Monotone wants to get to the truth about TT bus cancellations..

Finding the truth in DOI? Good luck with that! It would be on par with finding the Lost Ark, and Indiana Jones he is not.



You couldn’t make this stuff up. I must be honest, I expected better from Chris Thomas, who quite frankly couldn’t find his way from one end of the old nurses home to the other end without hesitation or deviation. Is there a code amongst MHKs when they resign, that others are adopting a self righteous truth seeking campaigning zeal on their behalf? 

If the truth, was known or found out, it will join the other truths, and nobody will be held to account. I’m not blaming Timmy and think on the whole he tried his best, but he has been stiffed by others, civil servants and his fellow politicos who instead of playing for the same team, are too busy competing against each other.? 

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6 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

It is an useless excercise.   A Minister asked a question was given an inaccurate answer and did not query it.   And that is the bare bones of the matter.   That did not take long to sort out.

Why should he need query what a very well paid civil servant has told him in writing? 

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2 hours ago, Wavey Davey said:

Why should he need query what a very well paid civil servant has told him in writing? 

Because just maybe like us he didnt believe what that well paid CS had said. Lets face it seemingly they have a culture of lying . Should be a sackable offence 

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29 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Because just maybe like us he didnt believe what that well paid CS had said. Lets face it seemingly they have a culture of lying . Should be a sackable offence 

Absolutely agree* and, if sacked in those circumstances,  lose the pension.  If that takes legislation, get it done.  That will sharpen a few pencils and shift a culture change.

The current Minister has asked for a report but thinks much will be down to misunderstandings and  definitions.  (Don't pre-judge the outcome Chris, or give an  opportunity for anyone to cover their modesty.)

However,  it will take some definition wrangling to get from zero to 177 without at least a shred of disengenuity. 

Perhaps the info fed to TC said something like "nil cancelled on x definition of cancelled, but if you take y definition it is 177" and he unwittingly abridged it somewhat.

Still, 14 June was a remarkable day for the DOI.

* subject to having a robust and fair investigation process.

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I will become boring with saying this but cannot help it, the civil service is not there to help ministers and therfore government.

It is there to keep there comfy lard assess fixed tightly to the means they have become accustomed to, by lying and decite and any other means that will keep them in there ivory towers.

It needs somebody to go in like Dr Beeching andslash all the dead wood, show that you are actually worth employing or out on your ass. No retirement package golden handshake jack shite. Oh we can't do that its in their contracts, well change them rewrite the laws, let them go to court and throw it out.

Starting to sound like a dictator, but it would seem the only way to go.

Otherwise we will go under due to the beurocratic  yoke around our neck. Thats what Alfe's plan should be not to perpetuate the problem with growing population as the civil servants as sure as the sun rises will demand we need the cs to grow to cope and there fore the CEO should be payed more money and so the trickle down in salary begins.

All I can say is good luck and may your god go with you as HMS Isle Of Man sails ever nearer to the iceberg whilst Cannan fiddles with deck chairs instead of turning us back on a safer course. 

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4 hours ago, Wavey Davey said:

Why should he need query what a very well paid civil servant has told him in writing? 

Why - because there have been too many spurious answers from Bus Vannin that each and every minister seems to have spun to the great house and taxpayers since Brown created DCCL. Dim Tim first spun a yarn in his first appearance as Minister for DCCL, he didn’t learn and spun a yarn again a couple of months ago. Probably realised and hounded Alf for the DfE job as he knew BV were extracting the Michael out of him. Then after a month he resigns - what a prick, and what an absolute joke Longworth, Black, Cregeen et al have created with BV, I have been saying this since the Bendy Buses and Strike episodes many years ago. It’s all been a successful vanity project of Ian’s, helped by the incompetence of the ministers signing his fantasies off. BV is a national embarrassment, and Black and Longworth are laughing all the way to the bank!!

On a separate note, and I stand to be corrected, I don’t think Malta took any of our buses, my understanding was that they wanted to move away from the old privately owned charabancs to a new modernised fleet. There was some amusing Bendy Bus incidents during this transition however.

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5 minutes ago, Will Halsall said:

On a separate note, and I stand to be corrected, I don’t think Malta took any of our buses, my understanding was that they wanted to move away from the old privately owned charabancs to a new modernised fleet.

Doesn’t mention how many but at least one spotted out there https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-bus-spotted-acting-as-tour-vehicle-in-malta/

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26 minutes ago, skins said:

Doesn’t mention how many but at least one spotted out there https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-bus-spotted-acting-as-tour-vehicle-in-malta/

Thank you, I had know idea. I note that that it is a tourist bus though, and I wonder exactly who is running it?

Arriva finished in 2014/5 from memory (not sure if it was because of their Bendy Bus debacle) and Malta nationalised the network and then chose a subsidiary of ALBA to run everything, and I was under the impression that they modernised the fleet completely. Again, I stand to be corrected but can’t be arsed researching as I am in the garden drinking an Estrella - Shoprite PE were selling 10 for £12.99 yesterday or 20 for £13 - more you drink more you save! 

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3 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Because just maybe like us he didnt believe what that well paid CS had said. Lets face it seemingly they have a culture of lying . Should be a sackable offence 

Yes I think you and Will Halsall misinterpreted what I said. They’re all liars but they shouldn’t be. If it was me as Minister they’d only lie to me once. Ministers need to be able to trust the civil servants who provide the. with answers and if they can’t do that then the civil servants shouldn’t have jobs. 

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