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Will Greenhow announces his retirement


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15 minutes ago, snowman said:

It's like Cuba

We can only wish for a government with that amount of democracy, we don't have any.

We have no idea what we are voting for.

It is good for our UK masters as they know nothing will change so they have a quiet easy to control tax haven but it is not good for your average resident here.

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Paul Moulton's interview with Cannan was as interesting for what was said about Greenhow's departure as about Ashford's:

Moulton, rightly, says that this can't have been a normal resignation where someone worked their three months or whatever notice out and spends time handing over to their successor.  He then repeats a rumour that Greenhow was basically given a resignation letter to sign on Monday morning and presumably all his belongings in a bin bag.  Cannan hedges and tries to change the subject, but he doesn't deny it.

This may be linked to a rumour I saw somewhere that Cannan, Lord-Brennan and Poole-Wilson had been seen going into Government Buildings on Sunday.  The interesting thing would be that no one from either HR or the AG's Office appears to be involved, maybe neither could be trusted not to leak to Greenhow.   Or, judging from what we've seen from the recent tribunal, do a remotely competent job.

But Poole-Wilson is also a solicitor who has worked most of her life in employment law, so she might have been there to provide experience and make sure everything was watertight.  Effectively this was a coup against the most powerful person in government.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Effectively this was a coup against the most powerful person in government.

Long overdue, and I hope Alf and Co have recognised the the huge depth of the public sector cultural issues and can carry their clean-up through all the way. I've gone, not a stakeholder anymore, wasn't prepared to wait, felt that Alf should have grasped this nettle as his highest priority as soon as he was elected CM. He's said some of the right things in that interview, it will take his full term and probably the commitment of his successor, but done well could stimulate a renaissance for the IoM.

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Cutting the head off the snake? Mr Greenhow and far too many of his flock have forgotten that they are servants of the public taxpayers. 

ETA. It was also interesting to read in the Independent's report of the "debate" on Tuesday that President Skelly also squashed questions about the Nolan Principles that are supposed to govern CS conduct.

Edited by Non-Believer
extra bit
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With delays in DFE replacement, do you think Alf is considering some wider restructuring with some departments being split up ? Maybe Thomas with housing taking on housing & local authorities from DOI & agencies being dumped from DFE

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10 minutes ago, Banker said:

With delays in DFE replacement, do you think Alf is considering some wider restructuring with some departments being split up ? Maybe Thomas with housing taking on housing & local authorities from DOI & agencies being dumped from DFE

I personally think that CM Cannan has difficulties recruiting the right person into DfE. I don’t think that Chris Thomas will be back in, as I believe he will possibly be a loose cannon as opposed to someone who is pliable and does as he is told. Rob Callister could be gaffe prone. 

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Coup or bribery. I would like to know the details of any severance package. Are they just dressing it up to look like they were more decisive then they were to appease the GMP? I don't believe a word any of our political elite say.

Or the likes of Callister and Peters😉


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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:


The interesting thing would be that no one from either HR or the AG's Office appears to be involved, maybe neither could be trusted not to leak to Greenhow.   

Or are both,  themselves, subject to scrutiny after the decision? 

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8 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I personally think that CM Cannan has difficulties recruiting the right person into DfE. I don’t think that Chris Thomas will be back in, as I believe he will possibly be a loose cannon as opposed to someone who is pliable and does as he is told. Rob Callister could be gaffe prone. 

I still think it’s a good time to restructure some departments, home affairs has not got much to control as police, prisons & fire run themselves & could take some of work from DFE, DOI

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52 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It is a remarkable state of affairs where the elected government undertakes a coup against its own civil service. 

Unprecedented here too, surely?

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