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Bus Vannin in Crisis


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Just walked passed the entrance to Nobles Hospital today in the rain , there has been a glass panel broken in the front of the Bus shelter for ages now , wind and rain whistling through , there was  a timetable removed from the glass some months ago and someone in Bus Vannin couldn't be bothered to replace the  broken panel or clean the old glue  off the windows , its a disgrace really and just about sums up Bus Vannin's attitude to  customer service  and comfort ,  this could not care   less  attitude seems to be endemic throughout  the  government services , 

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8 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Just walked passed the entrance to Nobles Hospital today in the rain , there has been a glass panel broken in the front of the Bus shelter for ages now , wind and rain whistling through , there was  a timetable removed from the glass some months ago and someone in Bus Vannin couldn't be bothered to replace the  broken panel or clean the old glue  off the windows , its a disgrace really and just about sums up Bus Vannin's attitude to  customer service  and comfort ,  this could not care   less  attitude seems to be endemic throughout  the  government services , 

That's sod all compared to what you're going to experience once you set foot in the hospital!

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  • 3 weeks later...

None of the later Night Owl services on Xmas and NYE this year apparently. Alf says it's ok, there's plenty of coaches and taxis.

There's no excuse for it but it's putting temptation in the way of the drink-driving brigade? Plus maybe another nail in the public house coffins?



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47 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

None of the later Night Owl services on Xmas and NYE this year apparently. Alf says it's ok, there's plenty of coaches and taxis.

There's no excuse for it but it's putting temptation in the way of the drink-driving brigade? Plus maybe another nail in the public house coffins?



but drink drivers pay big fines and we need the money. the fact it probably makes them less able to pay tax if they lose their job over it doesn't matter.

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This is a terrible outcome by Bus Vannin after wrecking the taxi trade then jibbing at this time of year . I would be happy with another few quid on my fair for an original time night Owl tbh. Thing is would the drivers get it. ! Longworths Legacy !! What a prat he was/ is !! 

Edited by Numbnuts
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55 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

This is a terrible outcome by Bus Vannin after wrecking the taxi trade then jibbing at this time of year . I would be happy with another few quid on my fair for an original time night Owl tbh. Thing is would the drivers get it. ! Longworths Legacy !! What a prat he was/ is !! 

All we need to do is change our oft touted “IOM Freedom to flourish” to “IOM awe couldn’t give a shit” as that about sums it all up. As you say they’re happy to put the taxi trade out of business for the rest of the year but now the private sector is called upon to pick up the slack as a load of lazy ass bus drivers can’t be bothered working Xmas. 

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That's the whole point though isn't it. Longworth's masterplan of new contracts mean that the drivers don't get paid anymore for a night owl shift than they would for working a nine o'clock in the morning.

Anyone but a fool would see that they're going to be short on volunteers to drive a bus full of partying pissheads home in the freezing cold until two o'clock in the morning, at Christmas, for no more money than they'd get at any other time. BV even rub salt in the wound by insisting these same drivers collect the hugely increased fares for these services, from the drunk, often abusive passengers.

It's yet another example of chronic, extremely poor management at BV. You reap what you sow, and it seems fairly obvious that the latest nodding dog at the helm (Chris Talk a good job Thomas) isn't going to any more about it than his predecessors.

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The poor running of the bus services is hardly likely to persuade anyone to commute that has any viable alternative. Especially when you look at the lack of decent waiting rooms and facilaites at the main hubs. And certainly not if you have to wait in the freezing cold for a bus that might not come.

I wonder what percentage of CGO or hospital staff take public transport ? (Whatever happened the much vaunted ride share scheme?). In a climate like ours where weather is so changable year round a park and ride scheme makes more sense but only if the car parks are secure and well lit etc.


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the window is still broken at Nobles Hospital bus  stop  and the shelter is filthy ,  doesn't anyone give at toss anymore about the comfort of the passengers  waiting in the cold and wet ,  if this is the best they can do to promote active travel and public transport  then God help us ,

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2 hours ago, Omobono said:

the window is still broken at Nobles Hospital bus  stop  and the shelter is filthy ,  doesn't anyone give at toss anymore about the comfort of the passengers  waiting in the cold and wet ,  if this is the best they can do to promote active travel and public transport  then God help us ,

DOI must be the most dysfunctional organisation known to man. This issue theres no excuse for.

Edited by Numbnuts
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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

The poor running of the bus services is hardly likely to persuade anyone to commute that has any viable alternative. Especially when you look at the lack of decent waiting rooms and facilaites at the main hubs. And certainly not if you have to wait in the freezing cold for a bus that might not come.

It’s all down to “money saving” contracts though as noted above. If they’re only paying £10 an hour whether you’re working at 2am or 4pm then nobody in their right mind is going to want to deal with a load of pissheads at 2am in the morning unless they’re desperate. 

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10 minutes ago, BriT said:

It’s all down to “money saving” contracts though as noted above. If they’re only paying £10 an hour whether you’re working at 2am or 4pm then nobody in their right mind is going to want to deal with a load of pissheads at 2am in the morning unless they’re desperate. 

I believe its more a case of full time drivers not prepared to work the late shifts and they only offering part timers crap shifts like lates. They do get more than £10 a hour I believer. A mate is on ZHC and he now  gets around £15 

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2 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

I believe its more a case of full time drivers not prepared to work the late shifts and they only offering part timers crap shifts like lates.

How many drivers are required to run a late-night service at Christmas? How many managers are qualified to drive a bus?

The managers probably are paid an annual salary with no extra payment for overtime, so they could run the service at zero cost to the tax-payer.


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