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Big Plan moves onto Fantasy Island

english zloty

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2 hours ago, english zloty said:

Governments priority should to be to stop the Island looking like a shithole. Particularly if we want folk to visit. 

Doesn't need a grand plan (presumably created within the ever expanding cabinet office) to see that a lick of paint and pavements and paths which are not completely failing is a more important investment than a team of people tracking imaginary targets. 

I am so saddened at the state of our Island soon to be witnessed by our TT visitors. 😭😭

Just had a cousin over with his 3 grown up kids and their partners . He has  been coming over every year since the 60's with his brother and parents and his kids again since they were very young. He loves the Island as do his kids and they just love walking around and basically taking in as much as possible. On chatting on Sunday down Peel he said he cant believe the state Douglas is in and the walkway and gardens etc. He was visibly shocked and saddened by how bad it is . Particularly mentioned the state of the kids area on the prom and the lack of repair and upkeep and then there's the sunken gardens and walls down there . He of course hasn't been for two years because of Covid so guess its more of a shock as he hasnt seen the demise these last few years. He's always been horrified by the Summerland site !. Oh and flabbergasted by the unfinished rails with the weeds and unkept corridor .

Edited by Numbnuts
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Tourism is a tiny proportion of our economy. If your contacts are disappointed they are a tiny tiny percentage of our economy.

We cannot run our Island on a -x percentage, we have do what is best for the Islands residents, you, I and future residents.

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Just had a cousin over with his 3 grown up kids and their partners . He has  been coming over every year since the 60's with his brother and parents and his kids again since they were very young. He loves the Island as do his kids and they just love walking around and basically taking in as much as possible. On chatting on Sunday down Peel he said he cant believe the state Douglas is in and the walkway and gardens etc. He was visibly shocked and saddened by how bad it is . Particularly mentioned the state of the kids area on the prom and the lack of repair and upkeep and then there's the sunken gardens and walls down there . He of course hasn't been for two years because of Covid so guess its more of a shock as he hasnt seen the demise these last few years. He's always been horrified by the Summerland site !. Oh and flabbergasted by the unfinished rails with the weeds and unkept corridor .

I've also had family over and they too couldn't believe how much the Island has declined since their last visit in 2019. 

Of course Kopek's logic is sound, when talking numbers,and finance, but where's the Manx pride? That's the point I was, apparently badly, making. It doesn't need a fancy plan to see that the basics are being missed. 

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3 hours ago, AOR said:

I can absolutely assure you that the last thing on the minds of our TT visitors is the internal politics of the Isle of Man.

You don't need to assure me of that, why should they be any different than the majority of the local populous? They will however be walking around weed infested paths and perhaps some of the roads in Douglas which have completely failed at this juncture. Or perhaps enjoying the view at Quarter Bridge stood in front of the pub which is basically ready for demolition, or admiring the multitude of heras fences around derelict sites. In other places these sites are hidden from view, camouflaged behind brightly painted hoardings and the likes. And so on... 

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... but who's basics? That's what we tend to miss in this argument, is it we the |Island residents who are important or a few tourists?

I would say that it is always US,, the Island residents?

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Just had a cousin over with his 3 grown up kids and their partners . He has  been coming over every year since the 60's with his brother and parents and his kids again since they were very young. He loves the Island as do his kids and they just love walking around and basically taking in as much as possible. On chatting on Sunday down Peel he said he cant believe the state Douglas is in and the walkway and gardens etc. He was visibly shocked and saddened by how bad it is . Particularly mentioned the state of the kids area on the prom and the lack of repair and upkeep and then there's the sunken gardens and walls down there . He of course hasn't been for two years because of Covid so guess its more of a shock as he hasnt seen the demise these last few years. He's always been horrified by the Summerland site !. Oh and flabbergasted by the unfinished rails with the weeds and unkept corridor .

Pure neglect, laziness and bullshit all round. No civic pride. Whilst funding is hard to come by, some issues could have been dealt with for minimal spending. I’ve got relatives coming over, with their friends in July ………… their friends have friends here, and have been here a few times. It’s embarrassing when people see the state of things. Yes ………. It isn’t always greener across the water, but the IOM and it’s dick waving politicos (Ashford and others) forever boast at how successful the island is, but yet there is signs of urban squalor visible to see. 

