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Is climate change a fraud?


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I don’t think climate change is a fraud, other than the fact that science has tried to shut down the debate and taken one side.

That then ceases to be science as they are no longer listening to alternative viewpoints from other reputable scientists. They are in fact bullying the view through that we are heading for a terminal event. 
There may be very good political reasons for this, and we can all imagine what they are.

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25 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I don’t think climate change is a fraud, other than the fact that science has tried to shut down the debate and taken one side.


How can "science" shut down a debate? 

It's rather ironic that the video ends with an Orwell quote "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of history." When the video is challenging the objective truth established by climate scientists. And has clearly been produced by someone with a political axe to grind - suggesting Biden wants to kill poor people!

Debate hasn't been shut down, in fact, the tiny fraction of skeptics are getting a disproportionate amount of airtime. And this is costing effort. 97% of climate scientists believe in climate change due to human influence. If a bus is heading to a cliff and 97% of passenger think it should brake, should the driver wait until the other 3% have been convinced. 

And the question of who benefits from this "climate change fraud" is interesting because it's clearly in the interest of oil companies and oil producing nations to carry on regardless. So if there was an economic incentive to push one side of the debate it's pro-oil, pro-gas, climate change denial one.

Edited by Declan
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1 hour ago, Mr. Sausages said:

The problem with stupid people is they’re so fucking stupid.

A modicum of intelligence is required to understand what's happening, hence the deniers.

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18 minutes ago, Declan said:

How can "science" shut down a debate? 

It's rather ironic that the video ends with an Orwell quote "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of history." When the video is challenging the objective truth established by climate scientists. And has clearly been produced by someone with a political axe to grind - suggesting Biden wants to kill poor people!

Debate hasn't been shut down, in fact, the tiny fraction of skeptics are getting a disproportionate amount of airtime. And this is costing effort. 97% of climate scientists believe in climate change due to human influence. If a bus is heading to a cliff and 97% of passenger think it should brake, should the driver wait until the other 3% have been convinced. 

And the question of who benefits from this "climate change fraud" is interesting because it's clearly in the interest of oil companies and oil producing nations to carry on regardless. So if there was an economic incentive to push one side of the debate it's pro-oil, pro-gas, climate change denial one.

I haven't watched the video, I can imagine its content. 

Unfortunately I find it difficult to accept a lot of the wild claims on both sides of the debate. There are many claims of the careers of climate questioning scientists being threatened, particularly at the universities where they work. I think we live in dangerous times, where the cause may be more important than the truth?

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Just now, ellanvannin2010 said:

The climate has warmed and cooled many, many times. The difference this time is the speed of warming.

The ultimate problem is there are far too many humans on the planet. Reduce the population and the problems will go away naturally.

But you don’t see Daphers promoting that.

Agreed 100%, but population control will not happen until things really get bad.

Also, this time humans have the scientific competence to realise what's happening. The big problem is convincing the stupid people.

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26 minutes ago, Declan said:

How can "science" shut down a debate? 

It's rather ironic that the video ends with an Orwell quote "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of history." When the video is challenging the objective truth established by climate scientists. And has clearly been produced by someone with a political axe to grind - suggesting Biden wants to kill poor people!

Debate hasn't been shut down, in fact, the tiny fraction of skeptics are getting a disproportionate amount of airtime. And this is costing effort. 97% of climate scientists believe in climate change due to human influence. If a bus is heading to a cliff and 97% of passenger think it should brake, should the driver wait until the other 3% have been convinced. 

And the question of who benefits from this "climate change fraud" is interesting because it's clearly in the interest of oil companies and oil producing nations to carry on regardless. So if there was an economic incentive to push one side of the debate it's pro-oil, pro-gas, climate change denial one.

But society nowadays is all about pandering to the 3% (or less) who are usually the vocal minority.  Wasting time, money and resources on issues that will either not affect, nor have very little interest from the vast majority of us.  

Climate change is definitely not a fraud, there is irrefutable evidence that the climate has changed.  Even if I was anti-science, I'm not that old, but I can see with my eyes how the climate has changed.

The questions that should be debated: 

  • are we to blame. 
  • if so, by how much. 
  • how and why has climate change now become monetised 
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1 hour ago, Banker said:

personally I don’t think it’s a fraud but some parts like buying carbon credits, banning fossil fuel boilers, petrol cars etc are !


I've been involved in a couple of projects that have all been to do with earning carbon credits. 

Sure, it was for profit, but they would never have been implemented in the first place if there wasn't some financial benefit in the end. 

They have actually been very green, moral, worthy and effective projects.  Mostly to do with stopping de-forestation and supporting indigenous communities in developing countries.  Sure they make you feel good, but good feelings don't pay the mortgage. 

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