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Is climate change a fraud?


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Is climate change a fraud? No, it’s definitely still happening, is the policies designed to reduce climate change flawed? Yes, they definitely are.

When was the last time you saw someone prosecuted for anything climate change related? There is still stuff burnt on bonfires that shouldn’t be, still things like refrigerants being released into the atmosphere, still regular diesel/oil spills on the roads, still antifreeze being poured down the drain because there is no where to officially dispose of it. I’ve never quite understood why controlled heather burning is still a thing, yet a motorcycle riding across the same land is frowned upon. Oh just a small one, peat based compost is still widely available to buy, yet disturbing peat releases tonnes of co2, makes no sense to me.

I’ve noticed a huge reduction in flying insects over recent years but it seems especially noticeable this year, loads of theories why this might be happening but very little being done to change it.

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1 minute ago, Annoymouse said:

Is climate change a fraud? No, it’s definitely still happening, is the policies designed to reduce climate change flawed? Yes, they definitely are.

When was the last time you saw someone prosecuted for anything climate change related? There is still stuff burnt on bonfires that shouldn’t be, still things like refrigerants being released into the atmosphere, still regular diesel/oil spills on the roads, still antifreeze being poured down the drain because there is no where to officially dispose of it. I’ve never quite understood why controlled heather burning is still a thing, yet a motorcycle riding across the same land is frowned upon. Oh just a small one, peat based compost is still widely available to buy, yet disturbing peat releases tonnes of co2, makes no sense to me.

I’ve noticed a huge reduction in flying insects over recent years but it seems especially noticeable this year, loads of theories why this might be happening but very little being done to change it.

Insects: I've also noticed this, there's no mow May. I've also added flower beds full of sedum and lavender for the bees, planted special shrubs etc.

In general the problem is people, dumb people who don't want to change their lifestyle.

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The fact that the video author puts the "election" part of "2022 election" in quotes tells you exactly what you need to know. Disappointing to see that Stu's desire to believe anything but the established and evidenced consensus is leading him to share videos from verifiable morons.

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The problem is governments world wide have no wish to change. If they did, they would make all public transport free immediately, and set in place legislation that would promote cheap, easy fixes to lower CO2 output. 

But, no! They will continually promote and put up petrol and oil prices, in the name of "going green", whilst receiving a massive revenues in tax. They want you to buy an over priced electric car. Again, massive tax revenue. Ridiculously priced ground source heat pumps and other obscenely expensive heating systems, where insulation and appropriate clothing are cheap. 

Climate is changing. Always has, always will. Fraud? No. However, It is now the world's biggest industry. 


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37 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Insects: I've also noticed this, there's no mow May. I've also added flower beds full of sedum and lavender for the bees, planted special shrubs etc.

In general the problem is people, dumb people who don't want to change their lifestyle.

Huge, indiscriminate  usage of pesticides and herbicides have greatly contributed to the loss of insects.

Onchan  Commisioners were today mowing the meadow area in Port Jack Glen which was full of wild flowers and therefore insects. It should have been left to allow the flowers to seed.

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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1 minute ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Huge, indiscriminate  usage of pesticides and herbicides have greatly contributed to the loss of insects.

Onchan  Commisioners were today mowing the meadow area in Port Jack Glen which was full of wild flowers and therefore insects

How many men went to mow it?

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In one form or another climate change has existed since the beginning of time, so is not the recent phenomenon some would like us to believe it is. 

However, like all 'new' things, it invariably attracts its fair share of chancers, charlatans and fraudsters, keen to cash in and/or maximise investment potential.  And governments too are never slow in recognising taxable opportunities, and I daresay in some cases, creating the circumstances in which to maximise those taxable opportunities.   Then we have the scientific research, which often produces data/results in accordance with the entities funding it.  Quelle surprise.  So we are where we are, and it continually perpetuates itself.  And guess who pays?  And who benefits?

I read recently that somewhere in the USA had just experienced its hottest period since records began 60-odd years ago.  The recent heatwave was attributed specfically to global warming / climate change, with all the resultant climate/earth doom prophecies.   So what caused the last record making heatwave there 60-odd years ago?

Around 22,000 - 33,000 years ago large parts of Britain were covered in ice apparently.  Where did all that go?  What caused it to go?  The world's population was miniscule then compared to now, so humans probably weren't largely responsible, and what humans there were back then didn't have all the modern day appliances/carbon burning vehicles/aircraft which we have today, which are supposedly the primary causes of climate change.  Maybe, just maybe, it was a natural evolution, and possibly, still is. 

And, what part do volcanic eruptions, and its pollutants, play?  Scientists think they have a cooling effect on the earth's temperature.  Natural phenomenons taking care of things, much like it has for the last few million years.  Who'd have thought it?

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14 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Huge, indiscriminate  usage of pesticides and herbicides have greatly contributed to the loss of insects.

Has there usage really changed in recent years or is it the type of pesticides/herbicides being used that is the real issue? All the stuff that was banned killed weeds straight away, yet this new stuff is rubbish and you probably use 4 times as much to get the same result.

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2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

But society nowadays is all about pandering to the 3% (or less) who are usually the vocal minority.  Wasting time, money and resources on issues that will either not affect, nor have very little interest from the vast majority of us.  

Climate change is definitely not a fraud, there is irrefutable evidence that the climate has changed.  Even if I was anti-science, I'm not that old, but I can see with my eyes how the climate has changed.

The questions that should be debated: 

  • are we to blame. 
  • if so, by how much. 
  • how and why has climate change now become monetised 
  • consensus is yes
  • enough that we need to take action
  • err ... capitalism. If you didn't monitise change the incentive in our system would still rest with legacy fuel producers, polluters, manufacturers of non-green tech to go on as before. Sadly.
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1 hour ago, Annoymouse said:

’ve noticed a huge reduction in flying insects over recent years but it seems especially noticeable this year, loads of theories why this might be happening but very little being done to change it.

Can’t say I’ve noticed, but we are by open fields which May have something to do with it, also seen a few houses leaving grass uncut which looks a complete mess but helps insects 

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16 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Has there usage really changed in recent years or is it the type of pesticides/herbicides being used that is the real issue? All the stuff that was banned killed weeds straight away, yet this new stuff is rubbish and you probably use 4 times as much to get the same result.

I think it is a combination of both , more widespread use  and the types such as the Neonicotinoids.
When I was younger cow pats were alive with insects, don’t seem so now.



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