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Is climate change a fraud?


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

I have not been brainwashed. I have looked at the evidence and made my conclusion. No one has tried to convince me of anything. 

So yes, you have been brainwashed. You have looked at the history and the tainted predictions for the future. I have lived the history and seen how the young have been manipulated. Not only by the current situation, but previous. See below 

Until the late 1960’s, very few people had central heating. A big push was made to make central heating standard. By the late ‘80s it was basically mandatory. Now, that “everyone “ has central heating, we have the push for more spending on ridiculously expensive air and ground source systems. It has become ridiculous! We don’t even live in a cold country. And it is apparently getting warmer! 

We are living in a world of brainwashed morons! 

Edited by Cambon
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1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Yeah but they make catalytic manufacturers incredibly rich tho 

Not sure if the relevance to this subject. Catalytic converters are to reduce the emissions of toxic substances which are produced when petrol is burnt. The catalytic converter tries to make everything into CO2 and water. 

This was to reduce the prevalence of cancers and other respiratory disorders caused by inhalation of these toxins. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. 

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54 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Not sure if the relevance to this subject. Catalytic converters are to reduce the emissions of toxic substances which are produced when petrol is burnt. The catalytic converter tries to make everything into CO2 and water. 

This was to reduce the prevalence of cancers and other respiratory disorders caused by inhalation of these toxins. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. 

Oh my goodness, give him three or four decades, but maybe he is catching up!!!

There may be hope! 

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Climate change is real and in itself is not a fraud. I'm prepared to believe that some human activity is hastening the process. 

What is a fraud is the panic and false promises that we can do something about it by buying an electric car, not taking any more coal and oil out of the ground around the UK, building more and more wind and solar farms, these all lead to the same result but in a different way.

We, on the IoM, or in fact in Britain, make virtually zero difference to the climate, we are reasonably clean in comparison to the biggest problem countries. For major effect, I believe that we should be finding ways to help to make them cleaner whilst giving them the power and energy which they need to live in a 21st century fashion. Why should we ask them to suffer for the planet? Until we can get the likes of China, South America, Africa, India and much of Asia to clean up but still have the power they need, then all we are doing is virtue signalling, making a few activist feel smug about their stupid protests and achieving nothing at all! 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Max Power said:

History never lies, does it? A couple of years ago, the warmest ever day in the UK was recorded. Or was it? Only one weather station recorded a record high. However, it was not a recognized, registered weather station. It was immediately recognized and registered so that the hottest day could be official. This is a fact! 

Edited by Cambon
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It would all be a lot easier to swallow if we hadn't previously been duped by the "Millennium Bug"...

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12 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It would all be a lot easier to swallow if we hadn't previously been duped by the "Millennium Bug"...

As has been patiently explained before on several occasions, the Millennium Bug (or rather bugs) did exist. It wasn't an enormous insect coming to eat you up, it was the collective name for a set of changes required in probably millions of individual pieces of hardware and software.  These had not included coding to cope with the change of century, either out of ignorance or from  the assumption that the software or hardware would have been changed before then.

So hundreds of thousands of pieces of elderly equipment were replaced and hundreds of thousands of programmers altered date formats and changed calculations in many millions of places so that things would continue to work.  And on the whole they did work.  We took evasive action and evaded something.  That didn't mean the problem didn't exist, just that it had been dealt with.

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11 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

As has been patiently explained before on several occasions, the Millennium Bug (or rather bugs) did exist. It wasn't an enormous insect coming to eat you up, it was the collective name for a set of changes required in probably millions of individual pieces of hardware and software.  These had not included coding to cope with the change of century, either out of ignorance or from  the assumption that the software or hardware would have been changed before then.

So hundreds of thousands of pieces of elderly equipment were replaced and hundreds of thousands of programmers altered date formats and changed calculations in many millions of places so that things would continue to work.  And on the whole they did work.  We took evasive action and evaded something.  That didn't mean the problem didn't exist, just that it had been dealt with.

With respect Roger, whilst it may have been an issue in some equipments, it was milked.

We were warned that airliners would fall from the skies, that PCs would fail to function and the world of IT and electronics would meltdown, never to recover. The modern world would have to reset without expensive, opportunist intervention

I don't doubt that some people got very, very rich in the process. A little like climate change.

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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

With respect Roger, whilst it may have been an issue in some equipments, it was milked.

We were warned that airliners would fall from the skies, that PCs would fail to function and the world of IT and electronics would meltdown, never to recover. The modern world would have to reset without expensive, opportunist intervention

I don't doubt that some people got very, very rich in the process. A little like climate change.

You had people running to the hills.

Like climate change.

I worked out a while ago that it was possible to believe in environmentalism but be very sceptical about net zero. And the catastrophising of some of the net zero adherents is very off-putting and self-defeating. As is the hypocrisy. 

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It was climate change that killed off the dinosaurs.

The British Isles got covered in glaciers. 

It was climate change that melted them.

What goes around comes around.

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