Edited by 2112
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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

Tourism is a tiny proportion of our economy. If your contacts are disappointed they are a tiny tiny percentage of our economy.

We cannot run our Island on a -x percentage, we have do what is best for the Islands residents, you, I and future residents.

It's called the "Visitor Economy" these days. Each visitor has money burning a hole in their pocket or purse. We really shouldn't care why they come over we should just be glad they do.

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

Tourism is a tiny proportion of our economy. If your contacts are disappointed they are a tiny tiny percentage of our economy.

We cannot run our Island on a -x percentage, we have do what is best for the Islands residents, you, I and future residents.

And yet they are actively reckoning on bringing 500.000 visitors over in the next years. To what !! Yes of course it should be attractive and fit for locals , goes without saying but its not even that is it.! If we are trying to boost numbers and therefore revenue well the place has to be attractive and welcoming for everyone. Its not in any shape or form. TBH for me the rusted barriers up Marine Drive and Crookall's comment that he was sending up staff to examine it says it all. Those barriers were clearly put in years ago and now they were so badly rusted the reason they were put there was totally compromised . There is any number of CS sitting on there asses picking up big salaries with a pension to come and doing FA to earn it. As English Zloty says what about the QB , Liverpool Arms and the likes .! We have laws that prevent buildings being left as those are but for some unknown reason they never seem to be used. The Summerland site is a complete eyesore and should have been tidied up years ago. How long has it been like that ?. 20 years as near as dammit. The airport and Crows nest tell a story for anyone who is interested as to where we are as a Island. I will say some areas are much improved like the North Quay but so many more have been left not maintained for years. 

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

Tourism is a tiny proportion of our economy. If your contacts are disappointed they are a tiny tiny percentage of our economy.

We cannot run our Island on a -x percentage, we have do what is best for the Islands residents, you, I and future residents.

Doing what is best for the island's residents includes, for example, doing what is best for those residents who support and have been supported by the tourist industry for many years.

Not everyone wants to work in questionable activities like "tax efficient schemes" and the oxymoron that is "e-gaming" you know...

Strange but true some folks actually have a moral compass. Although when you see the piles and piles of copies of the Sun, Telegraph, Express and Daily Mails unloaded at island newsagents every day you do have to wonder....

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34 minutes ago, 2112 said:

 It isn’t always greener across the water, but the IOM and it’s dick waving politicos (Ashford and others) forever boast at how successful the island is, but yet there are signs of urban squalor visible to see. 

There is no point in having a well-stocked shop if your shop windows are Douglas and Ronaldsway...

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9 hours ago, Kopek said:

Tourism is a tiny proportion of our economy. If your contacts are disappointed they are a tiny tiny percentage of our economy.

We cannot run our Island on a -x percentage, we have do what is best for the Islands residents, you, I and future residents.

And running the place down and neglecting routine maintenance (Which generally leads to greater long term costs anyway) is 'best for the islands residents'?

I want to live, shop and work in a nice environment too. 

A bill to stop the owners of buildings willfully neglecting them, sometimes with aim of demolition down the road so you can land bank (Ramsey resident here) would be good. Is it on the cards?

Also, I will have to look at the 'hate crime' bill. Will we end up with a a hierarchy of victims?

Edit - late to the story, others got there before me. Oh well!

Edited by Hoops
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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

There is no point in having a well-stocked shop if your shop windows are Douglas and Ronaldsway...

It spoils other nice and beautiful areas of the island. First impressions definitely count.

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2 hours ago, Hoops said:

A bill to stop the owners of buildings willfully neglecting them, sometimes with aim of demolition down the road so you can land bank (Ramsey resident here) would be good. Is it on the cards?

Powers already exist, but they have to be enforced by the local authority and most, except maybe the biggest two or three, simply don't have the legal and financial resources to fight the cases or enforce the judgements[1].  Hopefully this will be something that @Chris Thomas's committee will look at.

[1]  That's even without the fact that LAs may be locally compromised with developers or only choose to enforce or not out of spite.

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