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Weak sentencing…

Manx Bean

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11 hours ago, quaylaM said:

Nice anecdote and laudable sentiments. I reliably understand we have numerous members of government ‘on the square’ - how can it be right for anyone to have sworn an oath to a secret society whilst also claiming to govern us fairly? The origin of much of our corruption no doubt. Let us have the transparency you mention..

The swearing an oath and owing allegiance thing was used against Catholics, and I've seen posts about cabals of LGBT lobbies, black lobbies, etc. Pretty much nonsense. Two LGBT couldn't work together for 5 minutes ;) .

But it should be declared as an interest in a public register, have you any evidence that any of the current judges, civil servants, politicians are in "secret societies" and haven't declared it?  

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I see from the last few posts that two of our forum member policemen appear to be supportive of freemasonry. And why not, 

I think on the Island, as far as justice/injustice is concerned, the King Bill's network is very much at work. (yeah, yeah, yeah, excluding JW)

Regarding Freemasonry, I don't think it is that important. A former MHK/MLC even forgot he was in it, and didn't put it on his members interests form until he was caught out on it. 

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11 minutes ago, AOR said:

I see from the last few posts that two of our forum member policemen appear to be supportive of freemasonry. And why not, 

I think on the Island, as far as justice/injustice is concerned, the King Bill's network is very much at work. (yeah, yeah, yeah, excluding JW)

Regarding Freemasonry, I don't think it is that important. A former MHK/MLC even forgot he was in it, and didn't put it on his members interests form until he was caught out on it. 

Just to set record straight, I’m not an OKW. 90% of the Manx bar aren’t OKW either.

Its changed over my 40+ years. But even at it’s height it was less than 50% which equalled 12. Think it’s probably the same number now.

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

Just to set record straight, I’m not an OKW. 90% of the Manx bar aren’t OKW either.

Its changed over my 40+ years. But even at it’s height it was less than 50% which equalled 12. Think it’s probably the same number now.

Mike Kerruish apart, the judiciary have been and are well represented as OKW. There was at least one who, showing a remarkably prescient frame of mind,  practiced his future vocation in the dorm.

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36 minutes ago, AOR said:

Mike Kerruish apart, the judiciary have been and are well represented as OKW. There was at least one who, showing a remarkably prescient frame of mind,  practiced his future vocation in the dorm.

Two thirds of all sentences recently have been from Jane Hughes or the magistrates.

Jane isn’t an OKW and I’ve no idea if she’s in the lady masons, or not. The magistrates are either one man and two women, or vice versa, and recently have been advised by a very professional Muslim lady, as clerk to the magistrates, as to their powers etc. No idea of her schooling or Masonic affiliation.

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.Cheers John.

The OKW representation I was alluding to was more regarding the deemsters, although they don't seem to get their hands too dirty these days. Back in my day deemsters were dealing with motoring offences and divorces, as well as the more 'sexy' matters. 

I didn't realise you weren't King Bills. You've gone up in my estimation.

Back in the day, are you aware of any whisperings about a future deemster dishing out punishments to a fellow boarder at King Bills. Mind you, corporal/capital punishment was still on the books back then.

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1 hour ago, AOR said:

.Cheers John.

The OKW representation I was alluding to was more regarding the deemsters, although they don't seem to get their hands too dirty these days. Back in my day deemsters were dealing with motoring offences and divorces, as well as the more 'sexy' matters. 

I didn't realise you weren't King Bills. You've gone up in my estimation.

Back in the day, are you aware of any whisperings about a future deemster dishing out punishments to a fellow boarder at King Bills. Mind you, corporal/capital punishment was still on the books back then.

Deemsters have never dealt with motoring cases, except death by dangerous.

Sometimes contemporaries ask me if I remember events we were involved in at KW. I gently remind them their minds are playing tricks.


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2 hours ago, AOR said:

.Cheers John.

The OKW representation I was alluding to was more regarding the deemsters, although they don't seem to get their hands too dirty these days. Back in my day deemsters were dealing with motoring offences and divorces, as well as the more 'sexy' matters. 

I didn't realise you weren't King Bills. You've gone up in my estimation.

Back in the day, are you aware of any whisperings about a future deemster dishing out punishments to a fellow boarder at King Bills. Mind you, corporal/capital punishment was still on the books back then.

But he did go to grammar school , do he’s not as pleb as he makes out.

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I’ve not claimed to be a pleb, and I did go to grammar school, but that’s 55 years ago. And it switched to being a comprehensive half way through my education.

But it’s not relevant to the topic under discussion, which is the effect of personal relationships, via education, secret ( or not so secret ) society memberships, religious affiliation, membership of the chamber of commerce, etc, on decision making in government in its widest sense.

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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I’ve not claimed to be a pleb, and I did go to grammar school, but that’s 55 years ago. And it switched to being a comprehensive half way through my education.

But it’s not relevant to the topic under discussion, which is the effect of personal relationships, via education, secret ( or not so secret ) society memberships, religious affiliation, membership of the chamber of commerce, etc, on decision making in government in its widest sense.

this place is that small that there will always be a crossover between groups/societies/family/vested interests etc etc ,  there just isn't the clear air to do anything genuinely independently , and when off island agencies are brought in and they make recommendations etc etc these are never acted upon because it will upset some or all of the afore mentioned intertwined groups/vested interests etc etc.

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7 hours ago, AOR said:

I see from the last few posts that two of our forum member policemen appear to be supportive of freemasonry. And why not, 

I think on the Island, as far as justice/injustice is concerned, the King Bill's network is very much at work. (yeah, yeah, yeah, excluding JW)

Regarding Freemasonry, I don't think it is that important. A former MHK/MLC even forgot he was in it, and didn't put it on his members interests form until he was caught out on it. 

Why would anyone who had been to King Bills dispense justice or anything else differently?? What a load of conspiracy bollocks!!

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15 minutes ago, Banker said:

Why would anyone who had been to King Bills dispense justice or anything else differently?? What a load of conspiracy bollocks!!

Because public schools back in the day had their own type of justice , or so I’m told. Maybe you know .

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